
what is the relationship between COUPDAYSNC and COUPNCD

In Excel, COUPNCD returns the date of the next coupon and COUPDAYSNC returns the number of days until the next coupon. However, COUPNCD(settlement, maturity, freq, basis) - settlement is not always equal to COUPDAYSNC (settlement, maturity, freq, basis) Why is this? ...

How to automatically fill Excel template

Hi, At work each three months we have to write reports about past activities. For writing reports we have been given Excel template which contains columns to describe activity, date, time spent for the activity some combo box elements to select predefined location and some formulas. As it takes a lot of time to rewrite all the details ...

SSIS packages to import Excel Files into SQL Server

We have a number of import jobs that previously worked fine. These dtx packages were execute from VS2005 on a Windows XP box with Office 2007 installed. The developer has not got a nice new machine, 64bit, Windows 7, Office 2010. Now when he tries to execute the packages he gets the following error: SSIS package "Import_BygningsKa...

excel processing in c#

Hi, I am developing a job application. Each job generates an excel file. I will have 50 parallel job. So 50 excel files will be generated parallelly. I am using C#3.5 and Excel 2003. The problem is I am unable to instantiate more Excel objects. I am getting COMException. So do I need to create excel processing only one at a time? Do y...

Excel formatting option

Im copying in data to a cell, when I copy it, the source info is this. 1000486818242033 it copies as this. 1.00949e+14 When i convert to number or text to columns it changes to this 1000486818242030 How can I fix that? ...

POI heap space exception or any alternative java api for Excel 2007 ???

Hello i've been searching around for a solution for this problem and haven't found anything good =( so the problem is i need to create an excel file up to 50.000 registers and when i do this show me this error at 50.000 app register: java heap space as far as i'm looking on, one way to solve this is increasing the heap memory, but qu...

Excel Services connection error using SharePoint 2010 to query Analysis Services (2008 RT)

I am connecting to an Analysis Services cube from an Excel Services spreadsheet. SharePoint and SQL Server are configured on separate servers. Am using Excel 2010 / SharePoint 2010 / SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64). Refreshing all connections (or clicking an item in the slicer) throws an error: "An error occurred during ...

Access return value from VBA Function in .NET?

I have the following code in VBA (which resides in an Excel 2007 Workbook): Public Function Multiply(a As Double, b As Double) As Double Multiply = a * b End Function If I invoke Multiply from other VBA code, it returns the correct value. However, when I call Multiply from C#: var excel = new Application {Visible = true}; excel....

Excel export to Word (VBA): problem with loop

Hi everyone, I'm having difficulties with the following: I want to export data from an Excel Sheet to a Word document. The code for that works, but the problem is that specific blocks of code need to be repeated. And that's were it goes wrong. This is an extract of the code: Voortgang: If Controle1 = True Then ...

enforcing data types in SSIS package

I have a SSIS package that imports data from an excel file. One of the columns has mostly numbers (like 12345) but some also have letters (like 123A5) When i configure the package i can't change the format and it's always recognized as double (probably it only looks at the first lines) . How can i enforce my own data type , so that it ...

Applying Excel formula to a large column

I need to apply the formula =IF(Fx-TODAY()<0,"EXPIRED",Fx-TODAY()) to each row in an Excel column where x is the number of the row that the formula is in. I have a lot of rows, upwards of 100. How can I do this without manually setting each the formula for each row? ...

Relative file paths for Excel Data Connections

I have 7 csv files and one xls file. In the xls file I have 7 sheets (one for each csv file). I can create a data connection that will read each csv file into a given sheet. However, when I zip up the xls, and 7 csv files and send them to someone they are not able to open see the data in the xls file becuase it is trying to access the...

Cannot pull SAP data using Excel (Permissions issue?)

I recently (today, actually) got some new permissions to some SAP tables, but I'm getting permissions issues with importing them. Here's how my process looks right now: I have an Access db that links to SAP tables via an ODBC connection. In that same Access db, a set of spaghetti-like queries pulls & refines a modest data set (a dozen...

How to make Selection.Find is locate an entire number instead of only the begging of it?

Hello guys, I have the following problem: in my macro, I select a range and try to locate a number within this selection. The problem is that if the number I am searching is 16 and there is a 160 followed by a 16 in the list, it finds the 160. How do I solve this?? Ideas? Range("AC7:AK12").Select Selection.Find(What:=numbe, After:=Activ...

VBA: How to make the current cursor in VBE jump to the line where the last error occured?

This is still related with my previous questions, VBA: How to display an error message just like the standard error message which has a “Debug” button? Now, I successfully make the current cursor in VBE jump to a particular procedure in VBE. I used Application.Goto to achieve this. However, what actually I want is to make the current cu...

Open list in Microsoft Excel disabled in Code Metrics VS2008

Why is the 'Open list in Microsoft Excel' button disabled on my Code Metrics Results window and how do I enable it? I have Office 2007 (and Excel 2007) installed in my Windows XP sp3, and I use VSTS 2008 Team Suite. ...

LabelCell to NumberCell

Is it possible to convert jxl LabelCell to jxl NumberCell somehow? ...

win32com - Write String values in Excel sheet

I'm using win32com to write some dates that I receive from a database, and my problem is that I'm having values like '01' and in Excel is just '1' - not '01'. Example: b = row[1] # b has the value 01 c = "-"+b+"-" # c has value -01- sheet.Cells(1,1).Value = b # I have in Excel '1' ; I've try with str(b), c - but is the sam...

Flex: Write data to file to open in Excel

Hello, I have a Flex application with a couple of DataGrids with data. I'd like to save the data to a file so that the user can keep working with them in Excel, OpenOffice or Numbers. I'm currently writing a csv file straight off, which opens well in OpenOffice or Numbers, but not in Excel. The problem is with the Swedish characters Å...

Cut the row from a sheet and paste it to another if certain criteria is met

Hi I am trying to create a macro which cuts the selected row if it matches a certain criteria and has to paste it to a different sheet from the same workbook. Could Some please help me? ...