
Excel - get a value from the row-1

Hi, I am trying to do simple thing: I just need to set some cells to values that are on the previous rows. I have tried =A(Row()-1) but it does not work. Thanks in advance ...

Excel VBA: How do you format Charts in Excel with New Data?

Hi, I'm trying to make a macro that formats a chart in Excel 2003 where the data changes. Basically, I have a 20 X values and Y values at all times; however, the values are data specific (I'm making stock price charts that will change depending on the stock I'm analying). I'm trying to make my Y-Axis cross the X axis at the value in ce...

Convert data into pdf using google docs for iphone

Hi Everyone, I am really struck in a problem. I have an iphone application where i need to convert my data in pdf and excel format using google docs. By spending some time on R&D i came to know that i will have to send my data in HTML format. Other than that i came across nothing. Please provide me clue how to implement it. Some sample ...

Excel: Adding a Connector Line In a Chart (Have to Use a Macro)?

So I'm working on this chart in Excel, and the chart looks like two sides of a triange, like the picture at the link below: http://a.imageshack.us/img832/6207/triangle.png. I'd like to make a line (like, with an autoshape for example) that connects the 2 endpoints to form a triange; ie a line going from coordinates (4,1) to (4,5). I t...

Excel automation C#: How to delete multiple rows?

I have the following code and it does not delete the rows, it asks me to save over the current workbook but nothing is saved and EXCEL.EXE continues to run in Task Manager: protected void OpenExcelWorkbook(string fileName) { _app = new Excel.Application(); if (_book == null) { _books ...

Excel: what is the unit in date type series used in functions

Hi there, dumb questions (but I did google around and searched SO): I'm using the SLOPE Excel function on a date data type time series: 1 jan, 1 feb, 1 mar and so on... I can't figure out the x axis time unit assumed in the resulting calculation so the number is quite useless to me. Any hints? Cheers, Edoardo ...

vba: object variable or with block variable not set

i am doing this: MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name and getting the above mentioned error. please note that this has worked for many months and now all of a sudden it does not workl what can i do to fix it? ...

Python to control macros in mutliple instances of Excel.

How Do control with python multiple instances of Excel. This is not read/write, but more running macros on different workbooks. Ex: Excel.exe running Book1.xls. has mac1 Excel.exe running Book2.xls. has mac2. I got one instance to work, this first instance, which use 2003. I could not figure out the other instance which is 2007. I...

What if any links exist to free Excel "helper" class libraries for C#?

I'm looking for any available free Excel "helper" classes that are written for .net (doesn't have to be C#). I'd like to evaluate what others consider to be useful and generic static (and non static) helper methods. Can be targeted at VSTO or regular Office automation, although that probably doesn't matter. I guess I should also point o...

XML schema specifying transformation

Hi, I have generated an XSD file for an XML file and it's working when I am exporting data from Excel. I would like to know if it's possible to specify the XSL file in the Schema itself, so that when the XML file is created, the XSL is already assigned to it. Is that even possible? Or do I have to do it through Excel VBA code (which I...

1) Can SQLite use cluster? 2) Does SQLite have anything like MySQL Workbench? 3) How to import Excel to SQLite?

1) If MySQL have cluster option, I wonder if SQLite have that option too. 2) I really haven't learn to write in MyQSL. So I do is use the Workbench. If I turning to SQLite, does it have something similar? 3) How to import Excel to SQLite? ...

Excel Programming: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A753F at Microsoft.office.Interop

I have an application which opens,reads and creates Excel files. The app has been written in C#. The error named in the title does not always show up, sometimes it is working as intended. May be someone can point me to the cause of the error. Googling did not make me smarter on this one. By the way, is there some kind of overview of HRE...

header for excel file save as

hello, im able to output an excel file by php and it opens correctly in excel. No problems there. When the user clicsk save as in Excel it comes with first option .txt How can i set the header so first option will .xls with save as. Headers im using now : $filename="jaar.xls"; header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel"); header("C...

Use the value inside a cell as variable for a function

Hi, I would like to create a dynamic function in excel (no VBA) to pass the value of a variable to a number of similar functions. Example: instead of doing: =sum(a1:z1) =sum(a2:z2) =sum(a3:z3) and then rewrite all functions to do: =sum(a1:t1) =sum(a2:t2) =sum(a3:t3) I would like to do: =sum(a1:"var"&1) =sum(a2:"var"&2) =sum(a3:"var"&3) ...

How do you make a macro in excel not show the selections being made.

I know there's a property to add in the beginning of the macro so that all the selections and deselection happen in the background and are not shown on the sheet. I think I had to disable some property at the beginning of the macro and enable it at the end. Does anyone remember what it was? ...

excel - true vs "true" vs true()

When writing an Excel formula, does it make a difference whether you set a value to true, "true", or true()? In other words, which of the following is the best? Or does it depend on the circumstances? if (A1 = 1, true, false) if (A1 = 1, "true", "false") if (A1 = 1, true(), false()) ...

Generating Excel file from Cocoa (iPhone app)

Hi, I'd like to offer the possibility for users of my app to export to Excel. I don't ever need to read Excel files. The three ways I know right now is to make a CSV file, which isn't too great as I'd like to have some custom formatting in the spreadsheet make an XML file that I don't think people'd recognize as an Excel file make a ...

Best language to parse extremely large Excel 2007 files

My boss has a habit of performing queries on our databases that return tens of thousands of rows and saving them into excel files. I, being the intern, constantly have to write scripts that work with the information from these files. Thus far I've tried VBScript and Powershell for my scripting needs. Both of these can take several min...

Copy the contents of a DataGridView in to excel

I found some examples of how to create a excel file from a data grid view, however those just create the file. What I would like to do is have excel open, with a unsaved worksheet, and have the content of the data grid view (including header names) pasted in to the worksheet after pressing a "Export to Excel" button. Basically I want to...

Why is my Content-Length header wrong?

I am trying to find out the exact length of a string using strlen() in php 5.2. The string ($data) contains '\t' and '\n'. echo strlen($data); Code: // fetch table header $header = ''; while ($fieldData = $result->fetch_field()) { $header .= $fieldData->name . "\t"; } // fetch data each row, store...