
How to find out what algorithm [ encryption ] are supported by my JVM?

I am using Jasypt for encryption. This is my code: public class Encryptor { private final static StandardPBEStringEncryptor pbeEncryptor = new StandardPBEStringEncryptor(); private final static String PASSWORD = "FBL"; private final static String ALGORITHM = "PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES"; static{ pbeEncryptor.set...

BouncyCastle Decryption works, but not Encryption?

I'm getting an encrypted string from an external service that I need to decrypt, and then re-encrypt using the BouncyCastle API. I've managed to get decryption working fine, but encryption doesn't seem to work. When I try to decrypt a string generated by my encryption method I get an InvalidCipherTextException with the message "unknown ...

Encryption / Decryption sqlite database using java

Hello, Is there any free library / Java API to encrypt and decrypt sqlite database in java ? I am using SQLite JDBC driver as part of xerial project. Thanks, Deep ...

How do I treat a plain-text message as a numerical value (for encryption algorithms)?

I am learning about cryptographic algorithms and in the process am attempting to implement some well known schemes. I understand the mathematical explanations behind RSA and El Gamal, but am currently unable to test my implementations of either. The underlying problem is that I cannot see the way to convert plain text into a manipulatabl...

Captcha encryption

I have created a captcha image making program with PHP <?php function word($n) { $consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ"; $vowels = "aeiou"; $word[1] = $consonants[rand(0, 41)]; $word[2] .= $vowels[rand(0, 4)]; $word[3] .= $consonants[rand(0, 41)]; $word[4] .= $consonants[rand(0, 41)]; ret...

Encrypting a file with 3 passwords [SOLVED]

Hi. This is kind of an unusual problem. I am having difficulty encrypting a file using 3 passwords. I am attempting to wrap one CryptoStream around two other CryptoStreams, but when I write the file to the disk, it seems to become corrupted, and the padding cannot be completely removed. Why would this be happening? EDIT: This was SOLVED....

Does using dropbox require encryption disclosure

If I use the Dropbox API in my iOS app does this require me to declare at submission time that I have encryption in my App? If so is this a big amount of frak for a solo developer, legal & paperwork wise? ...

Problem with decrypting xml document

Hi, I have written some code that has encrypted an XML config file containing user credentials, and also the code to decrypt that file. When I run the encryption and decryption together on my local machine it works as expected. However, when I deploy the program, with only the decrypt code, the xml file will not decrypt. I get a cryp...

Migrating Rails restful authentication users to Django

Hello! I'm looking to migrate users of a rails app which uses the Restful Authentication module (which uses a stretched sha1 encryption algorithm) to a Django app, using the default authentication framework (which uses a plain sha1 algorithm). Does anybody know how I can make this happen? specifically, can I somehow implement the same e...

Android VideoViewer cannot show decrypted mp4 from streaming URL

Hello, I am currently attempting to implement a solution to show encrypted video on Android (v1.6). The mp4 video is encrypted using AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding and then copied to the SD card. Since the decryption process is slow I have installed i-Jetty on the device and am setting my VideoView URI to be the localhost address of the servlet...

Encryption/Decryption in .NET

I'm looking for a secure way to encrypt and decrypt a string in a Visual Studio Project (in C#). I found that there is native DES classes, but it's not secure enough. Do you have any suggestions? UPDATE : OK then, the question is : What's the most secure way to encrypt/decrypt a string without too much hassle (aka having to install exte...

mdc error when decrypting GPG message

I have a client and server system that regularly run scheduled tasks and communicate through xml files that have been encrypted by gpg. All required public keys have been successfully exchanged between the client and server. The encryption and decryption calls are being done from a batch file. encrypt syntax gpg.exe --batch --yes --re...

Problem with MySQL's AES_DECRYPT.

I'm looking for a way to encrypt data on its way into a MySQL database, and decrypt it on the way out. Additionally, I would like to be able to perform normal SQL queries on those fields, such as searching and comparison, which prevents me from using a pure PHP solution. This leads me to AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT(), which can be dup...

Silverlight RIA Services encryption issue

Hi all, I have a silverlight application with classic User Login process.My problem is that when I listening the browser with Fiddler application,i see request uris clearly which means: myriaserviceurl/binary/?username=asd&password=12345 this isnt secure isnt it? Do RIA Services have an encryption? How can i encrypt data between clien...

OneTimePad implementation fails. Maybe a stream problem?

Hi, I had some time and decided to implement a one time pad just for fun and self education. Now I end up with a weird behavior of the data. Its driving me crazy ^^. Would you please help me? Thanks in advance. There is an encrypt method which takes as arguements: an InputStream for the plain text an OutputStreams for the cipher tex...

Why would you ever want to store a plain-text or encrypted(not hashed) password in a database?

I've heard quite a few reasons for storing hashed passwords in a database. However, there are almost always options in authentications APIs to store passwords as plain text or encrypted. Is there ever a reason you would want to store a password as plain text or encrypted in a database? Note To be clear I know that storing non-hashed ...

Is there a pure Erlang cryptography library with support for AES?

I need to use AES encryption in my embedded Erlang application, but OpenSSL is unavailable for my target system and so the crypto library from OTP can't be built. I probably could cross-compile OpenSSL as well, but I would prefer a pure Erlang solution to remove another dependency. Does one exist? ...

Secure communication between linked SQL Servers

Is the data transferred between two SQL Servers protected (encrypted) by default? If not, is there a way to accomplish this? I have two SQL Server 2005 databases running on separate servers, separate machines, separate networks. How can I ensure that data transmitted from one server to another is secure? I have tried researching the su...

Encrypting Communication with SQL Server Database

I have a SQL Server database with some sensitive info. I want to encrypt communications between this database and a remote webservice. How is this achieved? ...

Encrypted class files with decryption handled by a native library

The article "Cracking Java byte-code encryption" (javaworld.com/javaworld/javaqa/2003-05/01-qa-0509-jcrypt.html) explains why class file encryption using a custom class loader is pointless, because at some point you always need to call defineClass(), which passes the class file to the JVM as an unencrypted byte array. However I've seen ...