
"Lights Out" Automated Scheduled Batch Creation of Excel Workbook?

Anybody have a good approach to automate the batch creation of custom-formatted Excel workbooks at a regularly scheduled time or after an event occurs (e.g., file created, table loaded)? To make things even more interesting, let's further assume that the source data is in a relational database or Unix file, and the results need to be e...

compare excel data with date & show other matched data in powershell script.

Hi, I am trying to get the "date of birth" column in my excel sheet compared with system date & get the matches. The next step would be to get the associated datas(login names) in the same row, of the matched dates & display the same or dump the data to any file somewhere. This is what I have now: $link = "http://sp-fin/sites/arindam-s...

MS Excel 2003: Partially Refresh PivotCache or Combine PivotCache

I have an Excel pivotcache that is connected to an Access database query. However, if I change the source data in Access (e.g. change a value, add / delete a record), I have to refresh the pivotcache which in turn runs the query again to retrieve all records on the entire dataset. This is very inefficient. I only want to retrieve records...

Vlookup, Google Docs., Filter & Sum

I have a row with a cost, item type and a "tags" columns. I want to be able to find the total cost of all rows containing a certain "tag". I tried using VLOOKUP but I keep on getting a $0.00 return. Example Row Setup: PART NUMBER - COST - TAGS - MANU ID - WEIGHT 0001025-SVR - 25.99 - JP, CABLES, PVC - 17.4 0A06422-SVR - 14.2...

Help with excel automation addin

I am a newbie with addin programming and need help with the following scenario. I have an C# excel automation addin that calls a few UDFs. I want to do a user name and password check during when the automation addin loads for which a screen where the user can enter his details must pop up on load of the add in. How can it be done using ...

Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer making Rows width longer

How can i make rows a bid longer? if i output the excel all prints fine, only if the title is a bit long, then the Title is not readable. How can i fix that? ...

Problem in Copying the data one Excel to another Excel using VBSCript

Hi All, I have an excel sheet which contains around 1000 lines of data, i have copy these data to another sheet which satisfy the condition. In order to achieve this i have written a script, For m = 1 To x2 'iterate single column For n = 1 To x4 'iterate PM_DUMP If InStr(PMSheet.cells(n,6).value, dupSingle.cells(m,1).value) > 0 ...

How to query Microsoft Access Database fields from VBA in Excel

Hey guys, I am currently writing a program to save stuff entered in a form in Excel into a database in Access. I am trying to increment a primary key field within Access by "1" whenever I add data from the fields in my Excel form. Because I have declared this field as a PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL field, it doesn't allow me add another row o...

Excel Cell Format in JasperReport Report

I'm working on JasperReport Report that generates Excel file. For some reason my cell formats/types are not how they should be. For example I have Date object in my cell but when I generate Excel file it sets cell type to Number, or Long type is text in the cell but cell's format is number (see THIS excel file for example) and also when ...

Excel/Visual Studio/C#. How to change the display name of a cell but keep the formula

Hi there, I have some code that those: void mActiveSheet_Change(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range Target) { if (Target.Cells.Formula.ToString().StartsWith("=FR(")) .... } So whenever someone uses my custom function "=FR" I can handle it. That's fine but while the formula value for that cell ...

How do I make sure an OptionButton.Value has been chosen

Hi guys, I currently making an Excel VB application. However, I am stuck at the moment. I am trying to make the choice between two OptionButtons compulsory. I tried the code If Me.PWebOption.Value = False & Me.BWebOption = False Then MsgBox "Please choose a type of website" Exit Sub End If But this is not giving me ...

i want remove duplicate values from the excel sheet in java.

I have an excel sheet where I have duplicate values for many rows. How can I make it have unique values? I'm looking for some code which will remove duplicates from this excel sheet and store it back in the same file. ...

Copy Text from Range in Excel into Word Document

hi, how do you: 1) copy text from a range in an Excel Document. 2) Open a Word Document. 3) inserts the text into a specific part of the word document. regards Kojo Edit: here is the approach Dim wrdApp As Word.Application Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document Dim j As Integer Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") wrdApp.Visi...

Copy/Paste from Excel to a web page

Hi All, Is there a standard way or library to copy and paste from a spreasheet to a web form? When I select more than one cell from Excel I (obviously) lose the delimiter and all is pasted into one cell of the web form. Does it have to be done in VB? or could the processing be done once the paste action is started on the web form? Than...

ASP.NET CSV Response, Excel Exponential Format Issue

Hi, In my ASP.NET application, I need to write DataTable as CSV response to the customer. Everything is working fine except a column which has a numbers. Ex: 7002136138603600000 But when I open the CSV in Excel, it is showing in exponential format. Something like this: 7E+18 Could you please let me know what needs to be done in or...

Open Excel File on a specific worksheet

Hi, I have an Excel file with 5 worksheets and I want with c# code to open it and when it is opened I want the sheet number 3 to be activated. How can I do that? ...

Preserve images in Excel headers using Apache POI

I am trying to generate Excel reports using Apache POI 3.6 (latest). Since POI has limited support for header and footer generation (text only), I decided to start from a blank excel file with the header already prepared and fill the Excel cells using POI (cf. question 714172). Unfortunately, when opening the workbook with POI and writ...

Detecting struckout text in a cell using JExcelApi

I need to detect whether the text within a cell is struck out or not. I'm using this: Cell cc = sheet.getCell("B1"); CellFormat format = cc.getCellFormat(); System.out.println(format.getFont().isStruckout()); but I remember I read somewhere that CellFormat is deprecated and CellFeatures should be used instead. How could one find out w...

Update subtotals in excel files

I using the OpenXML library to take a datatable and paste it into a pre formatted excel file. This works fine. The problem I have is there is a subtotal row at the top of the pre-formatted excel file, that is set to subtotal each column of this data (so there is a subtotal at the top of each column). When I open the excel file after it...

Can't close userform

Let me set up the environment. This is VBA code running in Excel. I have a userform that contains a mxflexgrid. This flexgrid shows a list of customers and the customer', salesperson, csr, mfg rep, and territories, assignments. When you click in a column, let's say under the Territory column, another userform opens to show a list of T...