
Calendar in Excel shrinks

Hi, I am using Excel VBA. I added a calendar control so that users can pick the date from the calendar. I noticed something that whenever the excel file is opened the Calendar shrinks smaller and smaller. Now I can see that the calendar will disappear after reopening the file several times. Any ideas? please help Thanks, ...

in execl minimum limit of raw and columan

Respected Sir/Madam I want to key 60 records in first sheet, and 61th records key on next sheet. I want after 60 records cursur is go to automaticully 61th records. means after every 60th records curuser is going to next sheet. Thankyou ...

Create .DBF in C# code that is readable from Excel (VFP or not)

LANGUAGE: C#, System: Windows7, Excel 2007 I want to create a .DBF from some data, and i want to open it from Excel 2007. It can be either dBase or foxpro. I am currently doing in FoxPro9 (btw this code is from the internet): OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\\Temp\\;"); con.Open...

Excel-friendly html: keeping a list inside a single cell

I know that when generating html that needs to be viewed in Excel, if I want to ensure that <br> tags don't cause a new row to be generated, I can specify <style><!--table br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} --></style> In the <head> section. What do I need to do if I want the same behaviour for lists (i.e. for content inside of <ul> ...

How to set password when someone clicks on unprotectsheet in excel and create a button for editing

I have locked cells in a spreadsheet using this lines of code. Range("A1:D23").Select Selection.Locked = True ActiveSheet.Protect Contents:=True This prompts me whenever I click on a cell which is readonly to unprotect sheet from review tab and might be prompted for password. My problem is, it is not prompting for password.How do I f...

Excel Automation: Identifying and deleting blank work sheets

I want to delete a worksheet if it contains no data/charts/images/drawing/hyperlink object or any other embedded objects. I find out the solution of detecting and deleting blank sheets if there is no data in the cells by using the following code:- if ( $Worksheet_Function->CountA( $sheet->{Cells} ) == 0 ) { $sheet->Delete; } but ...

How to write code on unprotect sheet in review tab

I'm unprotecting my sheet by entering password.When I click on OK apart from Worksheet protection changing I want to write soem other code.How do I do this ...

Parsing SpreadsheetML Using Perl

What's the best way to parse a file in SpreadsheetML format with Perl? I've tried Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, but it doesn't recognize the format. Here's the error I get when trying that module: No Excel data found in file It looks like CPAN doesn't have a module that can parse it as far as I can see. What's the easiest way to do it? ...

Excel Macro: error when pasting - moving down 10 rows - pasting - 10 rows - pasting, etc

I'm attempting to copy data from three workbooks (one at a time) from the same range (A4:A8) and paste them into a new workbook. The only catch is I'm trying to make the paste part move down by 10 lines each loop. I'm receiving an error message on the PasteSpecial line. I'm not sure why? (I'm an Excel macro novice, but I'm giving it a ...

Excel VBA: Save As triggers Change event in ComboBox

I have an Excel workbook containing some ComboBox controls placed directly on the sheets. These are standard combo boxes from the Forms toolbar. When the user uses "Save As" to save the workbook with a different name, this triggers the Change event on all the combo boxes, including ones on sheets that aren't active. This seems unreasona...

Excel VBA dropdown list

Hi all, I have a dropdown list where it gets the data from a table called table1 in the SQL Server 2005. There is a button next to the drop downlist to add new data to table1. when I click the button and successfully add the new record to table1, I don't see this new added record in my dropdownlist. I have to close the excel sheet and re...

Excel countif where criteria is on separate columns

A B C 1 Fruit 0.34 Pear 2 Vegetable 0.62 Lettuce 3 Fruit 0.80 Apple 4 Fruit 0.86 Banana Given the table above, I need to know the cost of all items above by type (fruits vs vegetables). In the above example, I'm looking for a formula that gives me Fruits=2.0 and Vegetab...

Macro to force Excel out of edit-mode

I have a macro that needs to run for update. If Excel is in edit, need a macro to have excel exit edit mode --- take control. ...

Excel: using a worksheet as a function?

I've got an excel worksheet that takes two inputs and generates an output. I can currently open the worksheet, type the two into cells A1 and A2, and the result shows up in A3. Is there a way I can make this into a function or subroutine, such that I can can use it in another worksheet to fill in a table of values? ...

Customizing matplotlib image display to add copy/paste

I would like to customize matplotlib image display so that i can type control-c and it will copy the image to the clipboard so then i can copy it to openoffice spreadsheet to organize all of my raw data and image results. Is there any way to do this? Thanks! ...

What is this Excel formula doing?

Can someone please explain in English wtf this formula is doing? I'm looking at someone else's work and have no idea. =SUM(OFFSET(INDIRECT((ADDRESS(ROW(),21)),0,0,1)CurrentActualPeriod)) ...

Excel Macro On How To Search And Replace Cells With Multiple Values Specified in A Diffrent Sheet.

I found This. But It Dosent work. Not sure what I am doing wrong. In Sheet 1 I want to search and replace certain terms. Such as WH with White, PK with Pink, TT with Two Tone, YE with Yellow and so on. I have a list in sheet three with what to find in one column and what to replace in the same row in the next column. Now I want to us...

How to detect a cell is selected for editing in excel

I have a range of readonly cells.After that all other cells are editable.I want to know how can I detect this cell editing event.Like if cell A25 is edited,I want to call a procedure. If Cell(A25).edited then do this.Some thing like this ...

JBoss Drools 4 : from excel to drl

Hi all! Is it possible with drools4 api generate from a .drl file a decision table spreadsheet (.xls)? Thank's ...

How to create and assign a Custom Format of date and time to an entire column in excel worksheet

Hi, I want a customized format(with milliseconds also) in such a way to handle for a date and time in Microsoft Excel. Sample date and time: 08.25.2010 00:52:09.359 For understanding of above sample date time, it is 25th August 2010 12 hrs 52mins 9seconds 359 milliseconds(AM). Please provide a custom Format to handle the above mention...