
Can i export a JSON object to Excel in ASP.NET MVC site

i am already creating a "table" by having a list of json objects. Is there any generic way i can export this to excel without a lot of custom coding for the details of the data itself? ...

Automatically generate a locale csv file for Excel in C++

I want to generate a csv file containing numbers and I want Excel to read that file automatically. However, Excel uses a different csv format depending on the locale settings. For example: English: Text separator: , Decimal separator: . Spanish: Text separator: ; Decimal separator: , Is it possible to automatically detect thos...

Excel - Pivot Table - Items and Subitems

hi all, I have the following kind of data table in excel: Id | Item | SubItem The SubItem column can contain values ranging from 'A' to 'F' The Item column contains two items: 'Cat' and 'Dog' There is a dependency between Item and SubItem. For our example, let's assume that all rows where Item = 'Dog' can only have 'A','B','C' as Sub...

Excel dump takes long time.

So what I have is an asp page that allows my user to hit a button and it will generate a dump of data from our sql server containing about 100k rows and 23 columns to an excel file. This takes about 10+ minuets. Should it be taking that long? ...

Using Python version 2.6.4 how to program excels filter function

Thanks in advance. Using Excel in the data tab there is a filter option. I wish to implement that into a program I have been working on. It may be as simple as 1 line. If you know anything or if it is not possible in this version/programming language please let me know Thanks! For more information: I want to use the sort option to app...

Setting an excel sheet in landscape mode from XLWT

I have a Python program that creates an excel sheet, but I have been asked by one of the users to modify it so that if he hits print it will print out to landscape mode, without him having to specify this. Is there some way to set the sheet to landscape in XLWT or some similar Python library for excel? Thank you. ...

What are the events that I can use in Excel

Where can I find a list of events in Excel? I want to write macros in VBA based on them. I already know of Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick, but I more or less just discovered that randomly/remembered it was used in Access. Does anyone have a complete list or know where I can find one of the different events in Excel? ...

How can Excel 2007 / 2010 consume a REST web service?

What options exist to consume a REST web service from within Excel 2007 / 2010? I can use XML Maps to consume a basic XML list, but that doesn't let me build a dynamic URL (so I could include parameters). For example, I can add an XML Map to Excel for http://machine/service/level/5 and display the values in the workbook just fine - no ...

Change both the code name and the shape name of an activex optionbutton control in Excel vba

Excel VBA: I am trying to get to some activex option buttons through the OLEObjects object, but I am finding that even though I change the value of (Name) in the property window for the object, it still requires the "OptionButton1" default name as a key. I know that some of the objects in Excel VBA have a code name and another name whic...

Strange OLEDB Excel Export Issue

I've written a program to generate an Excel Workbook in C# using OLEDB. Mostly working, but one thing I've noticed is that if I output only 1 column, it leaves a blank row after the header. Any ideas? ...

VLOOKUP no longer works in Office 2007 - Excel

Not sure how a feature that worked fine in previous versions no longer works but I figure there must be a new way to do it that I am unaware of. I have a simple VLOOKUP. I have a column (Book#1-ColA) of values (suburbs of Australia) In an other book (Book#2), I have two columns, (Suburbs (ColA) & Postcodes (ColB)) In Book#1-ColB i pl...

how to get certain numbers

Hi Guys, I have a column in excel which is exported from a sql database. The columns read like this: 'Payment Funds: (654321) Company charged Public - Payment of transfer. Charged from account xyz to abc (into autopac agent).' The reference number: 654321, account: xyz and abc; comment: (into autopac agent) - are different for all ...

read xlsx file using php

Hi there, Can anyone reccomend a good library for reading xlsx files using php? ive looked at phpexcel, but from the examples it seems it only supports writing? ...

I receive a type-mismatch error from VBA on one computer, but not on others. Why?

Hi, I have an Excel file with macro. In this file, there is a user form. In the form, there is a Textbox. I call the user form "MyForm" and the TextBox "MyTextBox". I also have a module. In this module there is a subroutine like this Sub MySub(s As String) MyForm.MyTextBox.Value = s ... End Sub On most computers, the code ab...

how create a excel file with multiple sheets using ExcelPackage

Hi all, using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(newFile, template)) { ExcelWorksheet worksheet = null; foreach (DataTable dt in dsExcel.Tables) { worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(dt.TableName); worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[dt.TableName]; ExcelCell cell; const int startRow = 9; ...

Read Excel from Silverlight and Process it in WCF Service in C#

Hello, I want to read the contents of Excel file from local disk using Silverlight and want to pass the data to WCF service. The service will then select the data from the worksheet and put it into database. I want to know which data type shall i use to pass the Excel object to WCF Service? Thanks in advance. ...

Save Excel 2007 data to a new PowerPoint presentation

I've looked through many topics and have yet to find a reliable answer to what I need, so here goes: I'm looking to take multiple Excel sheets from a (.xlsx) document containing both tables and graphs, and embed the specified data in a new PowerPoint (.pptx) document using C# (VS 2010) If you have any information on the topic or can po...

Excel VBA behaves different in different languages

Hello All Win-XP, Excel 2003 I have a range defined by a name, which is filled by a query. The same named range forms the source of a cell validation (in-cell dropdown list). In my VBA this range is accessed via a range object named LOVL2. Each time the range is re-filled by the query, its name is redefined to include all rows I obtai...

VBA Regex issue

Hey guys, has VBA any good mechanism for checking, if the content of a given Excel Cell matches a specific regex? In my case i want to know, if some cell has the format m m2 m1234 In fact, there's just one defined letter at the beginning, followed by a not specified amount of numbers. How do I put this into an If-Else construct? I...

How to consume JAX-WS web service (server) from excel (client)

I have JAX-WS webservice (server) running with Tomcat6. I am looking for sample code to consume this service from excel using VBA using wsdl, xsd files. The service works with Soap UI, Perl clients. ...