
How to Read xml spread sheet

Hi All, I have a 3rd Party tool that generates an xml spreadsheet (*.xls). I have another program that reads this spreasheet and processes it. The content of the generated xml spreadsheet is a table with 5 columns and my program runs select queries on them. I m facing an issue while opening a connection to the generated spreadsheet. It s...

What Excel VBA actions are possible on hidden worksheets or workbooks?

Hidden worksheets/workbooks have some limitations to what can be done in VBA code, like most Select and Selection statements, and anything coming from ActiveSheet, but I can't seem to find any list of what the limitations are. Google, the built-in documentation in the help system, and MSDN's website have all failed me. Can anyone point...

When I try to use a VBA function that I've defined in an Excel spreadsheet, I get "That is not a valid function"

I defined a function in VBA as follows Public Fuction Distance(X, Y) as Double Then in a cell i try to use the fuction. I type "@Dis" and get the drop down menu, select the function and then enter the parameters ending up with @Distance(A1, A2) in the cell. When I press Enter I get the Error "That function is not valid". I enabled ...

How to use VBA to automate several Office applications?

Although I've done VBA projects within a single application for both MS Access 2007 and Excel 2007, I haven't automated multiple applications at the same time. The generalized project is to open access, run some update queries that appends data to various tables. Then Excel needs to get the data. Some formating changes are needed in E...

Excel Number Format: What is "[$-409]" ?

i'm automating excel, using the macro system as a guide to what i should do through automation. When i formatted a column as a date, the macro generated a NumberFormat for the column to be: [$-409]m/d/yy h:mm AM/PM;@ i'm trying to decipher what this really means. i gather from googling, that the values in the square brackets are a con...

Howto import xls/csv file with unicode charset into php/mysql?

Hi I want to give the user the ability to import a csv file into my php/mysql system, but ran into some problems with encoding when the language is russian which excel only can store in UTF-16 tab-coded tab files. Right now my database is in latin1, but I will change that to utf-8 as described in question "a-script-to-change-all-tables...

AutoSize ElementHost in Excel 2003 ActionsPane

Hi, I'm hosting a WPF chart in an Excel 2003 ActionsPane. The chart is set to stretch both horizontally and vertically, however, although the ElementHost and the chart fill the ActionsPane horizontally, I have not found a way to enable the ElementHost to fill vertically. The only property that seems to have any affect on the layout of t...

ODBC connect with propritary driver/Excel Trust settings

I have a spreadsheet in Excel that connects to an internal DB using the odbc driver for the software (Action Request System). That works fine. Now I'm trying to move the Excel file to a SharePoint site so that our team can review the data and make notes in the same spreadsheet. So, first I tried just moving the Excel file to the server,...

Date format in VB6

I am using VB6 for my application. I've populated Excel with the RecordSet obtained from a SQL query. One column called Time_period has values like "2/31/2006" "12/29/2000" etc. I need to pass these inputs to another SQL query for processing. I am little confused with the formats, as Oracle accepts inputs of type "23-Jul-2009", "02-...

Excel cell-values are truncated by OLEDB-provider

Hi folks, I'm using the OleDbConnection class to retrieve data from an Excel 2000/2003 workbook: string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + filename + ";" + "Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;IMEX=1\";"; OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnec...

How to embed contents of an excel worksheet into a email in C#?

I have C# code that sends an email. In the body of the email i want to send contents of an excel sheet. One way to do this is create html table with html rows for every record in the excel file and embed this html code in the body of the email. Is there any simpler way to do this? Something where i can just specify the path of the exce...

Fixing a row and column excel style in asp.net

Is there a way to fix a column or row so when the user scrolls down or right, the first is always shown? I'd need to replicate this excel feature in asp.net and am using a ListView control. Is it at least doable in html? I'm open to any suggestion to accomplish this ...

How to show long numbers in Excel?

Hi I have to build a C# program that makes CSV files and puts long numbers (as string in my program). The problem is, when I open this CSV file in Excel the numbers appear like this: 1234E+ or 1234560000000 (the end of the number is 0) How I retain the formatting of the numbers? If I open the file as a text file, the numbers are for...

Implementation of excel's ROUND function

How would you implement a ROUND function: ROUND(value, number of digits) pi=3.14159265358979323 so, for example, ROUND(pi, 3) = 3.142 if you had these functions at your disposal: AINT - truncates a value to a whole number ANINT - calculates the nearest whole number NINT - returns the nearest integer to the argument or never minding...

DataGridView Copy Paste (with style, backgorund color, ...)

I have a C# Windows Form Application with a DataGridView. Copy & Paste (ctrl-c after selecting the data in the datagrid and ctrl-v in Excel) is working almost fine. The problem is that the style (such as background color) is not being pasted in Excel, only the cell values. Do I need to change a property somewhere on my datagridview or...

Using OLEDB / Microsoft Jet driver causes "Number stored as text" in excel file

I'm having a problem using OLDEDB from C# to write entries into an excel file. Essentially I want to use an excel template file for formatting some information. The idea is that users can run a query, it'll populate the results into an excel file, where the user can then continue to use excel to maniulate the results. To do this, I crea...

In Memory OleDbConnection to Excel File

I would like to open an OleDbConnection to an Excel file that's in memory as a FileStream. Does anyone know if this is possible and how to accomplish it? Big picture I would like to pass the file bytes into a .NET CLR Stored Procedure and extract the data. Perhaps there's a better way to do this that I've not considered. Thanks in ad...

SqlServer to Excel export with OPENROWSET

All, I am successfully exporting to excel with the following statement: insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\template.xls;', 'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from myTable Is there any standard way to use this template specifying a new name for the excel sheet so that the template never get...

aligning the corresponding rows in a recordSet

Hi, I ve two recordsets which have the same primary key: combination of two columns called 'item_no' and 'Order_id'..... Both recordsets have this primary key(combination) and rest other different columns... Now, I want to order the(those) rows in two recordsets such that the position of the records(with same primary key values) should ...

Reading from Excel (Range into multidimensional Array) C#

Hello, How would I read from an Excel sheet and load the marked selection (Area) into an multidimensional array? A column in Excel could itself be a multi dimensional array since it would contain more than just one value. The idea (not sure how good or bad this is) is right now is to do a for loop through all the Excel.Area (selected ...