
Excel triggered macro

I am struggling to carry out the following. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The marco only relates to one excel worksheet. I have 50 rows of information, 11 columns wide (A - K) in each row of column A there sits an IF condition If the IF condition flags the word 'OK' I would like a macro to trigger, and carry out the followin...

Running Excel Macros Automatically under Linux.

Part of the software I work on uses an Excel sheet to store the user error messages & their translations. We run a macro which generates a set of internationalized text files & matching header files that are then copied into our version control system (the spreadsheet is also in Version Control) and used as part of our build. I'd like ...

Excel/VBA to check if a row exists

I have a sheet full of some raw data, about 20,000 rows and 50 columns. (Number of rows expected to increase, probably double if not triple) I need a formula to look at this data and determine if a row exists for data in two specified columns. My current formula is as follows. Function CheckExists(Table As Range, SearchCol1 As Integer,...

ADO.Net Excel, Checking if a table exists?

I'm using ADO.Net to work with an Excel Document. Essentially, I'm looking up values in a table called "source" and creating a new table called "result" which will be populated with the results of my query. I have a couple of questions.. A) How can I check if a table exists and create a new one if it doesn't? B) Is a table the same ...

Excel file with multiple tabs

I need to create an excel file with multiple tabs. I need to do this in Ruby on Rails. I have checked out Apache POI but I'm not sure if it provides that functionality. Does anyone know if it does or if there are other alternatives that can do this? Thanks. ...

cleaning datasources

Hi I'm project managing a development that's pulling data from all kinds of data sources (SQL MySQL, Filemaker, excel) before installing into a new database structure with a record base through 10 years. Obviously I need to clean all this before exporting, and am wondering if there are any apps that can simplify this process for me, or ...

Programmatically set "Select objects" cursor in Excel

I'm struggling to find out how to programmatically enable the "Select objects" cursor type. I checked the object browser and expected to find a property like Application.CursorType or Application.DrawingMode. Changing the cursor type isn't picked up in the macro recorder and I must be searching for the wrong terms as I can't find infor...

PHP Microsoft Excel file generation / export class

I've been looking for a good Excel file generation class and have yet to find one - my number one issue is that I although I can get the exported file to open in Excel (running 2007), I always get a warning saying "the file is in a different format to the file extension". I noticed that the Excel export in phpMyAdmin even generates the ...

Need VB to make Excel calculate a sheet or range in realtime and in the background

How can I make excel continuously calculate a sheet/range in realtime (not 1 calc/sec) and do it in the background? I want this metric clock to run like a stopwatch.... =IF(LEN(ROUND((HOUR(NOW())*(100/24)),0))=1,"0"&ROUND((HOUR(NOW())*(100/24)),0),ROUND((HOUR(NOW())*(100/24)),0))&":"&IF(LEN(ROUND((MINUTE(NOW())*(100/60)),0))=1,"0"&R...

Copy to excel from VB.Net app causes a 0x800A03EC error in some environments.

Here is the error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException, Paste, Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC All machines are Windows XP with the same version of Excel (2003). Some machines get the error, some don't. We have yet to find a pattern. Here is the code: Public Shared Sub ExportToExcel(ByVal dt As System.Data.DataTable) ...

What is the best and fastest way to write into Excel file using C#?

I am trying to write into excel file using OLEDB (without automation). I have around 500 rows of data which I get from some other application and then write into Excel file one by one using 'INSERT INTO..' Query. I am sure that there is no delay in reading data from the other application. I checked that. The total time taken to write int...

How can I suppress the message in Star Team

While comparing Excel files, I get the following message: StarTeam One or more files are not text only! Do you still want to use alternative compare utility C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BComp.exe? Yes No Cancel ...

Can an excel worksheet be used as UDF?

I'm building a network business model in excel. A similar model is that of Gawker Media. In my model I have a number properties that have some over lap of audience. Each property attracts users, which in turn affords cross promotional opportunities. In the case of Gawker they have a series of blogs whose audience will likely read s...

PowerPoint Automation from MS Access....queries to chart?

Hey guys! I am wondering if there is anyone out there that can help me with this... I have an Access db that I use to track metrics where I work and "number crunch" for data that I use to build ppt presentations. I have to usually do about 40 ppt's per month, and they are 98% charts. Right now, I run queries one at a time (using SQL st...

How to send + from the number pad in Excel/VBA?

I'm working on a project at work that, basically, does screen scraping. I'm using VBA to drive another system based on inputs stored in a spreadsheet. The problem I'm running into is that certain fields require a + from the number pad as a field-exit character. I have no problem using the SendKeys function to fill in the other fields,...

How to save from C# to Excel?

BOWorkerDetail oBOWorkerDetail = new BOWorkerDetail(); WorkerDetails oWorkerDetails = new WorkerDetails(); oWorkerDetails = oBOWorkerDetail.Gets(); oWorkerdetails is a collection of all workers. I need to save this value in Excel. how to do ? Can any one help?i Work on C# window platform vs05. ...

Capturing spreadsheet usage throughout a company

We have a lot of customized spreadsheet solutions that are being used and we want some programmatic way of keeping track of them. Obviously since they are spreadsheets, people can save them locally, rename them, etc so we need a solution that can account for that. Some ideas are: On spreadsheet open, handle the OnOpen event and write...

Refactoring PHP code that outputs csv with formulas

I have some PHP code that is designed to make a spreadsheet with formulas already in it to sum some columns. It seems there should be a much more elegant way to do this than the code below. What are some refactorings or design patterns that could accomplish something like the code below better? <? echo ",Current Milestone,Total Hours,Mi...

Convert Semi-Colon Text to Excel

Hi All, I need to convert a semi-colon delimited file to an Excel. However, there are some fields that must be removed from the Excel file, and some extra fields to be added. These extra fields are drop-down fields. Is there any way to do this? Programming language that is preferably to be used is Java, but also welcome the possibility...

Retrieving the COM class factory for component failed

I am using an excel object (COM component) for excel manipulation. It works fine on my PC, but when I deploy the application to our Intranet I am getting this error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005 I am using windows authent...