
Print PHP Call Stack

I'm looking for a way to print the call stack in PHP. Bonus points if the function flushes the IO buffer. ...

Best Practices for Error Logging and/or reporting for iPhone

When I do web development, I use a custom made logger that catches fatal errors and appends a trace to a file and displays a message to the user. I can occasionally glance to see if the file changed, which means, some user encountered an error and I can dig in to see what they encountered. I'd like something similar on the iphone, wit...

"signal Segmentation fault". Where this error is coming from?

Hey! From time to time my Apache server logs this error [Sat Nov 07 05:35:01 2009] [notice] child pid 2795 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) What may be the reason behind the error? Thanks! ...

How to log error message in drupal

How to log our own error messages(for ex: error due to invalid user date entry) which is generated in php program to drupal error log. ...

How to record the name of the file/line that called the current function in PHP?

I am writing a lightweight logging class in php. How do I automatically record the filename/function/line number where the function in the Log class is being called from and save the line number and time and stuff without making my users bother with entering $__LINE__ and $__FILE__ every time they call the function. Is there something ...

How to detect if page load in newly-started browser process fails?

Hello, I use Process.Start("firefox.exe", "http://localhost/page.aspx"); And how i can know page fails or no? OR How to know via HttpWebRequest, HttpWebResponse page fails or not? When i use HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("somepage.aspx"); HttpWebResponse loWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myReq.GetResponse(); C...

Does PHP Error_reporting(0) have any effect on logging information?

Should error_reporting(0) have any effect on error logging (to file) or does it just suppress on screen error displays? Thanks. ...

Error handling in multi-layer WinForm App

If I have a multi-layer Winform app with a Presentation, Business and Data Layer for example, and I encounter an error in either the Business Layer or Data Layer for which the only logical action is to log the error and inform the user that an error has occurred where should the logging take place? Should I put the the methods in the Bu...

PHP log will not ignore repeated errors with ignore_repeated_errors = On

The title says it all. Although I have instructed php to only log an error once - i see the error over and over again in my log file. Any ideas why this directive would get ignored? I've restarted apache, etc. ...

Error Log Database -- For many apps

I have a bunch of existing client/server applications that are currently chugging along. Once in a while, a client will want to add on some type of web-interface to access part of their data. These are typically custom, although some are "generic"; but everyone has their own "instance" in its own VM. What I want is a centralized area to...

Python logging over multiple files

Hello Gentlemen, I've read through the logging module documentation and whilst I may have missed something obvious, the code I've got doesn't appear to be working as intended. I'm using Python 2.6.4. My program consists of several different python files, from which I want to send logging messages to a text file and, potentially, the sc...

Which log utility is good for .NET application in C# (ASP.NET, WinForms)?

Hi Experts, I am trying to evaluate some of the best log utilities available for .NET framework, such as Microsoft Enterprise Library, Log4Net, elmah. Can someone who has already gone through this exercise would come to my help in listing pros and cons of the best available in the market. Thanks & Regards, Rajeev Ranjan Lall ...

What Is a Good Layout for a Standard Error Log File?

I am trying to design the error and warning log file for my desktop program. As my program reads the user's input file, it may find syntax errors or invalid data of some sort. Once everything is read and the program is processing the data, more problems may be found. I want to write messages about these into a simple text file. I may...

What is the best way to get the URL of a 404'd file after redirect?

Hello all, I'm working with a PHP site that needs to log errors to a database. As such, I've set up a .htaccess file as follows: ErrorDocument 404 /404.php 404.php contains all of the logging functions necessary to insert the log into the database. What I'm having problems with is retrieving the URL of the file that triggered the 40...

Can I use Zend_Log to handle PHP errors?

I'm developing a web service with Zend, more specifically I'm Zend_Amf for interop with Adobe Flex. The problem with this is that I can not easily see PHP errors because the Flex debugger won't display the actual answers from the server unless they are proper Amf. If I visit the Zend_Amf endpoint with the Web Browser I don't get any erro...

Use Rack::CommonLogger in Sinatra

I have a small web-server that I wrote with Sinatra. I want to be able to log messages to a log file. I've read through and, and I see that Rack has something called Rack::CommonLogger, but I can't find any examples of how it can be accessed and used to log messages. ...

Azure Run/Publish Fail Reason or Exception Dump

I'm wrestling with the Azure Deployment process. I have an application (many applications) that have run very-well-thank-you-very-much on my local machine, but when I publish and run them they often are "Initializing...." and then "Stopping..." because they've hit some error. My question is: How can I find out what the error was that ...

php error_log not getting updated on a MAMP stack

I have MAMP installed on my mac OSX 10.5, php 5.2.11, Apache 2 running phpinfo() from the webserver, shows:- error_log = /Applications/MAMP/logs/php_error_log log_errors = On display_errors = On ini as poining to /Applications/MAMP/conf/php5/php.ini Thinking that there might be a permissions issue. ...

Performance and Functioanlity Difference between log4j and Logging Util class

I am newbie for the logging class in Java.util package, I have developed an Application and want to implement the logging mechanism at different levels, I am just thinking to which one to go for and identify the differences between these 2. I am looking 1) logger should be easily maintainable, implementable. Can any one suggest on this. ...

ASP.NET application not logging to the windows event log

I have two ASP.NET MVC web applications. One of them logs unhandled exceptions to the windows event log. The other doesn't. Is there a setting in IIS or the web.config to enable event log logging? Apologies for the broad question, I'm really looking for avenues for investigation. ...