
Nitrogen: changing targetID breaks lightbox

I'm using Nitrogen & lightbox. I'm looking for some guidance after spending way too long trying to understand why a working example breaks as soon as I change the targetID of a lightbox. The fragment below works if I use "name_dialog" or "share_dialog", but not if I use "compose_dialog". I've looked through the source and style sheets,...

Maximum open ssl connections on Windows

version: erlang R13B Hi all, how can I increase the amount of ssl ports/handles that my network server is able to create on Windows? On linux I was able to successful create about 1000 connections using: -env ERL_MAX_PORTS 80000 -P 268435456 and changing the maximum open fd's using ulimit. On windows apparently there is no effect u...

Emit Tuples From Erlang Views In CouchDB

CouchDB, version 0.10.0, using native erlang views. I have a simple document of the form: { "_id": "user-1", "_rev": "1-9ccf63b66b62d15d75daa211c5a7fb0d", "type": "user", "identifiers": [ "ABC", "DEF", "123" ], "username": "monkey", "name": "Monkey Man" } And a basic javascript design documen...

Is there a good, complete tutorial on Erlang parse transforms available?

There are lots of fragments out there detailing bits and pieces of the parse transform process in Erlang, but none I've found offer complete coverage from motivation to execution. Is there a good tutorial I'm missing somewhere and, if so, where can it be found? ...

Erlang, SSH and authorized_keys

Playing with the ssh and public_key application in Erlang, I've discovered a nice feature. I was trying to connect to my running Erlang SSH daemon by using a rsa key, but the authentication was failing and I was prompted for a password. After some debugging and tracing (and a couple of coffees), I've realized that, for some weird reaso...

write a Query List Comprehensions for a mnesia query

I'm trying to build a small testing app with erlang+mnesia. I have a user table build from the #user record, as defined here: -record(user_details, {name, password}). -record(user, {id, details}). then I insert a user with that function: add_sample_data() -> Mat = #user{ details = #user_details{ name = "mat", password ...

How measure Web App performance ?

I have developed 3 simple blogging system in PHP/Apache/Mysql, Python/Ngix/Postgresql and in Erlang/Yaws/Mnesia. How can I measure performance on my server for this 3 different configuration ? ...

Concurrent program languages for Chat and Twitter-like Apps.

I need to create a simple Chat system like facebook chat and a twitter-like app. What is the best concurrent program languages in this case ? Erlang, Haskell, Scala or anything else ? Thanks ^_^ ...

Erlang: Mnesia or Mysql ?

What DMBS do you use with Erlang ? and Why ? ...

Tracing Erlang Functions - Short forms

As you might know, it's now possible to trace Erlang functions by using the short form: dbg:tpl(Module, Function, x). Instead of the usual: dbg:tpl(Module, Function, dbg:fun2ms(fun(_) -> exception_trace() end)). I'm actually wondering if a similar short form is available for return_trace(). Something like: dbg:tpl(Module, Function...

Erlang: 2 database on 2 webserver ??

I have created a blogging system with php+postgresql. Now I want to add a web chat ( in REAL TIME for Million of users simultaneously ) where every message is saved in database. I am thinking to use Erlang+Mnesia on a different webserver for this issue. Message's table will be like this: message_id, user_id, message, date user_id sho...

Erlang ODBC parameter query with null parameters

Is it possible to pass null values to parameter queries? For example Sql = "insert into TableX values (?,?)". Params = [{sql_integer, [Val1]}, {sql_float, [Val2]}]. % Val2 may be a float, or it may be the atom, undefined odbc:param_query(OdbcRef, Sql, Params). Now, of course odbc:param_query/3 is going to complain if Val2 is undefi...

Erlang list comprehension, traversing two lists and excluding values

I need to generate a set of coordinates in Erlang. Given one coordinate, say (x,y) I need to generate (x-1, y-1), (x-1, y), (x-1, y+1), (x, y-1), (x, y+1), (x+1, y-1), (x+1, y), (x+1, y+1). Basically all surrounding coordinates EXCEPT the middle coordinate (x,y). To generate all the nine coordinates, I do this currently: [{X,Y} || X<-li...

Erlang programming exercises

I'm learning Erlang. I've moved from Haskell so I don't want to and have to learn functional programming. But Erlang is quite specific because of the microprocesses. So, can you give me some examples which will be simple to test and measure and use all the power of Erlang? ...

Why is there no middleware in Erlang?

I asked a question earlier about ESBs written in Erlang or Java, and there didn't seem to be anything in Erlang, and only products in Java. I guess I find it difficult to understand why a language like Erlang has no such ...

Erlang Linux signal handling

Is it possible to trap Linux signals (e.g. SIGUSR1) through an handler in Erlang? (without having to resort to a driver crafted in C) ...

Are there third party GUIs to manage OTP applications?

Is there anything like the weblogic console, but for administrating an OTP application (written in Erlang)? ...

erlang AMQP client library

Is there an Erlang AMQP client library that isn't tied to the hip with RabbitMQ ? I know about but I would like something more decoupled... pain when it comes to packaging this stuff for a Debian repository, installation etc... ...

How create a P2P web-chat without any server ?

is there a way to create a P2P web-chat without any server ? ...

Time order of messages

Read (skimmed enough to get coding) through Erlang Programming and Programming Erlang. One question, which is as simple as it sounds: If you have a process Pid1 on machine m1 and a billion million messages are sent to Pid1, are messages handled in parallel by that process (I get the impression no) and(answered below) is there any guar...