
Microsoft Excel If Statements

I have altered a statement I got from a previous answer a bit and it now looks like this: =IF(C6=$R$3,IF(D6<=0.99,$U$2,IF(AND(D6>0.99,D6<=4.99),$U$3,IF(AND(D6>4.99,D6<=14.99),$U$4,IF(AND(D6>14.99,D3<=29.99),$U$5,IF(AND(D6>29.99,D6<99.99),$U$6,""))))),$S$8) It all works fine until you change the value in cell D6 to say £45 when it still...

Printing all spreadsheet names only in a workbook.

Is it possible to print ONLY the spreadsheets names (the names at the bottom on the tabs)? I have a workbook with quite a lot of spreasheets (over 500, er, it's a catalogue of music... CDs, what's on them, composors, conductors, movements, times etc.) and would like to do a print out of just the names of, not all and every part of the wo...

Problem executing excel from C# Application

I want to open a file from a Class in C# using a Process, located in a directoy I asked the user. ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "EXCEL.EXE"; startInfo.Arguments = Here goes the directory I asked Process.Start(startInfo); The problem, is that when the location of the file indicated by the us...

PageSetup problems

In what is hopefully the last problem in the "Print An Individual Range" series of questions, I hereby humbly ask the more knowledgable readers how to copy the PageSetup object from one page to another. Since you can simply Dest.PageSetup = Source.PageSetup I have had to create function that does the same. An abridge form is below: Pub...

Import Excel File into Oracle

I have an Excel file that I need to import into a (new) Oracle table. What is the best way to do this? ...

Writing a formula to a cell with OpenXLS

I'm using Java and OpenXLS to write out an Excel spreadsheet. I want to set a formula for a cell but I haven't got a clue how to do it. Can anybody help me, please? :) (Can't tag this with "openxls" because I'm a new user...) ...

Using templates in excel with C#

As part of the c# program that I am producing I need to generate 1 workbook containing; 2 different worksheets and a 3rd that could be produced any number of times, what is the most effective way of doing this? I have looked into using templates although I am unsure how to repeat certain worksheets whilst only displaying others once. An...

How to generate Pivot table in ExcelSheet Programatically

I am required to generate a Pivot table in MS Excel(not in Open Office) dynamically as per the User's query. I am programing in java and MySql(DB),so cant use the windows or MS object directly that's why wana to use VbScript . This vbscript will contain data as well as orentation on the columns in Pivot fieldList .But can any body tell m...

Opening ADO connection to Excel Spreadsheet in VBA

How would I go about opening an ADO connection to an Excel 2007 spreadsheet? I am doing this in order to import the data into Access 2007. Rather annoyingly, the data needs to be fltered and pre-processed before being imported, hence why I want to open an ADO connection to read it. ...

How do you extract data using regex from excel sheet in Perl

How do you extract the data using regex in a workbook. For example, I want to extract a set of strings that match a pattern in the workbook which contains many sheets. ...

Protect excel file with java

Is there a way to create open protected excel file in Java? I'm looking at JExcelApi and Apache Poi projects but with both of them I cannot figure out how to protect generated xls file. I want to assure that generated file can be opened only by people that know password phrase. ...

Excel addin development environment

If I want to build an excel addin with C++. Is there any opensource/freeware alternative to the Visual Studio development environment? Thanks Dean ...

Is there a .NET method equivalent to NETWORKDAYS in Excel?

I'm trying to do some date math in Visual Basic. The NETWORKDAYS function in Excel is exactly what I need. Is there an equivalent or similar method available in .NET? ...

Excel VBA - Use Module in Workbook B to Update Data in Workbook A

I have 10 XLS's, each of which contain a a few hundred lines of VBA that do the same thing. I want to move this common code into an 11th XLS, and have the other 10 call the code in the 11th XLS. The common code must have access to all of the data and worksheets in the calling XLS. This last requirement does not seem to be addressed by ot...

Null values reading data from Excel using ADO

I am reading data from an Excel 2007 spreadsheet using ADO. Setting up the connection is easy: Dim ado As ADODB.Connection Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ado.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=myFilename.xlsx;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO;IMEX=1"";" ado.Open I can call ado.OpenS...

how to create a "Uploading! Pls wait..." msg for uploading excel file and load to SQL Server?

Currently, i have a working function that will let user to upload an excel file and thn insert the excel file data into the SQL Server. So, they might be thousand of records in an excel file, i would like to have a message like "Please wait while uploading..." during the process! i have tried on the update progress and javascript but bot...

Zoom Down in EXCEL from an ASP.NET application

Can anybody tell me how to set the zoom factor on an Excel sheet via a ASP.NET application. I believe the Excel Sheet object has a PageSetup.Zoom property which does not seem to be working. When I generate a report in Excel programatically through ASP.NET I get the zoom factor of all sheets in the workbook as 100%. Here is a code sampl...

Load Excel data into Linux / wxWidgets C++ application?

I'm using wxWidgets to write cross-plafrom applications. In one of applications I need to be able to load data from Microsoft Excel (.xls) files, but I need this to work on Linux as well, so I assume I cannot use OLE or whatever technology is available on Windows. I see that there are many open source programs that can read excel files ...

what is the way to check whether excel cell is locked or not?

How to Check if a particluar cell in that range is locked, I am posting the small snippet of my code, Please suggestme , the better way of writing to cell if the cell is not locked. if (reader.HasRows) { minRow = 0; minCol = 0; // Process each result in the result set whi...

Excel dynamic tables like functionality in web application

Hello, I need a way to show a grid in a web application, allowing grouping of the data by several user selected fields. The ideal would be something like what excel dynamic tables provide. Does anyone know about a control that can do this? If it is integrated with ASP.NET that would be a plus. Thanks in advance! ...