
Is it possible to link a cell In Excel to a local file with a querystring?

I had wanted to put a solution onto a thumb drive or dvd to be distributed as needed. I have a couple html pages with javascript to display photos and some other info. I also have an excel spreadsheet (2003) that I wanted to link to the html page. However when I try to use a querystring I get a warning from excel stating that it "cann...

Generate Excel file using javascript

Hi all Is there any simple way to generate an simple excel file using JavaScript? Best Regards, ...

How can I convert an excel spreadsheet (.xls) to a shapefile programmatically?

I have an excel spreadsheet I want to convert to an ESRI shapefile programmatically. It contains X and Y coordinates in two columns, as well as a variety of attribute data in other columns. The spreadsheet is in excel 97 format (i.e. not .xlsx). I would like to be able to convert this to a point geometry shapefile, with each row's x,y...

Export Data to CSV file

We have more than 65,536 rows of data to export(write) in .csv file. But Excel(CSV) supports only 65,536. Excel supports multiple workbook, so we can write the data in multiple workbooks . But CSV doesn't support this feature too. Is there any other way to do this. Could any one help on this? ...

How to Append same text in every cell in MS Excel

Hi All I want to add same value/text in every cell in a column of ms-excel any idea??? edit::: actually i have data like follows [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]...

Importing Excel Table into a MS SQL Table

I have software for STOCK and SALES that can give me an Excel price list, I wanna write a small web app that will enable users to check prices, I don't have any access to that software's database, so I wanna import that Excel data (one worksheet, 5 columns, almost 10000 rows) into an MS SQL database table, keep in mind that the price lis...

Excel, specify certain cell using Name field.

I created a macro that doesn't allow values in both the B and C columns of an Excel sheet. I want to make an exception to that formula by allowing cells with the names DayShift or AfterShift. I created this: If ActiveCell.Name = "DayShift" Or ActiveCell.Name = "AfterShift" Then But it doesn't seem to work and just makes other cells e...

Generate word documents from excel file using mail merge

Hello I am trying to generate word documents using the mail merge feature in Microsoft Word. To be as clear as possible my dream would be to: (1) Place all values for all documents to be created in one excel document (2) Use Word to create a template by selecting the above excel file as the data sheet (3) Run a macro that would use th...

Is there such thing as a spreadsheet object/library

I'm trying to generate some reporting from existing reports in CSV format. These CSV files don't contain just data, but report name, report date, multiple data sets- each line doesn't necessarily contain the same number of fields or consistent data per row. I was curious if there was some spreadsheet type library available, this is how...

How can I solve this problem? "Error executing tag <export:formats>: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: "

It seems like it´s not getting the right method or siganture. It has already worked for a long time, but yeterday I got this Error and I don´t know where I can start. I reinstalled the plugin "export 0.3" and I installed the newest Verion "export 0.6". All attempts were in vain. I´m using Grails 1.2, Groovy 1.7 and export 0.6. Here...

A Registration system using HTML and Microsoft Excel/Access

My friend asked me to make a registration software for his blood donation camp. He told me that he can't host an ASP.NET or PHP page. Also that since they'll be running the software in many systems, which may not be interconnected, they may not be able to use a Database server. Is there a way to store/read data from an MS-Excel or MS-...

Format mysql data in excel

I have a table in mysql like this: +-------+--------+-------------+ | child | parent | data | +-------+--------+-------------+ | 1 | 0 | house | | 2 | 0 | car | | 3 | 1 | door | | 4 | 2 | door | | 5 | 2 | windscreen | | 11 | 5 | wiper | +-----...

JAVA - Apache POI OutOfMemoryError while writing Excel File

I am writing an Excel File using Apache POI. I want to write in it all the data of myResultSet which has the fieldnames(columns) stored in the String[] fieldnames. I have 70000 rows and 27 columns My Code: String xlsFilename = "myXLSX.xlsx"; org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook myWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); org.apache.poi.ss.user...

how to read pivottable excel using c# ?

I am developing add-in for excel and trying to read pivot tables but found no access to pivot tables from the worksheet , strangely pivot table can be reached from non add-in projects , I will be grateful if any one give me some info or code. ...

Named Cells Are Going Wacko, Corrupt File?

Hey SO, Whenever I click in a cell, and try to rename it, I get an entirely new reference to it, and the old one doesn't delete. This wouldn't be a problem if I could delete the old reference, but if there is something wrong with the file, this might not be the best idea. Is there any way to delete existing name references to a cel...

Application Defined or Object Defined Error (Excel VBA)

I keep getting an error 1004 for this line in my VBA Macro Editor: If ActiveCell.Name.Name = "DayShift" Or ActiveCell.Name.Name = "AfterShift" Then Does anyone know why? This is my whole macro: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim col As Integer col = ActiveCell.Column Dim bValue As String Dim cValue As String 'C...

Problem reading large dot delimited strings from excel sheet column into dataset.

hi everyone, I am trying to read the content of an excel sheet using the following code. string tempExcelFileUploadPath="C:\\Documents and Settings\\......\\excelsheet.xls"; String excelConnectionString1; //connection string for excel sheet excelConnectionString1 = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + @"Data ...

Convert number to base26 column string for excel. lang perl

Possible Duplicate: How to convert a column number (eg. 127) into an excel column (eg. AA) How convert number to base26 column string for excel. lang perl ...

Mistake while formatting of cells with numbers by OleDbDataAdapter and Excel

Hallo, I have folowing code: OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=test.xls;Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;Imex=1;HDR=False;\""); OleDbDataAdapter da = new("select * from [" + TableName + "$]", con); DataSet dsData = new System.Data.DataSet(); ...

How to test whether any non-header cell in Excel file is bold or italic.

We use an Excel sheet which contains some business logic (and so it is often edited by non-IT). Some C++ code is generated in VBA from the same sheet - silly, I know. I plan to write a bunch of unit tests against this worksheet, ensuring strict format for the benefit of all. For instance, things should be sorted alphabetically. I have no...