
HTML type drop down in excel

Is there any way to have a dropdown in excel that will show a value instead of the text e.g. First option is Option 1 but value is 1 I am trying to find an easy for users to select an item without having to know the ID of that item in the database. ...

How to parse a "cut n paste" from Excel.

For part of a web application the user needs to import some data from a spreadsheet. Such as a list of names and email addresses. Currently we do this by asking the user to browse for and upload a CSV file. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible as various corporate IT systems only allow users to access files from document management...

Starting and controlling two instances of excel within my program?

I have an odd need to open two separate instances of excel and having each open a different spreadsheet for various manipulations. At the moment I'm doing the simple execution of excel with command line parameters to open the two spreadsheets, but both spreadsheets end up in one instance of excel. Yes, it's klunky, no, I can't easily e...

Lotus 123 to Excel 2003 conversion

I have been asked to convert some Lotus 123 wk4 files with macros to excel 2003, I know the data will convert with most formulas. I am wondering if there is a way to convert the lotus macros also. ...

Reporting Services Excel rendering extensions ?

Our company has a reporting solution utilizing Analysis services + Reporting Services, with excel reports being a priority. Everything's sort of fine, but several annoying things are bothering us: No ability to rename the sheets Embedded images stretch the containing cells vertically, thus making scrolling a pain Cross-sheet links are ...

Trouble Creating Excel add-in from macro.

I've created two VBA macro functions that worked fine when used in the current workbook. I saved as .xla and imported as an add-in. I then found and activated the add-in through the menus in excel but when I use the functions I get the #NAME error and a description of "The formula contains unrecognized text". I'm stuck. ...

How do I print a set of sheets to PDF in Excel 2002?

I've tried CutePDF, but programmatic access needs to happen via registry entries, which isn't thread safe. I've also tried PDF Writer, but program has serious problems when multiple users are logged into the same machine trying to print at the same time. I'm looking for an easy C# or VBA command to which i can say -- print this .xls, a...

Excel Macro - Comma Separated Cells to Rows

Hi, I have have the following data in excel: a, b, c d e f, g h i with each row, representing a row and in one cell. I would like to convert it to: a b c d e f g h i I am using the following macro, but I can't get the autosize to do an insert, instead of overriding the cell values. Any help is appreciated. Sub SplitCells() ...

C#/ASP.NET Oledb - MS Excel read "Unspecified error"

We have a C#/ASP.NET (2.0) application running on IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. This application reads Excel files using OleDb, but there are instances when we get an "Unspecified Error" exception thrown from within the application. The file is stored in the temporary directory by our file upload code before opening...

How do I import an excel spreadsheet into SQL Server?

I need to import an excel spreadsheet into SQL Server 2005. What steps would I need to take to accomplish that? ...

Connecting to SSAS 2005 from Excel 2007 over http: how to make it ask for username and password?

I'm trying to let my users connect to OLAP cube in SSAS 2005 using Excel 2007 over the Internet. I've set up dynamic security using fact table in cube. It uses UserName function, so users should authenticate to SSAS using windows accounts. I've set up msmdpump.dll component on IIS, allowing windows authentication, but not anonimous one....

C#: How to access an Excel cell?

I am trying to open an Excel file and populate its cells with data? I have done the following coding so far. Currently I am at this stage with the following code but still I am getting errors: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass appExcel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass(); try { // i...

How do I display a ratio in Excel in the format A:B?

Hi, I have an Excel spreadsheet of data like: ColumnA ColumnB 33 11 25 5 6 4 What i would like to do is add a third column which shows the ratio of columnA to columnB in the format of A:B. For example: ColumnA ColumnB Ratio 33 11 3:1 25 5 5:1 6 4 3:2 Does anyone know of a way ...

Excel Macro - Comma Separated Cells to Rows Preserve/Aggregate Column

I had a similar question answered Here There is a slight twist to the scenario and hoping the macro can be changed slightly. Any help is appreciated. Based on this Data: <- A (Category) -> <- B (Items) -> 1 Cat1 a,b, c 2 Cat2 d 3 Cat3 e 4 Cat4 f, g I need...

Can Excel give a notification if a the value of a cell changes out of limits in a certain time?

I would like to learn if Excel can notify me if the value of a cell is changed out of a limit within a certain interval? Example: Cell A1 has a value of 10, the limits are +1 and -1, the interval is 1 minute Now I would like to be notified if the value of A1 changes below 9 or above 11 within the interval of 1 minute Does anyone know i...

Export Excel range/sheet to formatted text file

Hello, I have been tasked with creating a reusable process for our Finance Dept to upload our payroll to the State(WI) for reporting. I need to create something that takes a sheet or range in Excel and creates a specifically formatted text file. THE FORMAT Column 1 - A Static Number, never changes, position 1-10 Column 2 - A Dynamic ...

Simple Excel Macro Question

This should be simple, not sure why I am having trouble with this..... In a data input range that a user is entering data there is a "left" and a "right" side of the form. Not all the data in any given row has to be filled in. I want to create a macro (and assign it to a hot key I.E. ctrl-z ) such that if it is hit it will position the ...

Using Automation to get_Text from Excel. If cell too narrow, get #####. How can I avoid that?

I'm using Automation to get_Text from an Excel worksheet. I do this because I need the formatted value (getting the value of the cell doesn't apply any formatting). If the column the cell is in is too narrow, I get "#####" the same was I would if I were to look at the spreadsheet via Excel. How can I avoid that? EDIT: Here is the ...

Call web service in excel

In a VBA module in excel 2007, is it possible to call a web service? If so, any code snippets? How would I add the web reference? ...

How to update report in access with bound dataset automatically?

I have a single entry output from a paradox table which is imported into Access. Now I have created a report and done the databinding within the report to the dataset from Paradox. When work is done in Paradox the single entry output changes... How do I open up access and have the values from the report update automatically without hav...