
JSP generating Excel spreadsheet (XLS) to download

Hey, I have this application i'm developing in JSP and i wish to export a couple of data from the database into XLS (MS Excel format). Is it possible under tomcat to just write a file as if it was a normal java aplication, and then generate a link to this file? Or do i need to use a specific API for it? Will i have permition problems...

SWT OleClientSite: How to load XML file in Excel?

I have an Excel file in OfficeML format, MyData.xls. Since I upgraded to Office 2007 from Office 2003 I get a warning message saying that the file content does not match the file extension. It seems that OfficeML now must have the extension 'xml'. In my application I use OleClientSite to display the file in an OleFrame object. If I chan...

Using OLDB, can we unlock a worksheet and write data ??

Using OLDB, can we unlock a worksheet and write data and lock it back?? ...

How to copy data from another workbook (excel) ?

I already have a macro that creates sheets and some other stuff. After a sheet has been created do I want to call another macro that copies data from a second excel (its open) to first and active excel file. First I want to copy to headers, but I cant get that to work - keep getting errors. Sub CopyData(sheetName as String) Dim File ...

How to find and select multiple rows with macro (excel) ?

How do I search a column for a text and select all columns and rows which match the search text ? Sample table: ColA ColB ColC ColD Row1 Bob Row2 Jane Row3 Joe Row4 Joe Row5 Jack Row6 Jack Row7 Jack Row8 Peter Row9 Susan So the marco searches for "Jack" then it s...

Automated testing of VBA UserForms- tools and/or techniques?

I am looking to start automated regression testing on a fairly large Excel add-in that revolves around a GUI composed of a few modal UserForms with standard controls. The main problem is that most of the automated testing tools I have looked into (Rational Robot, AutomatedQA TestComplete, Network Automation Automate etc) don't fully sup...

Excel Expert: need a good solution to fill some data into a complex excel sheet

I am stuck with a problem The Requirement is that, there a complex Excel file(XLS) that is used as template; it has Macros and all the worksheets are either locked or hidden. When the user clicks to download it, the follows operation occurs Unlock a particular worksheet, fill some data @ certain cells and then lock it back. Unhide a w...

OLAP Pivot table refresh is resetting filter values

OK- 3 workbooks (one combined, and two seperate for two different combined areas) are accessing a CUBE reporting database that does a daily extract from Siebel. Each workbook contains approximately 15 sheets, and about 25 pivot tables. When a refresh all is done, and the OLAP query runs, it resets ONE of the filters on almost every s...

Modify embedded Excel workbook in Word document via VBA

I have a Word document with two embedded Excel files (added using Insert -> Object -> Create From File) which I wish to modify using Word VBA. I have got to the point where I am able to open the embedded files for editing (see code below), but am unable to get a handle on the Excel workbook using which I can make the modifications and sa...

Discrimanant taskkill.exe for excel.exe

I have to run Excel on a server and to kill the excel.exe process I am using taskkill.exe: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("taskkill.exe", "-im excel.exe /f"); My only problem is that if there is someone who is also using the server who is working on excel (It could happen) then their processes will be killed also. Is there anyway ar...

excel 2003 VBA: macro not found

hello i keep getting an error when calling a function via the OnTime method i tryed what's written here (and even posted a comment in the end) and i keep getting an error: "The macro 'I:\myFolder\test.xls'!MacroName was not found". when calling the function MacroName from anywhere in the script, it works fine. thanks in advance for any ...

MS.Excel- Is it possible to password protect one or two columns in an excel file?

Hi I have an excel file which would be available on a shared drive. I want the users to be able to access all columns except one or two columns. Except the two columns which are protected all other columns should be editable. thanks ...

Run Macro to Update Cells

I have quite a few cells that link to other worksheets/books, etc with standard excel formulae. However, is there a macro I can run that will only allow these cells to be updated when it is run? I'd like them to retain their previous values until I want them to update. ...

How do I display office and/or pdf content on a windows form?

We have an application in which admin members can add content for their subordinates to view. Their requirement is that it should be able to display word, excel, powerpoint and pdf documents in a non-editable manner. The one option that I found for doing this is to have the content loaded into a web browser component. The downside to ...

Understanding / Modeling formulas from Excel.

I have an excel spreadsheet that performs many calculations based on 4 cells to come up with a certain figure. I have been tasked to convert this spreadsheet to a widget like component that can be embedded into a web application. Is there an easy way to display or understand the embedded formula's in the excel spreadsheet, so that I ha...

What is a simple and reliable C library for working with Excel files?

Well... that's it. I need something simple and reliable (doesn't have to have fancy features - I need to write and read text and numbers from Excel cells) And yes, I would like a sample "Hello Cell" code... What do you recommend? ...

Text format via vba?

I am creating a copy of an excel file using vba, there is a column with numbers with preceeding zero's. the copy of the file is created but the data in this column is dropped. I need to keep the values with the preceeding zeros. ...

Will Silverlight 2 Succeed Where Netscape Plugins and Java Applets Failed

My company sells spreadsheet components which are used in a variety of ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications. We frequently get an email or a phone call asking "Can we use your product to let our users view / edit / print / etc... this Excel spreadsheet that my boss gave me, in the browser?" Our answer is something like "Not exactly. ...

Right click on sheet-tabs disabled in Excel

I used this vba code in the ThisWorkbook module to disable the right click menu in an Excel workbook. Private Sub Workbook_Activate() With Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847) .Visible = False End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() With Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=847) .Visible = Tru...

how to read xls chart in java?

I am using POI API to read a template n to create an XLS file through java. I want to get the chart from the template. IS there any way to do so? ...