
Encrypt a portion of a script?

Hello, Is it possible to just encrypt a portion of a full php script? For example: Just encrypt the following, but leave the rest of the script non-ecrypted. function getTimeStamp() { return time(); } Thanks. ...

Data protection on mobile devices.

Hi, I'm storing some healthcare data on a mobile phone and I'd like to know what the best system of encryption is, to keep the data secure. It's basically a bunch of model objects, that I'm serializing and storing using NSKeyedArchiver / the equivalent on Blackberry (the name eludes me for now) Any tips? I don't want to make up securit...

ASP.NET form's data encryption without SSL

Normally, if I complete a form, the data will be sent to the server as raw plain text which could be read by sniffers. I want to encrypt form's data client-side (like username, password,...) and then send them to the server. It seems that there are two ways: 1- Using SSL (in my scenarion, I can't use) 2- Using custom ActiveX control. 3...

Encrypting text data methodology

I'm developing a journal web app and am trying to tackle what I foresee as the biggest problem - trusting me not to read other people's entries. The solution I have so far is: User gives a secret key each time they login. It is not stored with their user data and is only kept for the lifetime of the session. Each entry the user writes ...

Call encryption method, not working?

I've got a class called Membership, in which i have a two methods. The first one's called validateUser, and the second one is called encryptPass. The problem is that even though i call the encryptPass method, it returns the original password. In other words; it doesn't seem like it's actually returning the data or it's not calling the me...

Flex 4 How to create an Encrypted SQLite Database

Hello! How can I create and use an encrypted SQLite database for an AIR application, please? Thank you. ...

Encrypting and Decrypting Strings in C#

Possible Duplicate: Encrypt/Decrypt string in .NET I've been searching all over Google for a simple way to do this, but they don't work in C# 4.0 which I'm using. I have a textbox where i input the string i want to encrypt, and then it encrypts that text and displays the encrypted version of the text on a label. Then, they put...

encode/encrypt url parameter

I want to encrypt a URL variable so that the user can't see the information when it is passed. I've found several scripts online but none of them work. Most seem to lean toward using base-64. Could someone help me write a short script that would encode or encrypt and then reverse that in the next page? It doesn't have to be super sec...

Python client for MSSQL, with encrypted connections?

I am looking for a Python client for MSSQL, but one that supports encrypted connections to a remote MSSQL server. Can someone recommend a technique for using Python to read from MSSQL, over an encrypted connection? ...

PHP difference between mcrypt and openssl?

Why have these two methods of using blowfish in ecb-mode different outputs? <?php echo bin2hex(mcrypt_encrypt("blowfish", "test", "test", "ecb"))."\n"; echo bin2hex(openssl_encrypt("test", "bf-ecb", "test", true))."\n"; ?> ...

mix N bits with next N bits (e.g each 4bits) 00001111 -> 01010101

As the title of this question tells I want to know the best way to mix blocks of bits within an integer (especially 64bit unsigned) for example I have 8bit integer, where it's bits are 0000 1111 mix 4bits by 4 bits = 0101 0101 example 2: 0010 0110 0 1 1 0 right * left* = 00011100 mix 4bits by 4 bits = 0001...

Encrypt plain text password for GAE <> Android communication

I have an application for Android which communicates with a Google App Engine (GAE) back-end. For authentication I have a user name and password, however I don't wanna store the plain text password on the client and transfer it in plain text on an insecure channel. So I was thinking of hashing the password when the users enters it the f...

Encryption in Palm WebOS

My question is related to the one here. I know how to send the credentials to a service. What I need is a way to encrypt those credentials. In browser javascript/ajax, when I need to access a service, I put an ajax call in to a php script, which used hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key) as the encryption method. I need to use md5, but Mojo.mode...

JAXBContext and Marshaller change the order of XML namespace

I have a code line like this : StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(namespace); Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller(); marshaller.marshal(input, writer); When namespace = "nfpa:nfpares". I have a generated content like this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standal...

I Have: RSA key, exponent, plaintext. I Want: cipher text. Should be 2 lines of Obj-C no?

As the title says. Using the iPhone SDK, I want to RSA encrypt some (small) plaintext using an existing key and exponent I am given from a server for authentication. Surely this is a trivial task that requires one library import and a couple of lines of code? If not, why not? ...

xor encryption: setting value of key to 904932 eating up 'd'

i am making a program to implement xor encryption,while playing around with my program i entered various key combinations the program was working perfectly until i entered value of key : 904932 which caused ommition of 'd' character e.g if i enter 'hi my name is dexter and i hate my stupid sister dede' in edit1,encrypting and decrypting...

How to prevent a man-in-the-middle attack in case of a compromised server?

Imagine that a server is serving public keys of the users to their partners to make encrypted communication possible. However, the server does NOT have access to the private keys.. Anyway - imagine the server is hacked and it sends not the requested public keys: Alice requests Bob's public key Server sends Eve's public key ...

Store with encryption and access a lot of big data using ruby

Which options do I have if I need to store a lot of files or big data chunks with encryption, access them fast and have it all in one file? Something like Sqlite with encryption and optimized for big chunks of data. Also I need ruby binding. ...

Pitfalls of encrypting (with salt) of a md5-hashed-password (php)

A client has a huge userbase and I'm required to encrypt/hash passwords in a secure manner. The problem is I can't ask every user to change their password and the passwords are already hashed with md5() without a salt. One way of doing this is to encrypt the current passwords with a salt and when a user changes or resets the password i j...

How do I share sign-in information between Outlook Web Anywhere and Exchange Web Services?

I'm attempting to develop a chrome extension which will allow a user to use Outlook Web Anywhere more effectively. During development, I noticed that there doesn't appear to be any way to share login information between OWA (which uses form based authentication) and Exchange Web Services (which I'm using for the bulk of the extension), ...