
how to create an excel file in google app engine (java)?

A question that seems to have quite a few options for Python, but none for Java after googling for two days. Really really could use some help all I have found so far is a recommendation to use gaeVFS to build an excel file from the xml components and then zip it all together which sounds like a slap in the face. Oh yes and if you were w...

How to know if a cell has an error in the formula in C#

In an Excel formula you can use =ISERR(A1) or =ISERROR(A1) In a VBA macro you can use IsError(sheet.Cells(1, 1)) But using a VSTO Excel Addin project I did not found similar function under the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel API. I only want to know if there is an error in the cell, I'm not really interested in the type of error. My c...

Thread aborted exception in ajax...while downloading excel file from server.

I have a Carousel ..in which I have different images...and on clicking one image...it will call a webmethod through AJAX....and will down load excel sheet with "save/open/saveas" options...that is using following code. Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=r.xls"); Res...

asp.net tree view export to excel

Hi All, I have a web application where I am using asp.net tree view control to show data. No I want that this tree view structure has to exported to excel. Following is the code which do this for me. private void ExportSiteStructure() { Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.Conte...

Is it possibule to insert 200 JPG image together in the excel file with the same size into its cell ?

Dear Everybody, I have 2000 JPG images in a folder & I want to insert all those pictures in a column of excel file into its cells with the same size.So,request you to kindly provide me the easy way to do the job in the short time. Best Regards Sant ...

Remove column in datatable

Hi , I am exporting a datatable to an excel sheet successfully... In that excel sheet i have to display the columns(customerid,Productname,referenceno) of the data table except the last column.... now how can i display the data table in excel without display the last column(referenceno)... anyone tell me the solution of this problem.. ...

Can you detect if and excel find and replace is active during worksheet_change()?

Hi I've just crashed excel using amazon spreadsheet to update feed. When doing find and replace [replace all] with 2 cells selected after the first replacement the worksheet_change() function finished with the whole spreadsheet selected. This meant that the replacements took place outside of the original area. Unfortunatly the replceme...

SSRS export to Excel UNFORMATTED

Hey, I'm looking into SSRS with intention of exporting a lot of the reports to excel. The problem is that when you export it changes cell sizes and removes borders to try and keep the original report format. Is there anyway to stop this happening? So that the report exports to excel with the "usual" excel formatting? If it requires an...

Updating target workbook - extracting data from source workbook

My question is as follows: I have given a workbook to multiple people. They have this workbook in a folder of their choice. The workbook name is the same for all people, but folder locations vary. Let's assume the common file name is MyData-1.xls. Now I have updated the workbook and want to give it to these people. However when they r...

Working with XLSWRITE in MATLAB: How do I delete empty cells?

I am generating an Excel file through MATLAB and I have empty cells in the middle of it. Here is the code I am using to initialize an empty matrix: newfile = cell(5,5); [newfile{:}] = deal(''); [newfile{:}] = deal(' '); I then do some processing and write the data to a file using XLSWRITE. The spreadsheet ends up having some empty cel...

Excel: Is there information on how to create web query service in Excel?

In Excel, there are methods to access data from external data sources. Excel comes with MSN Money Web Service which pulls data into the sheet. The sheet can refresh the data, etc.. Is there info/doc on how to develop such service ? ...

Reading from excel using oledbcommand

In the below code instead of specifying the tab name.. Is there anyway we can just say "select * from [tab1]"? what ever the tab name might be.. OleDbCommand excelOledbCommand = new OleDbCommand("Select * From [Sheet1$]", excelOledbCon); ...

How do I reference a cell within excel named range ?

E.g. I have named A10 to A20 as Age, now how do I get Age[5] which is same as A14. I can write "=A14" but I did like to write "=Age$5" or something. ...

Assign multiple lines in single cell in Excel using C#

I am using a Windows application and I export a datatable into an Excel sheet. It displays successfully. Now I want to have multiple lines in a single cell. How can I do this by using C#? ...

Excel automation using C#

Hi, I have a folder with close to 400 excel files. I need to copy the worksheets in all these excel files to a single excel file. using Interop and Reflection namespaces heres is what I have accomplished so far. I use folderBrowserDialog to browse to the folder and select it, this enable me to get the file names of the files within th...

Assign MultipleLines in a cell in MSEXCEL using C#

I am exporting datatable in MSEXCEL.I need to Assign MultipleLines in a cell in MSEXCEL using C#. ...

I need help to automate my concatenate to change daily without having to manually input the new data entered each day.

Hi there I use concatenate to pull data together from different cells in my spreadsheet. Since my data changes daily, I want the formula to also change daily without having to manually input the new cell in the concatenate formula. I am looking for a way to do this but not sure how. Can anyone out there help me out please!? I appreciate...

PHPExcel feature question

I want to know if PHPExcel can: Create Excel spreadsheets with embeded image. The image must be compressed (jpeg, png, gif...). Create Excel spreadsheets for different Excel versions (2000, 2003, 2007...). I'm pretty sure it can do this but I can't find it in the official docs. Anyone familiar with this class can help? Thanks! ...

Why do multiline cells in my CSV file appear with a question mark at the end of each line in Excel?

I'm currently working on a project where we'd like to allow a user to export their data to CSV. Some of the data we present has multiple values for a single cell, and so we use the standard CSV method of putting each value on its own line: Column A, Column B, Column C Value A, "Value B1 Value B2", Value C Most of the time this works f...

Import numbers from an excel column using C#.

Hi. I have an Excel file with one column which is filled with numbers. I would like to be read the numbers from this column into an array in C#. How can I do that? Thank you all. ...