
How to store information in a Excel WoorkBook

I'm programing an Excel Addin with VS2008 and VSTO(C#) over Office 2007. This addin needs to store information embeded or inside the Wookbook to recover some status when the user opens again the Wookbook with this kind of information. Before save the Wookbook, the Addin serialize in XML all the information, and after open a WoorkBook th...

Problem with Numeric/String using Apache POI...

Hi! I have excel file with such contents: A1: SomeString A2: 2 All fields are set to String format. When I read file in java using poi it tells that B1 is numeric cell format. The problem is that the value in A1 can be 2 or 2.0 so I can't just use .toString(). Can anyone help please? ...

Rails import from Excel issue

We are using Ruby on Rails code to import the data from an Excel sheet, we use an alert where it asks whether we upload the data and append to existing data (MySQL database) and display it in a grid designed in Flex 3, or replace the old data with new data. But we are getting this error: Error in Importing excel files Open OLE error cod...

Elegant way to highlight chart data series in Excel

I want to outline the chart data range source(s) in a table, in much the same way that the GUI will outline a range in blue if the chart data series is clicked. The user can choose various chart views and the range highlight colours for each data series need to match those displayed in the chart. For the record, here are the methods I ...

How does Excel determine the axis values for charts ?

When Excel determines the axis values it will use to represent your data in a chart, the values are 'evenly distributed'. For Example: If you plot the following series in an Excel Line Chart. [0.22,0.33,0.44,0.55,0.66,0.77,0.88,0.99,1.1,1.21,1.32,1.43,1.54,1.65,1.76,1.87,1.98,2.09,2.2] Excel determines that the y-axis values should be [...

Value is a variable but used as a method

Hi, The error here is "Range is a variable but used as a method" I added " Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" and using it currently as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook SelWorkBook = excelappln1.Workbooks.Open(curfile, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, false, fal...

Build a tree like representation of data in Excel?

I have a bunch of raw data in this fashion: Parent | Data --------------- Root | AAA AAA | BBB AAA | CCC AAA | DDD BBB | EEE BBB | FFF CCC | GGG DDD | HHH Which needs to be converted into a tree like fashion. This basically needs to end up in an excel spreadsheet. How can I convert the above data into ...

Generating excel documents programmatically

Has anyone used a Java based library for generating excel documents? Preferably support for 2003? ...

Running a macro in excel

I don't think this is technically a macro but I don't know what else to call it: Users want to print individual sections from a report on a sheet. These sections are just named ranges. Some points: The file is an xlt file. It is used as a template to generate an xls file. I am using Excel 2007, but the users will run a mixture of ...

Excel date/product count to specified limit

Column A "Sales Dates", Column B "=A2-A1" for "Date Diff", Column C "Customer Name", Column D "Item", Column E "Items Ordered Count" My issue is I have to do a running 30 day total for each customer to see that specific items are not being ordered above "x" number within any 30-day period. Does anyone have any ideas? ...

Where can I Find XML List of USA Cities and States?

Can anyone share? Excel format is fine too. ...

How to change EXCEL 2007 Chart Series Foreground Color for a xlCylinderBarStacked

I can get it to change for a line chart but cannot figure out how to do it for BAR graphs ...

Excel VBA Format cell as custom "h"

I have a cell with a time value as 1:23:45 AM and would like to display just the hour value or use it for other calculations. Need to do this using vba. No, I cannot format the column manually. Thanks, Sam ...

xml excel realtive path issue

Hi I have some code that creates a xml excel spreadsheet. This sheet contains hyperlinks to documents in subdirectories. An example of the href for the link would be ".\dir1\dir2\document.pdf". When the spreadsheet is opened in ms excel 2007 this link is wrongly rendered as "file:///c:\temp\dir1\dir2\dir1\dir2\document.pdf". I have fo...

Searching a collection of excel sheets w/C#

Hi, I'm trying to get C# to examine whatever workbook the user has selected and find any sheets which would contain stock data. Concretely this would mean looking at a range of cells (say r<6, c<10) for "Close", "close" or "CLOSE". The following code shows the point at which the user has selected an .xls file. I'm not sure how to l...

How to read excel file in blocks?

I have a c# application which reads excel files using oledb drivers. I would like to know is it possible read excel file in blocks so that we can avoid loading entire file into memory. ...

Error 1004 when inserting lookup formula in Excel 2000

I've got the following code to look up the date at which a value occurs in a separate sheet in Excel 2000: sSheet.Range(dateColumn & pRow) = _ "=lookup(" & valColumn & pRow & ";'" & _ iSheet.Name & "'!" & tColumn & firstRow & ":" & tColumn & lastRow & ";'" & _ iSheet.Name & "'!" & dateColumn & firstRow & ":" & dateColu...

Copying Data's from workbook to another workbook

Does anyone have the Macro code for copying from one excel workbook sheet data's to another excel workbook sheet but that should be date and time conditioned? ex: Date Time Fruits 4/22/2009 7:30:34 Apple 4/22/2009 7:30:37 Orange 4/22/2009 7:31:19 Mango 4/22/2009 7:31:37 Grapes 4/22/2009 7:32:37 Bana...

How do I write this IF statement in Excel?

I am trying to build a complicated spreadsheet and I need a statement to do the following: If C2=R2 and D2 is < T2 then U2, if D2 is >T but T3 but < T4 then U4 if D2 is > T4 but < T5 then U5, if D2 is > T5 but < T6 then U6 BUT if C2 does not equal R2 then S8 I think it needs to be some sort of IF statement, but i am tearing my hair out...

Copy header and range from one sheet to another

I am trying to copy a header and a set of data to a new worksheet for printing. While I can copy the data fine the column widths are lost and running autofit on it again breaks the page. The column widths were set by hand manually when the page was originally designed. Currently I have: Dim tmp As Worksheet Set tmp = Sheets.Add(after:...