
Need the excel formula for following function

Hi Geeks, I need help to do the following function in a MS Excel sheet. The sheet example is as follows A B C D E 1 TimeStamp Name Amount UsedBy Description ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 Date1 Me1 200 ...

Life cycle of .NET automation server called from Excel over COM

Like the subject says, I wrote a C# class, say Test, then compiled it as a DLL and exposed it to Excel as a COM automation server. Now, you can call the methods of that class in Excel formulas either directly or through a VBA function that itself calls them under the hood. What happens in the second case is relatively transparent (you wr...

OleDb Object Invalid or No Longer Set

I'm trying to read an excel file using an OleDb Reader, I couldn't debug the code because this error only comes out on a production server. It really doesn't make sense to me, could anyone help me? From the logs the error comes out as: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Object invalid or no longer set. at System.Data.OleDb.OleDb...

Copy Excel Worksheet from one Workbook to another with Powershell

Hi, I'd like to copy (or move) a worksheet from one workbook to another workbook with Powershell. I had done this before and cant remember how. I think I used CopyTo() funtion. Just to get started. $missing = [System.Type]::missing $excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application $wb1 = $excel.Workbooks.Add($missing) $wb2 = $excel.Workboo...

help with price update between two lists.

Hi, I need some help with an excel command. I got two excel files, with about 600 products, the products are the same but with different order and different prices. There is no actual order for the price list, the single problem is that if i mess up the order, it won't work on the web (SQL import). How can I add the prices from second ...

Microsoft Access Database Engine - Failure Creating File

Hi All, I've installed the Microsoft Access Database Engine in order for an app to read and update and Excel file using OLEDB on a 64bit operating system. It all still works fine on 32 bit however i get a "Failure Creating File" error on a 64 bit machine. I'm using the following connectionstring(VB.Net) as per connectionstrings.com(htt...

Copying a range of cells from excel into powerpoint using VSTO

How do I copy a range of cells from Excel to Powerpoint. I want to do the same thing as when you select a range of cells, copy to clipboard and then paste in a slide in powerpoint. I have tried Range.Copy(missing) and Slide.Shapes.Paste this code but it's not working. it throws an exception like 'Shapes (unknown member) : Invalid requ...

excel empty string formula

On Excel why putting a formula with the contents ="" sometimes make the replacement for an empty string and sometimes it places literally that text in the cell. Note: every cell of the worksheet is in the text format. ...

Getting the selected cell's range from a different worksheet in Excel

I'm trying to set up Excel so that the cell's value that is selected in the first worksheet is set to the value of a cell that's double clicked in a different worksheet. So far my code looks like this: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Dim c As Range For Each c In Sheet1.Range("M11:M24...

how to open excel sheet and CSV file?match between name from excel sheet and the CSV file?

i need code in C# to open my excel sheet which contain list of students names ,and open CSV file contain two columns name of same student in excel sheet, and marks of student ... by click on button i want to match between the names and put in the excel sheet every name with his mark. That's all just find names and marks from CSV and put ...

Update ASP.NET page after Excel Export.

I'm using Response.Write, Response.End to export to Excel/Word/csv. Is there a way to do this and also be able to change text on the page at the same time? For example, I have a controls within an UpdatePanel which I want to make visible/invisible. ...

Conditional Colorization in Excel if a defined text is not exist.

Hi all, i'am trying to make a conditional colorization in Excel 2007. Let me explain in more detail. If a user writes some desired words (e.g: Alper) in A1 cell there is not problem, but if user write another word (not Alper) then i want to colorize A1 cell as red (as warning). And i want to do that for all A colmuns (A1,A2,......AN). It...

OleDB & mixed Excel datatypes : missing data

I have an Excel worksheet I want to read into a datatable - all is well except for one particular column in my Excel sheet. The column, 'ProductID', is a mix of values like ########## and n#########. I tried to let OleDB handle everything by itself automatically by reading it into a dataset/datatable, but any values in 'ProductID' like ...

Open fileLocation For Input As #1

what does As #1 stand for? ...

how do i use filesystemobject in VBA?

is there something that i need to reference? how do i use this: Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim fld As Folder Dim ts As TextStream i am getting an error because it does not recognize these objects ...

Microsoft Interop Excel closing running instances of excel?

Hey everyone, I've been reading about a lot of people finding it hard to close instances of a running excel application created using Com objects. I've managed to sporadically cause Excel instances to be completely closed however not all the time (I'll get to this later). My problem is rather more complex than simply closing a runnin...

[SHAREPOINT 2010] can't open excel file from browser

only on my pc i have message when try to open xlsx file in excel To open this book, your computer must have the version of Microsoft Excel and Web browser with support for open files directly from Excel. i have installed ms office 2010 pro+ (including excel), i was try make this action from firefox 3.6.4-3.6.6 and internet explorer...

How to convert a Variant array to a Range?

I have a 2D array of type Variant. The size and values that populate the array are generated based on data within a worksheet. Further processing is required on this array, the primary being the interpolation of several values. I am using this interpolation function ( I know about excel equivalent functions but a design choice was made n...

How to compare 2 excel sheet column values

I have 2 Excel sheets (using Excel 2007) Excel sheet1 with column names name kumar manu kiran anu Excel sheet2 with column names name kumar anu I will upload the sheets and then I click on a button (here I will compare the names columns from each sheet) then I need to add the names missing from sheet 2 to a...

How to create Template based User Customisable reports in Excel

How Excel can be used for generating End user customisable reports. Data needs to be fetched from oracle / SQL server database based on some query and reports needs to be generated in Excel. I want to design a solution for end user (who has knowledge of Excel & database query writing) for Report generation as per his changing requireme...