
Ruby roo Excel.new

Hi, I have a question regarding the ruby roo library. There is a method for opening the Excel document Excel.new . How to close this document, having worked with it? ...

How do I read a date in Excel format in Python?

How can I convert an Excel date (in a number format) to a proper date in Python? ...

Excel VBA Macro: Check content (of clipboard?) before pasting

Hi, I've had some serious issues with pasting data from various sources into Excel. Excel tends to try to be smart and does all kinds of silly formating. We need the data as text. The problem is that we have a lot of users, and many of them are not very experienced with computers, so asking them to use right-click and 'Paste Special' ...

How to create a website which uploads/ download data from/ to Database and Excel files

Hi Guys, I am afraid to ask this kind of question as it has many factors to consider and its not easy for others to give suggestions. But, I have to do this task and couldnt trace out the possible way to do this. One requirement I know is with the help of AJAX controls and Update panel ( I never worked on them) I have to do this. Plea...

How do I merge two rows in Excel?

Hi I'm not even sure if this is actually possible in excel, but I am trying to merge two rows together, for example I have data that looks a little like this (each like would be a separate row): 1001001 0100101 1010101 1010101 and I would like to merge the two rows like: 1001001-0100101 1010101-1010101 Does anyone have any sugges...

How do I replace the formula in a cell with the output of the formula?

How do I replace the formula in a cell with the output of the formula? I simply need "=RIGHT(E86,LEN(E86)+1-FIND("(",E86,1))" to become "(e)" Is there a way to do this to the whole sheet? Replace all the cells with formulas with the text they are displaying? I am using version 2003. ...

Excel to .csv problem

I have an excel file that i need to get into CSV. I export it fine but when I go to import it into a mysql db via phpMyAdmin i get a "Invalid field count in CSV input on line 1.". Problem seems to be that the fields are not enclosed by double quotes. I just migrated to MS Excel 2007 and am not sure how to manipulate the CSV save option...

YearFrac in Sql 2005

How do I write the YearFrac function that comes with Excel in Sql 2005? ...

RegEx help - finding / returning a code

I must admit it's been a few years since my RegEx class and since then, I have done little with them. So I turn to the brain power of SO. . . I have an Excel spreadsheet (2007) with some data. I want to search one of the columns for a pattern (here's the RegEx part). When I find a match I want to copy a portion of the found match to an...

How to get next IP in range from Excel

I know there has to be a way: I need help getting any hot excel module/trick/script/macro that would look at a range of IPs and give me the next address up? e.g. ( --> ( Not sure i need sub nets, but will throw it out there as well. ( --> ( I bet is has to be done with vbscript...

C# and Excel interop

Hey guys. One of my users is having an issue when trying to open an Excel file through my C# app. Everything works ok when I run it from my machine and it works for other users. I am no Excel interop expert so hopefully you guys can help me out. Here is how it is setup: I added a reference to my app to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel....

How to work with dataTable?

My given problem is follow: I have an object with x coloums and every coloum has y values. I must now bring this to excel. I found an snippet in which a datatable can be exported easily. So I will bring my object to a datatable. How can I do this? Language is C#.´Net ...

How to get from Row, Column to Excel A1 notation?

Given a Row and Column (As Long), how can you determine the spreadsheet notation using VBA in Excel (2007): e.g.: (R, C) = (1, 1) -> "A1" (R, C) = (2, 1) -> "A2" (R, C) = (2, 2) -> "B2" Thus if you had a function: Function CellRef(R As Long, C As Long) As String which provided that functionality, you could do something like: Work...

How to determine a formula for execution time given quantitative data, Excel, trendlines, monte carlo simulation

Hi all, Can I get your help on some Maths and possibly Excel? I have benchmarked my app increasing the number of iterations and number of obligors recording the time taken in seconds with the following result: 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 20000 15.627681 30.0968663 44.7592684 60.9037558 75.8267358 90.3718977...

Calculating formulae in Excel with Python

Hi, I would like to insert a calculation in Excel using Python. Generally it can be done by inserting a formula string into the relevant cell. However, if i need to calculate a formula multiple times for the whole column the formula must be updated for each individual cell. For example, if i need to calculate the sum of two cells, the...

Can I edit an excel file from a browser using POI?

Can I edit an excel file from a browser using POI? Something like google docs maybe? But in java? I've used POI for display only, way way back, but I dont remember it being editable from the browser. Any suggestions of the best approach to this? The excel will display a list/table with data, and each row will either be reported as havin...

Sort dead hyperlinks in Excel with VBA?

Hi All The title says it: I have an excel Sheet with an column full of hyperlinks. Now I want that an VBA Script checks which hyperlinks are dead or work and makes an entry into the next columns either with the text 404 Error or active. Hopefully someone can help me because I am not really good at VB. EDIT: I found @ http://www.utte...

How to read the background color of a cell through a (ruby) script from Microsoft Excel on Mac Osx?

I want to get the background color of a cell of an Excel worksheet. I have already tried the following: begin; require 'rubygems'; rescue LoadError; end require 'appscript' f = MacTypes::Alias.path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "planning.xls")) excel = Appscript.app("Microsoft Excel") excel.activate excel.open f w1 = excel.workshee...

Get instance of Excel application with C# by Handle

I have a c# simple application that have to write some values in a excel ranges of a specific worksheet. I create an instance of Excel application if not exist, but if exist i want to set active it and take an instance if it to use in my code. I use this code to create a new application: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel app = new Mic...

MySQL export into outfile : CSV escaping chars

I've a database table of timesheets with some common feilds. id, client_id, project_id, task_id, description, time, date There are more but thats the gist of it. I have an export running on that table to a CSV file overnight to give the user a backup of there data. It also is used as a data import for a macro excel file with some cu...