
"PKCS#1 v2.0 encryption is usually called OAEP encryption" Where can I confirm it?

I heard that "PKCS#1 v2.0 encryption is usually called OAEP encryption". I'll need some kind of "official" doc saying this before using it on my project. I'm trying to find it with no sucess. Any idea where can I find it? Thanks! (by the way, could anyone with more than 1500 reputation create the tag PKCS#1? Thanks!) ...

Python-based password tracker (or dictionary)

Hello: Where we work we need to remember about 10 long passwords which need to change every so often. I would like to create a utility which can potentially save these passwords in an encrypted file so that we can keep track of them. I can think of some sort of dictionary passwd = {'host1':'pass1', 'host2':'pass2'}, etc, but I don't kn...

decode mysql query before returning it to view

I'm running a query to mysql that returns encrypted data. I'd like, if possible, to decode the results before sending it to the view. It seems like better form to handle the decoding in the controller (or even the model) rather than inside the view. I can't seem to wrap my head around how to do it, though. I was thinking I could iter...

test vectors for aes-cbc:essiv and afmerge

I'm looking for test vectors for AES-256 in CBC mode with essiv:sha256 for the IV-generation, and for testvectors for AFMerge. Both are used in cryptsetup (a Linux program for disk encryption.) ...

Encryption from c# application

SITUATION: I need to make encryption happen between my remote database and my c# application. I don't know what I'm doing (never done any encryption before) and all the stuff I found on the web was for asp.net and dealt with the web.config file. SOME RELEVANT DATA: My connection string contains password info for SQL server authenticatio...

C# Libraries to encrypt/decrypt using AES

I couldn't find aes libraries in .net framework. Is there any external libraries? thanks ...

best way to take Backup of code and DB ?

So what can be best way to have a Backup of code and DB is it downloading Locally via http ? But i fear it is security risk as some hacker might get access to it . I am looking into compress then encrypt the compressed file. But i dunno what encryption i should use and if linux CLI tool available for password protected encryption ? T...

Salt question - using a "random salt"

Hey everyone, Further to my question here, I have another question regarding salts. When someone says "use a random salt" to pre/append to a password, does this mean: Creating a static a 1 time randomly generated string of characters, or Creating a string of characters that changes at random every time a password is created? If th...

Best practices to store CreditCard information into DataBase

In my country the online payments are not an old thing, the first time i saw a web application taking payments directly to a local bank account was last year. So, Im a newbie coding web payment system. My question is, what are the best practices to store creditcard information into the database... I have many ideas: encrypting the cre...

BCrypt says long, similar passwords are equivalent - problem with me, the gem, or the field of cryptography?

I've been experimenting with BCrypt, and found the following. If it matters, I'm running ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-04-30 trunk 27557) [i686-linux] require 'bcrypt' # bcrypt-ruby gem, version 2.1.2 @long_string_1 = 'f287ed6548e91475d06688b481ae8612fa060b2d402fdde8f79b7d0181d6a27d8feede46b833ecd9633b10824259ebac13b077efb7c24563fce0000670834215...

RSA: Encrypting message using multiple keys

Is it possible to get additional security by encrypting a message using 2 or more RSA keys? EDIT: A few clarifications: The context I am most interested in doing this for is encrypting a randomly generated symmetric key. I don't want to limit the question to encrypting twice in a row; the purpose is to avoid the high computational cos...

encrypting passwords in a python conf file on a windows platform

Hello all. I have a script running on a remote machine. db info is stored in a configuration file. I want to be able to encrypt the password in the conf text so that no one can just read the file and gain access to the database. This is my current set up: My conf file sensitive info is encoded with base64 module. The main script then de...

Set File header of ".txt" file in .Net

Is it possible to store some special content inside file header of ".txt" file using .Net ? If yes how ? Please give me a sample code. ...

database encryption questions

We are using Sybase SQL Anywhere 11. We need to encrypt some of our tables in our database. I followed the instruction and did it. We selected the "strong" option with encryptionKey and AES256_FIPS algorithm. But there are something I am not clear about them. It will require encryptonKey when we create the database, remove the database...

Why is using a Non-Random IV with CBC Mode a vulnerability?

I understand the purpose of an IV. Specifically in CBC mode this insures that the first block of of 2 messages encrypted with the same key will never be identical. But why is it a vulnerability if the IV's are sequential? According to CWE-329 NON-Random IV's allow for the possibility of a dictionary attack. I know that in practice pro...

Create x509 certificate with openssl/makecert tool

I'm creating a x509 certificate using makecert with the following parameters: makecert -r -pe -n "CN=Client" -ss MyApp I want to use this certificate to encrypt and decrypt data with RSA algoritm. I look to generated certificate in windows certificate store and everything seems ok (It has a private key, public key is a RSA key...

Using openssl encryption for Apple's HTTP Live Streaming

Has anyone had any luck getting encrypted streaming to work with Apple's HTTP Live Streaming using openssl? It seems I'm almost there but my video doesn't play but I don't get any errors in Safari either (like "Video is unplayable" or "You don't have permission to play this video" when I got the key wrong). #bash script: keyFile="key.t...

Is it a good idea to use only a key to encrypt an entire (small) filesystem?

This question comes as part of my doubts presented on a broader question about ideas implementing a small encrypted filesystem on Java Mobile phones (J2ME, BlackBerry, Android). Provided the litte feedback received, considering the density of the question, I decided to divide those doubts into small questions. So to sum up I plan to "cr...

Two RC4 implementations generated different encryption results

Why is encryption algorithm may give different results in AS3 and PHP? In AS3 I use library from http://labs.boulevart.be/index.php/2007/05/23/encryption-in-as2-and-as3/. And in PHP I use RC4 Cipher. Could some tell me what is the problem? Thanks. ...

"Out of Memory" Exception when Decrypting an XML file

I'm using the System.Security.Cryptography library to encrypt and decrypt xml files. Recently though I've been getting OOM (Out of Memory) exceptions while trying to decrypt a 75MB file. Here's the code I'm using: using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml; ... public static XmlDocument DecryptIntoXmlDoc(string filename) ...