
How can I hook up to Excel events in Javascript

In a client-side web application, I would like to: open an Excel spreadsheet, export some application data to Excel, allow the user to work with it, and when they are done, read the (potentially changed) data back into my application. I would like the user to have a fluid experience and detect when they are done with excel by hooking...

.NET app.config question

I have created an Excel 2003 add-in that uses the CLR 2.0 and this add-in is to be installed in hundreds of machines at my customer's site. The issue is that some of the machines where the add-in is installed have .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 running side by side, and the plugin throws an error when it's trying to load. The solution I have co...

How to get from xhtml to excel to xhtml

Hi, I have a question on how best to get xhtml into excel. let the user edit it in excel and then get back to xhtml at the end. The background is that I have a web app in which the texts are stored in xhtml. These I can export to an excel file with the html in the excel cell. I can also reimport this cell back to xhtml but the problem...

Why can't Win32::OLE talk to Excel2003 under Win2003?

I have a Web-based Perl Win32::OLE script that uses Excel on the server side. It has been working happily for years on a Win2000 server running Excel2000. We recently upgraded to Win2003/Excel2003 and I now get the following error from the script: Win32::OLE(0.1709) error 0x80070005: "Access is denied" at create_worksheet_lib.plx line ...

Excel, OleDb, and Leading zeros

I have a process that using OleDb reads data from an excel file into a DataSet. Everything was working well until I started to see data with leading 0's in it. The text is formatted as General or Text. I have set IMEX=1 in the OleDb connection, yet I still get a null value in the dataset for each entry with a leading 0. Does anyone k...

Export to Excel from a Repeater?

Right now I am using this to export a repeater (with multiple nested repeaters) to excel: protected void ExportToExcel(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=finance.xls"); Response.Charset = ""; Response.ContentType = "application/vnd...

How to create copy of a excel file without opening.

What is the command to create a copy of a excel file without opening it using vb.net. Can anyone helpe me out there.... Thank you. ...

Can a vba function in excel return a range?

I seem to be getting a type mismatch error when trying to do something like this: In new workbook: A1 B1 5 4 Function Test1() As Integer Dim rg As Range Set rg = Test2() Test1 = rg.Cells(1, 1).Value End Function Function Test2() As Range Dim rg As Range Set rg = Range("A1:B1") Test2 = rg End Function Adding =...

best way to programmatically modify excel spreadsheets

Hi, I'm looking for a library that will allow me to programatically modify Excel files to add data to certain cells. My current idea is to use named ranges to determine where to insert the new data (essentially a range of 1x1), then update the named ranges to point at the data. The existing application this is going to integrate with i...

Is there a native excel class which allows a range to be copied and sorts/filters applied?

I have a range I'd like to arbitrarily sort and filter using vba. I don't, however, want it to affect the worksheet. I'd like to essentially copy the range into some native class that supports filtering and sorting (so i don't have to reinvent the wheel) and use that class to return a result to calling code. Are there any classes I can...

How to output an Excel *.xls file from classic ASP

I have a number of generated html tables that I need to output as an Excel file. The site is codded in classic ASP. Is this possible? Could it be done by somehow using the Open Office libraries? EDIT: Thus far, I have tried some of the suggestions, but it seems to fail. Ideally, I want the user to be able to click a link that will beg...

Driving Excel from Python in Windows

Hi Folks, We have various spreadsheets that employ deliciously complicated macros and third party extensions to produce complicated models. I'm working on a project that involves slightly tweaking various inputs and seeing the results. Rather than doing this by hand or writing VBA, I'd like to see if I can write a python script to dri...

Select a set of cells in one column based on value in another

Hi, I have a big set of data in excel of the following form A B 1 stuff1 6 stuff2 3 stuff3 1 stuff4 1 stuff5 7 stuff6 3 stuff7 2 stuff8 . . . . . . 5 stuffn and what i would like is some vba code that will select all the cells in B that have a "1" in column A - I will be using this set to do some tasks in...

Import multiline csv files into Excel internationally

There is a .csv file we would like to distribute to our customers, it contains multiline entries (i.e. entries with newlines). Depending on the language settings of the customers, the file may or may not be correctly imported into Excel. Normally, we would suggest to use to Import the file, but there seems to be some bug with the multili...

How do I convert Excel OpenXML shared strings to inline strings?

I have a large spreadsheet in Excel 2007 OpenXML format that I want to manipulate in xml programmatically. Excel saves it using the shared strings method which, while more efficient, complicates the process. Does anyone know if there is an option buried in Excel to save using inline strings, or maybe a utility already build to place all ...

Import and Export Excel - What is the best library?

In one of our ASP.NET applications in C#, we take a certain data collection (SubSonic collection) and export it to Excel. We also want to import Excel files in a specific format. I'm looking for a library I can use for this purpose. Requirements: - Excel 2007 files (Does Excel 2003 support over 64k rows? I need more than that.) - Does ...

How do I avoid run-time error when a worksheet is protected in MS-Excel?

The code snippet below changes the data validation state of a cell and runs when the Excel-2003 worksheet is unprotected. However, when I protect the work sheet the macro doesn't run and raises a run-time error Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)': Method 'Add' of object 'Validation' failed I have tried wrapping the code wi...

Table Lookup in Excel

I am very familiar with vlookup and hlookup functions in Excel. However, I am looking for a method of doing both. Take this example: A B C 1 Resources 2 Task Mgr Sr. Mgr 3 ----------------------------- 4 Task 1 30% 70% 5 Task 2 40% 60% ...

Retrieving Values From Excel Merged Columns

I'm doing a hlookup against a value that spans multiple columns. My data is similar to this: A B C D --------------------------- 1| Col1 Col2 2| x y z w 3| 4| In rows 3 and 4 (A3, B3, C3, D3, etc.), I'd like to put formulas that will do an hlookup somewhere else in the workb...

COM Integration from ALBPM - Cannot find IDispatch for '{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'

I am trying to use the Office COM components in order to create Word and Excel documents. Unfortunately I can not achieve this because I am getting an error. Cannot find IDispatch for '{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' in module '{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', v8.3 I tried reinstalling Office, my applicatio...