
Excel invokes .NET automation server from two different AppDomains?

I have an Excel plug-in (written in C#) with a static variable that is at the heart of a singleton data cache: static DataCache _instance; This is accessed via three different code paths: Event handlers on a VSTO ribbon-bar initialize the instance, and also read it for display in helper dialogs An RTD server (a class that is declare...

c#: instantiating an excel function

Everywhere I look for how to use excel function inside of a C# application tells me to do the following: From the COM TabAdd the following using statement:using IExcel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Then declare and initialise a IWorkSheetFunction objectIExcel.IWorksheetFunction iwf = new IExcel.IWorksheetFunction(); Now you can use ...

Are there any good extension method libraries available other than the one from MS, for Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel?

Much as the question states, there is Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Extensions (part of VSTO Power Tools)which offers a series of handy extension methods for calling Excel interop code from C#. Are there other 3rd party/open source libraries that ppl are aware of that can be used in the same way? i.e. to either hide parameters (of metho...

Getting the value in one column from a formula on another column in excel

I have an excel table that looks like this: Date Original Actual 11/10/10 15 12 12/10/10 12 10 ... 24/10/10 2 1 25/10/10 -2 0 I want to know the date at which the original column becomes negative, 25/10/10 in this example. I've managed to figure out the va...

Transpose Rows in Columns in MS XLS using VBA

I have an XLS for which I need to A1:H1 to say A1:A7. I can achieve this by using the transpose function in copy. However I need to do this as part of VBA script. I don't seem to find any equivalent function. ...

VBA Search + Sum Problem "Complicated Algorithm" PLEASE HELP! (Tried Sum,CountIf,Dsum,SumProduct)

I have a hard equation I cant figure out, I'm hoping to make make up a Macro, any help appreciated. I have a Userform with a ComboBox "History_Select_Debtor" The RowSource for the ComboBox is "Debtor_list_Debtors" - A Dynamic Named Range on WorkSheet "DebtorList", It Consists of Customer Names from A2:A24 but will grow eventually. The ...

Create excel file using PHP compatible for 2007 and 2003

am creating a .xls file using PHP fopen write and append the contents to the file. Works fine with Excel 2003. But excel 2007 showing a alert before opening as un supported type. If i create file with .xlsx extension , it is not opening in 2003. Is there any standard way that works fine in both 2003 and 2007 versions . ...

Excel Concatenate Rows

Hi, I have this excel worksheet A B c foo1 joo1 loo1 foo1 joo2 loo2 foo2 joo3 loo3 foo2 joo4 loo4 foo2 joo5 loo5 Now I want this A B c foo1 joo1, joo2 loo1, loo2 foo2 joo3, joo4, joo5 loo3, loo4, loo5 ...

Grails: How do I create filter like the ones in MS Excel??

I want to sort the elements in my list and have the option of filter them the same way MS Excel does. So it should be able to keep the filtered elements in the table and apply a filter within those results as well. Also be able to sort them without refreshing the whole table. Any help is greatly appreciated! FG ...

What is difference between creating a file with fopen and generating file with headers

One Way am creating an xls with fopen("test.xls") . Using fwrite i write xls and readfile give me the file. Second Way I generating xls with putting header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1 header('Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); // HTTP/1.1 header ("Pragma: no-c...

Alternative to Excel as ASP.Net Report Generator

I use excel through vb.net/asp.net to generate reports from a web page and then send the file down to the user. We've had some issues with Excel being super slow/inefficient/not closing (even when we keep track of the process id and try to kill it in code...). So I'm looking for some flexible alternatives. We need a replacement that ...

Difficulty with send_data in Ruby on Rails in conjunction with Spreadsheet plug-in

I have a function in a controller that takes in some specifications and generates a report on them. This function user_report is called in a view: < %= submit_to_remote 'submit-button', "Export Report to Excel", :url => { :controller => :reports, :action => :user_report, :print_state => 'print'} % > In reports_controller I use the Spr...

Http Post in Vba

I am trying to figure out how to make a POST in VBA. Ideally I'm looking for a simple working example that I can play with. This is what I have so far, but I'm not really sure what to do with it. Mostly what does the formdata look like. Function WinHTTPPostRequest(URL, formdata, Boundary) Dim http Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.X...

Excel VSTO Late-binding deployment problem

I've got an Excel 2007 Workbook that uses mixed VSTO/VBA automation that I'm trying to deploy. Everything was working pretty well, but now I'm running into a stubborn issue with allowing my VBA code to make calls into the VSTO compiled code. I've set up my VBA and code-behind according to the walkthrough posted at http://msdn.microsoft...

Excel formula to check cell contents

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create some conditional formatting at runtime (huzzah) for an add-in (double huzzah), and have found that, apparently, some functions cannot be used as they would in a normal worksheet. (I just get an invalid procedure call error 5 when trying to create the CF referencing a VBA function I could call in a cell,...

Calculate the Y Axis interval for a chart

Hi When creating a chart of, e.g. daily sales figures for the month. Does anyone know how to calculate a suitable Y Axis interval? I've been looking at Excel which seems to choose nice intervals like 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 or 5000, etc depending on the numbers involved and the size of the range, but I can't work out what formular or...

Keystroke/hotkey/shortcut to expand Area/Iteration path in TFS?

Hi all, I'm doing a lot of work with work items, and while I'm using Tfs 2010 aka VsAlm 2010, this has been something that's bugged me ever since the first release of Tfs. When creating new work items, I don't really want to switch back and forth between my mouse and keybaord 203948203984 times; I'd really much rather just enter it enti...

Dealing with excel files what can be used besides VBA?

I have been working on an excel file which will combine each of the excel files sent by the users. So I will have a user entry row per file. I started by using VBA. I thought that it would be the best, natural choice, though I did not know how to use it previously. At the moment I have come across problems that I have no idea how to so...

How can i write data into an excel using PHP

I have .xls file. How Can i write or append content to the excel using PHP fwrite(). In waht format i write to that. When i try using fwrite its showing an error message in excel 2007 what seperator i can use? Is it possible with out excel classes ...

excel 2003 clipboard

excel 2003 when I want to use the clipboard, i highlight the col. rows then doulbe click the clipboard icon and the clipboard popup does not come up. this used to work but it does not anymore but the icon is highlighted to use it. ...