
Counting distinct values in excel - frequency function

Counting distinct values in excel - frequency function yes I have read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1425289/counting-distinct-values-in-excel-frequency-function I am try to count a column with different numbers column contains (search) 1 3 7 9 5 1 3 9 4 result looking for; C1 C2 1 = 2 2 = 0 3 = 2 4 = 1 etc ...

ListIndex of current value of combobox without selection

In VBA, the ListIndex property of a Combobox shows the index (starting at 0) of the item selected in the overall list (array) of values in the Combobox. It shows -1 if there is no selection made. When I bring up a sheet in Excel with a Combobox and the last value in it, it comes up with a ListIndex of -1, instead of the actual ListInde...

Merging multiple iif files for Quickbooks

My Payroll Software dumps about 200 iif files for QuickBooks. We have multiple Quickbooks companies . The name of the iif file created shows which QuickBooks Company to be imported into along with the date. I'm looking for a way to merge the iif files into one file that can be used to imported into each QuickBooks company. If anyone has...

How to read cell data from an Excel document with objective-c

I'm building an iPhone app that has to download an Excel (.xls) file from a website and perform a string search of the spreadsheet data. I've done this in C#, but I have no idea how to do this in objective-c. How do I access the individual cells using objective-c? ...

export XML -> Excel

I'm already generating an excel XML file (.xml) containing 2 worksheets. issue #1: the people downloading the XML file wouldn't know to open the file in Excel. (they'd complain.) solution #1: I rename the file to .XLS instead of .XML. issue #2: when opening the file in Excel i get the this error: The file you are trying to open, ‘...

How to update range macro when cells in Excel are inserted/deleted.

I would like to ask if there is a way to update the range specified in a macro when I insert/delete cells.. For example, I have specified the range in a subroutine in my macro to be Worksheets("Query Screen").Range("M22:M25") = "0" Now, if I insert a new row between M22 and M25, what can I do to update the range in my macro automatic...

Range Validation with Excel using C#

Hi, I've been looking on the internet for 4 hours and I just can't do it. My objectives : create a combo where I can sort my items and when I click on one of them, the item appears alone. In Excel, easy to do, but I can't do it in C#. I found this answer : Other topic, but I can't understand where the "this.Controls" comes from. Tha...

Importing a macro via a file

Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to to include a header or something similar in deliminated text files that contains macros / format settings? Basically I create these files from Oracle to allow users to have thier own mini data warehouse and would like to present the data in a consistent way with data filters, summary columns, c...

How to copy a picture (graphic object) to the Clipboard in VBA?

In Excel 2003, I need to copy a Graphics object (sheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterPicture) to the Clipboard. How can I do that? ...

Wanted: Excel sheet for project estimation by betting /team lottery for the release date

Hello, a while ago I read an article on estimating software projects which had an example of a kind of a tongue - in - cheek approach to project estimation. It worked like this: Every team member, no matter how deeply involved in the planning phase could bet on a finishing date. There was an Excel file with a timeline on the top, and ...

how do you add a named range to worksheet using php pear spreadsheet excel writer

Is it posible using Excel_spreadsheet_writer to create a name such as $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); $worksheet = &$workbook->addWorksheet('CheckNames'); $worksheet->writeName(0, 0, 'AnswerToEverythig', '42'); $worksheet->write(0, 1, 'Double ='); $worksheet->writeFormula(0, 2, '=AnswerToEverythig * 2'); $workbook->send...

PHP xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx headers

Here is my code where I am trying to send a correct header depedning on a type of a document. I figured out the headers for pdf, doc and docx but I still need to know correct header for Excel and Powerpoint files. Any help appreciated. $document = urldecode($_GET['document']); $extension = end(explode('.', $document)); $m...

How do I access an Excel named table via ADO/ODBC?

I have a workbook with multiple sheets, and have created Named Tables (NOT ranges) in the work book. For illustrative purposes, these table names are tblA, tblB, and tblC. I am unable to find a way to query these tables via ADO or ODBC. I can access named ranges, but this will not work for my needs. Thanks! ...

excel 2007 vba add item sheet names to listbox

Using Excel 2007 VBA Have a sheet "Dashboard", have other sheets but some special task sheets that can be anywhere in the book, but will always be found between Sheets "TaskNew" and "TaskEnd". These special task sheets will vary in count. Upon dashboard activation, want to populate the listbox with the names of all special task sheets,...

Listbox.BeginUpdate & Listbox.EndUpdate for VBA

I'm writing some VBA and would love to use Listbox.BeginUpdate and ListBox.EndUpdate to speed up the loading of userforms however VBA doesn't seem to support these, only vb. Anyone got any handy suggestions? ...

Parsing XLS and XLSX (MS Excel) files with Ruby?

Hi. Are there any gems able to parse XLS and XLSX files? I've found Spreadsheet and ParseExcel, but they both don't understand XLSX format :( Any ideas? Thank you. ...

From Excel to DataTable in C# with Open XML

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and I need create a DataTable from a Excel Sheet using the Open XML SDK 2.0. I need to create it with the DataTable columns with the first row of the sheet and complete it with the rest of values. Does anyone have a example code or a link that can help me to do this? ...

How can I replicate the Excel FV function in PHP?

Hi all, I'm converting some rather complex calculations from an Excel spreadsheet, to PHP. I'm stuck on the conversion of Excel's FV function, which is defined thusly: FV( interest_rate, number_payments, payment, PV, Type ) I've been working on this for 2 hours now, and there has to be something I'm missing. Essentially, I need to re...

Excel: Find value in column(s)

I've got an Excel spreadsheet with multiple columns of different lengths, each filled with unsorted numbers. Each column has a header. Is there a way to determine which column(s) contain that number? For instance, I'd love to be able to do =WHICHCOLS( 123, A, Z ) and have Excel tell me columns [B, C, and K] contain cells with a value ...

solution to perform lots of calculations on 3 million data points and make charts

i have an excel spreadsheet that is about 300,000 rows and about 100 columns i need to perform various functions on this spreadsheet and out of this spreadsheet i need to create about 3000 other spreadsheets which are SIGNIFICANTLY smaller for every created spreadsheet i will need to have a separate powerpoint file that will have an au...