
Why do Jars get Excluded from Enunciate's Deployment?

I'm using Enunciate to build a prototype REST api and need to include a jar containing custom code as a library. My Ant Script looks like this: <!--include all jars--> <path id="en.classpath"> <fileset dir="${lib}"> <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> </path> <!--define the task--> <taskdef name="enunciate" classn...

Spring not finding Hibernate mappings file.

Hey guys, So I am taking Enunciate for a spin and have run into an issue when my servlet starts up. For some reason, despite the file being there, in the classpath, and everything being specified correctly, Spring tells me the following: 09-15@15:36:31 ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Context initialization failed ...

Expose a web service (wsdl) as a webform

Hello all, Just wanted to ask if anyone knows of a reliable & easy way to expose a webservice (wsdl) as a webform to end-users. Our team develops a lot of software for external contacts, which often involve creating a web service and exposing it as both a wsdl and a website. We'd like to automate this last step as much as possible (esp...

A Good Enunciate Tutorial?

Can anyone offer a good, cut-out-the-crap way of learning Enunciate? I've been trying to read through the website but it's just not informative at all. I learn from examples and brief bullet points. Is anyone aware of a tutorial like this around? Every google I do ends up at Mark Mail or the official website. Note: For the time being, ...

Enunciate http error 404

Hi, I tried to setup a simple project with spring and enunciate+jax-ws/jax-rs annotation, but I didn't get it work. I used some great tutorial for the enunciate integration tutorial Enunciate create the api-page like in the tutorial, but I get this error : If I open a mount point, for example the REST one (/rest/Service/getService/...

How to document a Symfony based REST API (similar to enunciate's documentation capabilities)

If I have a REST based service written in the Symfony [symfony-project.org] framework (i.e. PHP), is there any decent tools/frameworks out there that will parse my code and generate API documentation? The Java based framework enunciate has documentation capabilities similar to what I need, you can view an example of this here: http://en...

Apache CXF -Enunciate wsdl generation Error.

We are using Apache CXF code-first approach to create web-services. We have a custom soap header to pass user credentials. I am trying to pass the usercredentials in the SEI using a @webparam annotation. These are two operations in the Service class. @Path("/item/{id}") @GET public Item getItem(@PathParam("id") String id, @WebParam(n...

Error while generating API docs using Enunciate

I created a webservice and would like to generate documentation for the API. So I looked into Enunciate downloaded the maven enunciate plugin. However I get the below error on compile as the webservice annotations are on my interface class that my POJO implements rather than the POJO itself. I don't want to clutter the POJO by adding ...

GWT Compile Error

I've been compiling my application all day absolutely fine however it's suddenly started to fail. As you can see from below, it's a NullPointException but I have no idea about what is wrong. Has anyone dealt with this before, or can offer any help or guidance? [INFO] [enunciate:assemble {execution: default}] [INFO] initializing enunciat...

JAX-WS and Enunciate - How to change Enunciate's default XSD naming convention

Hello there. I'm using Enunciate to generate a SOAP endpoint for a Wicket web application I am working on and I have a couple of questions that I haven't figured out the solution to yet. 1 How do I change the name of the xsd files? I've looked through the FAQ and it tells me to do something similar to this: <xml> <schema namespac...