
Case classes vs Enumerations in Scala

I was wondering if there are any best practice guidelines on when to use case classes vs extending Enumeration in Scala. They seem to offer some of the same benefits. ...

What's a neater, more pythonic way to do the following enumeration?

for row, instrument in enumerate(instruments): for col, value in enumerate(instrument): self.table.SetValue(row, col, value) ...

How to add a method to a Scala Enumeration object?

I'm using Scala 2.8 and defining an Enumeration like this: object Stooges extends Enumeration { type Stooge = Value val Larry, Curly, Moe = Value } And I want to add a method to this Enumeration that cycles to the "next" stooge. I can define such a method outside Stooges and this works in a test program just fine: def nextStooge(...

problem while using enum for operators like +, - in c

Hi, I'm trying to enumerate some operators, my code line is : enum operations{+=4,-,%,<,>} when i'm trying to compile this line , gcc says : expected identifier before ‘+’ token So, how can I enumerate these operators. Can we use some escape characters for them ? ...

How to iterate through Dictionary without using foreach

I am not sure if the title formulates it well so sorry. I basically have a bunch of elements listing targets for a communication. I placed them in a dictionary though i am open to moving them to a different data structure. My problem is that i have a tree-like structure where a key is a branch and each branch has many leaves. Both the...

Enumerating a collection, then modifying it, what is the precedent for throwing an exception?

When enumerating a .NET collection, MSDN states that: An enumerator remains valid as long as the collection remains unchanged. If changes are made to the collection, such as adding, modifying, or deleting elements, the enumerator is irrecoverably invalidated and its behavior is undefined. What exactly does "irrecoverably invalidate...

Get an Enumeration (for the Keys) of a Map (HashMap) in Java?

Hello, maybe I am missing something completely. But as far as I understand this, there seems to be no direct way of getting an Enumeration directly for the Keys of a HashMap. I can only get a keySet(). From that Set I can get an Iterator but an Iterator seems to be something different than an Enumeration. What is the best and most per...

How to get Enumeration Value's Enumeration definition?

object TestEnum extends Enumeration{ val One = Value("One") val Two,Three= Value } println(TestEnum.One.getClass) println(TestEnum.One.getClass.getDeclaringClass)//get Enumeration So my question is how to get Class[TestEnum] from TestEnum.One? Thanks. ...

(How) can I count the items in an enum?

This question came to my mind, when I had something like enum Folders {FA, FB, FC}; and wanted to create an array of containers for each folder: ContainerClass*m_containers[3]; .... m_containers[FA] = ...; // etc. (Using maps it's much more elegant to use: std::map<Folders, ContainerClass*> m_containers;) But to come back to my or...

Qt4 QSettings save enumeration value (for example Qt::CheckState)

i wanna save state of QCheckBok in QSetting, i can cast its value to int but maybe exists more simple and proper method to do it? here is my code: QSetting setting; Qt::CheckState checkState; //... checkState = (Qt::CheckState)setting.value("checkState", Qt::Unchecked).toUInt(); //... setting.setValue("checkState", (uint)checkState); s...

Delphi 2010 RTTI : Explore Enumerations

Hi, Considering such an enumeration : type TTypeOfData = ( [XmlName('ABC')] todABC, [XmlName('DEF')] todDEF, [XmlName('GHI')] todGHI ); Where XmlName is a custom attribute used to define the serialization string for members of this enumeration. How can I explore the attributes attached to each member of this enumer...

for each loop in objective c for accessing NSMutable dictionary

I am finding some difficulty in accessing mutable dictionary keys and values in Objective-C. Suppose I have this: NSMutableDictionary *xyz=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; I can set keys and values. Now, I just want to access each key and value, but I don't know the number of keys set. In PHP it is very easy, something as follows...

Iterate enum values using java generics

I'm trying to find a way to iterate through an enum's values while using generics. Not sure how to do this or if it is possible. The following code illustrates what I want to do. Note that the code T.values() is not valid in the following code. public class Filter<T> { private List<T> availableOptions = new ArrayList<T>(); p...

XSD: How to restrict enumeration values of a derived complex type?

Given the following example: <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt; <xs:complexType name="Book" abstract="true"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="titel" type="xs:string"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="bookCode" type="BookEnum"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexT...

How to enumerate CFProperyList / CFDictionary keys

I would like to iterate through a CFDictionary (CFPropertyList) and get all values on a specific level. This would be my dictionary / property-list: root A foo 0 bar 0 B foo 10 bar 100 C foo 20 bar 500 Using ObjC it would look something like this: //dict is loaded wit...

Search for a string in Enum and return the Enum

I have an enumerator: public enum MyColours { Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Fuchsia, Aqua, Orange } and i have a string: string colour = "Red"; I want to be able to return: MyColours.Red from: public MyColours GetColour(string colour) So far i have: public MyColours GetColours(string colour) { s...

Fast Enumeration With an NSMutableArray that holds an NSDictionary

Is it possible to use fast enumeration with an NSArray that contains an NSDictionary? I'm running through some Objective C tutorials, and the following code kicks the console into GDB mode NSMutableArray *myObjects = [NSMutableArray array]; NSArray *theObjects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"easy as 1",@"easy as two", @"Easy as Three"]; ...

Building object hierarchy from a 'namespace' string

I'm trying to write a function that takes a string representing a namespace (e.g. "MyCompany.UI.LoginPage") and defines each segment of the namespace as an object if it doesn't already exist. For example, if "MyCompany.UI.LoginPage" wasn't an object, it would evaluate this: MyCompany = {}; MyCompany.UI = {}; MyCompany.UI.LoginPage = {};...

How to get name of an enumeration in MATLAB

I define an enumerated type in MATLAB classdef(Enumeration) Color < Simulink.IntEnumType enumeration RED(0), GREEN(1), BLUE(2), end end I can assign it: >> x = Color.RED x = RED I can display it like this: >> disp(x) RED or like this >> x.display() x = RED How can I get access to that name ("R...

Adding Local Filenames/References To Array In Actionscript

how can i cycle thru a local folder to add all (or some) files names and references to that file in an array using actionscript 3.0? var fileArray:Array = new Array(); for (var item:Object in "../myFolder/") { trace(item.name); fileArray.push(item); } something like this? ...