
Is it possible to hit a WinForms "Button" from an Excel spreadsheet (VBA)?

Hi, The traders are lazy and they don't want to switch applications to hit buttons. When they hit the button in Excel, it should be the same as hitting another button in my WinForms app (which pops up a dialog box). Doable? ...

VBA excel - using a variable to select a column range

VBA - The user selects a number from a combobox (1-50) and it is assigned as a variable. I now want to program a function which selects columns BA to a column to the left whatever value the user selected (I.E. from AV:BA where AV is the variable column). I have the variable the user slects as a string (dim var as string). Your help would...

complex EXCEL IF formula or VBA

i have this data set: 92127 96001-1 94533-1 95630 95677 95630 i need this output 92127-1 95630-1 95677-1 95630-2 here is the logic: if 92127 does not exist in this column, then it should be 92127-1; however, if it DOES exist, then it should be 92127-(what ever the largest number is here +1), so if the largest one is 92127-5, then ...

What's a good java library for graphing tabular data?

i have some tab-delimiter data in csv file, and i want to graph these data, and overlap the graph if possible. i'm currently doing this using excel, which is kinda slow when i have many graphs to make. i'm looking for ways to automate this, the data is generated thru some java process, so i would like to extend the process to graph the d...

Excel spreadsheet formula to javascript question

Hey all i am trying to figure out how to go about calculating this formula from an Excel 2007 fx to javascript: =(B12*'ROI endo only'!B5)/(1-(1+Data!B12)^(-Data!B13)) WHERE B12 = 0.49% B5 = 99,500 B13 = 48 So far i have this as my javascript code: var theCalc = (0.49 * 99500) / (1 - (1 + 0.49)^(-48)); alert(theCalc); ...

Creating a time handling function (Excel VBA)

I have a few cells that schedule a list of employees depending on a start time. (In this case, the start time is indicated by the cell named 'Time'.) =CONCATENATE(TEXT(Time,"h:mm AM/PM")&" - "&TEXT(Time+TIME(10,30,0),"h:mm AM/PM")) It works fine but now I want to implement a feature that will allow the user to specify how long the shi...

Excel spreadsheet formula to javascript question #2

Hey again everyone. Yet again i am having some problems with trying to get the match correct on this Excel Spreadsheet to JavaScript conversion. Here is the excel formula: =IF(IF($B$7=TRUE,$B$28/$B$10,$B$28/$B$5)>1,1,IF($B$7=TRUE,$B$28/$B$10,$B$28/$B$5)) WHERE B7 = TRUE B28 = 76800 B10 = 892015 B5 = 999500 And this is my Jav...

How to kill Excel.exe through .NET code ?

Actually i m writing a small application(Win Form + C#), where i am reading the Excel file. After exiting from the application and went to the task manager i found that Excel.exe is still running. And as i run my application several times i found multiple instances of Excel.exe running in the task manager. So can somebody tell me as wh...

In VBA Excel when I copy one cell to another, if it is a date it is not copied, what do I do?

This is probably quite simple but I've googled and can't find an answer. I am also just learning VBA (I have done VB.NET etc. etc.) If the cell the macro is trying to copy is a date I just get a number copied, e.g. 40352 from 23/06/2010 Here is a code snippet, any help most appreciated, thanks: Sheet5.Range(Cells(rwStartNumber, curren...

Insert checkbox and VBA code into Excel using Powershell

Hi gurus, I need help on how to include a checkbox into Excel and make a Msgbox appear saying "Hello" when it's ticked. That's not really what I need to do though, but I can find my own way from there. This should be done using Powershell. Just to get started. $missing = [System.Type]::missing $excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Applicatio...

Can't load xll programmatically

I'm trying to automating some tests for an Excel add-in, which is in xll form. I have some problem in loading the xll. I'm writing it in C# and my code looks like this: using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; Application xlApp; Workbook xlWorkBook; Worksheet xlWorkSheet; // create application, open workbook, etc ... // now try to regi...

ArrayOfAnyType issues when calling the method:GetRangeA1 excel web services in the silverlight 4.0

I create a simple silverlight 4.0 application used to read the excel file data in the share point 2010 server. I try to use the "Excel Web Services" but I get an error here when calling the GetRangeA1 method: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.NetDispatcherFaultException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional ...

search and replace with wild characters as LITERALS

i am trying to search for [Panels] like "*,*" within a worksheet and unfortunately instead of retrieving exactly that string it retrieves anything like: [Panels] like "*blah,*" [Panels] like "*blah,123123*" i need it to be EXACTLY [Panels] like "*,*" and i suppose that perhaps i would to do this in VBA instead of manually? if this i...

Recreate Excel RATE function using Newton's Method

Hi all, I'm working on converting a mortgage calculator in PHP, but I don't necessarily need a PHP solution. I'm looking for the logic needed to replicate the Excel RATE function. I've found a solution which uses bisection, and if worse comes to worse, I use that. I know someone out there in the interwebs world has knowledge of such a ...

How do you programmatically break up one Excel document into several while still maintaining each cell's style and format?

m trying to break one large Excel spreadsheet into several. I've made good progress, but I'm running into some problems. Specifically, the values that get copied over don't retain their format (for instance, 40322 instead of 5/24/2010 and -101 instead of (101.00) ). I've tried using the style (see below) but that doesn't even get me t...

Generate Excel using php, format cells as string number etc

I am generating an excel file using php. The file gets created how ever strings with leading zeros example 0234 get converted to 234. ...

Excel: Sort columns by row content

Hi, it's hard to describe. I have some columns, say three: 10 20 20 20 22 24 24 24 26 What I like to get is: 10 XX XX 20 20 20 XX 22 XX 24 24 24 XX XX 26 where XX is an empty cell. Is there a way to get this? Bye, Thomas ...

how to read an excel file on google app engine

I am looking for java alternative for python library. Here is the question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2360010/how-to-read-an-excel-file-on-google-app-engine ...

Excel Macros programming

Hi I want to learn excel macros programming...Please send me the link for the beginners..(like simple populate data to excel and update data to database from excel)... ...

How do I merge excel cells using ASP

hi, I am using ASP to Import data from SQL server and then export it to excel. I though want a header text in row 1 ie cells a1 to n1 But how do I write command that can merge those fields ? then I would be able to insert my header txt. I have this asp code: 'setup the excel file Dim objFSO, objExcelFile Set objFSO = CreateObject("Sc...