
How to decrypt IRC Bot's blowfish encrypted messages.

I am making an IRC bot in php to read content of a channel. Bot is done fine.But the messages are encrypted With blowfish encryption. i have the key and all, i tried PHP's code below but didn;t worked. echo mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH,$key,$input,MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); For more help the encryption is done via drftpd site bot. I can fin...

Mac equivalent for CryptProtectData and CryptUnProtectData

I need mac (carbon) equivalent for CryptProtectData and CryptUnProtectData. Please refrain from suggesting a cocoa solution with "move to cocoa" since that's not an option. ...

Extend file upload class to use encryption

Is there an easy/straightforward way to extend the file upload class to encrypt files that are being uploaded? Not just encrypting the filename, but rather the data in the file itself. I'm using mcrypt for db encryption, and would prefer to use the same for file encryption. Looking through the Upload.php library, I don't see an obviou...

open encrypted file

Hi, I'm looking for a way to open encrypted files that are stored on a server. I'm using mcrypt to encrypt the files. I was initially going to create a class that would open the file, decrypt it, write it to a new location, then open that. But I have convinced myself there is a better way (I just don't know what it is). It seems like ...

Is it possible to decrypt files encrypted with php mcrypt_encode with third party utilities?

I am inexperienced with symmetric encryption. I am encrypting a pdf file in php using the following code: $source_filepath = RB::get('docroot') . RB::get('baseUrl') . '/submissions/' . $this->_filename; $encrypted_filepath = $source_filepath . '.nc'; $pdf_data = file_get_contents($source_filepath); $encrypted_data = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRY...

Confused about encryption with public and private keys (which to use for encryption)

I am making a licensing system when clients ask my server for a license and I send them a license if they are permitted to have one. On my current system I encrypt the license using a single private key and have the public key embedded into the client application that they use to decrypt the license. It works! Others have told me that...

rijndael encryption - only part of the string is decrypted.

Only part of the string is getting decrypted, i think it has to do with my encoding. Here is what happens: string s = "The brown fox jumped over the green frog"; string k = "urieurut"; string enc = EncryptString(s, k); string dec = DecryptString(enc, k); The RESULT is this: The brown fox juϼ㴘裴혽Ή⪻ㆉr t...

How to extract private keys from an ssh-agent?

ssh-add -l displays that I have 3 RSA keys added to my SSH agent. ssh-add -L displays the public keys. How do I get the private keys as well, so that I can save them to a file? Or is it by design that this is impossible, i.e. ssh-agent can be asked to do operations using the private key, but it will never return the key itself? If it is ...

Generate one-time key with AES in Counter mode

How to generate one-time key in AES counter mode using java cryptography? I want to use that one-time key as session key in my PGP implementation? ...

Where to start with web service development?

I am currently working on a project that is very new to me, and I feel a bit over my head as far as knowledge base is concerned. My request is for references and information to help me expand my knowledge base, as well as recommendations for technologies and methods. I have experience primarily with Java, so all this Windows service stuf...

How do I compute the approximate entropy of a bit string?

Is there a standard way to do this? Googling -- "approximate entropy" bits -- uncovers multiple academic papers but I'd like to just find a chunk of pseudocode defining the approximate entropy for a given bit string of arbitrary length. (In case this is easier said than done and it depends on the application, my application involves 16...

Data encrypted with openssl_public_encrypt is different every time?

why is the content of $encrypted every time different? // aquire public key from server $server_public_key = openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents("C:\publickey.pem")); // rsa encrypt openssl_public_encrypt("123", $encrypted, $server_public_key); also I have tried this one $publicKey = "file://C:/publickey.pem"; $privateKey =...

Ruby - encrypted_strings

A bit of a Ruby newbie here - should be an easy question: I want to use the encrypted_strings gem to create a password encrypted string: (from http://rdoc.info/projects/pluginaweek/encrypted_strings) Question is: Everything works fine, but how come I don't need the password to decrypt the string? Say I want to store the string somewhe...

Encryption in GSM Voice communication

Is there end-to-end voice encryption in GSM ? If not, is voice communication between mobile handset and mobile base station, at least encrypted ? What keys are used there and which alogrithms ? any idea? ...

SharpZipLib ZipEntry how can you change the name of a file in the zip?

How do you change the name stored in the zip file? Also, can this be done when adding the file via: ZipFile zf = new ZipFile("path"); zf.BeginUpdate(); zf.Add(filePath); <-- i would like to also be able to change it when adding zf.CommitUpdate(); ...

Are SHA-1, SHA-2 patented?

Do you need a license to use SHA-1 or SHA-2 for commercial purposes? ...

Working password encyption methods for user password managment needed ?

Possible Duplicate: Password encryption/ decryption code in .NET Can someone provide working code to encrypt a password and store it in the database.Anything simple would do,some "salt" would be nice. public void Encrypt(string password) { } public void Verify(string password) { } ...

How can you secure/encrypt your querystring in asp.net?

Hi, I was wondering how you could encrypt/decrypt your querystring in a simple asp.net page? some values need to be passed between different pages but the querystring cannot be changed or read. Some say httphandles could be the solution for this. Any thoughts? MORE BACKGROUND INFO: hi thx for all the comments. this is the problem, s...

Can you figure out the password hashing scheme?

I have two passwords and two resulting hashes. I can't figure out how the hash is derived from the password. I don't know if salting is used. I don't know if the password is hashed as a integer value or as a string (possibly Unicode). Password: 6770 Hash: c12114b91a3841c143bbeb121693e80b Password: 9591 Hash: 25238d578b6a61c2c54bfe55742...

HowTo Crypt/Encrypt some string (e.g. Password) on Qt simple

Hi. Here what I have got: Qt SDK version 4.6.2 Windows XP Question: how can I simply crypt and encrypt simple QString value? I need this to be able to save some crypted string into the INI file, and after reopening application encrypt string to normal password string value. PS: I'm looking simple and nice solution. Thanks for help...