
How to tie-out with VBA, Oracle, and Excel using INDEX & MATCH functions?

Hi, I am trying to create a program using VBA that queries my oracle database data (in this case pipelines) against a spreadsheet and produces an output of the tie-out on the same workbook (but on another sheet). I would like to use the INDEX and MATCH functions on the tie-out page but have trouble figuring it out. Here is what I have so...

Return empty cell from formula in Excel

I need to return an empty cell from an Excel formula, but it appears that excel treats an empty string or a reference to an empty cell differently than a true empty cell. So essentially I want need something like =IF(some_condition,EMPTY(),some_value) I tried to do things such as =IF(some_condition,"",some_value) and =IF(some_con...

c# excel legend...

hi, i am using vsto, to work with excel-2007... let's consider i have a matrix as follows A B C 1 10 11 12 2 10 12 11 3 11 10 12 i will always read some random matrix filled with random numbers... ex above, and the other condition is that they will also be colored randomly according to the same numbers...

Accessing SQL Database in Excel-VBA

I am copying an VBA code snippet from MSDN that shows me how to grab results from a SQL query into excel sheet (Excel 2007): Sub GetDataFromADO() 'Declare variables' Set objMyConn = New ADODB.Connection Set objMyCmd = New ADODB.Command Set objMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Open Connection' o...

Where is the best documentation of Microsoft Excel Biff format

I am looking for the best documentation of Microsoft Excel's file format - 1997 - > 2003. I am not looking for ooxml. What is the best resource on the web? ...

Where is the best documentation of Microsoft Excel Chart Biff format

I am looking for the best documentation of Microsoft Excel's chart file format - 1997 - > 2003. I am not looking for ooxml. I am not looking for the format of worksheets/workbooks. I am looking for the format of Excel charts. What is the best resource on the web? ...

Creating XML for import into Excel, particularly dates

Greetings. I have a simple application that generates some performance-logging data, and I need the output to be accessible to Excel. I create an XML document with the fields etc in it, and can open this in Excel. The problem is, how do I coerce Excel to treat dates as dates? I've tried saving the date value as various formats, but E...

how to rotate text in HSSFCell in apache POI?

How to rotate text which is there in HSSFCell class of Apache POI API? Can you please provide some example code for the same? ...

how to add images in HSSFCell in apache POI ?

Hi, How to add Image in different different HSSFCell object in poi ? I have written some code which is adding image but problem is, the cell were I added last image, That cell only showing image other than that no other cells are showing images ... appreciate your help ... My Code is while(rs.next()){ HSSFCell cell = getHSSFCell(s...

excel-2007 record macro

1) hi i just wanted to know why excel-2007 record macro does not write anything for example when i do the following: i insert a rectangle on the sheet and change its backcolor... (on the other hand, if i do the same thing in excel-2003 i get some code) 2) also is it possible to using vb to ask excel to put the rectangle on specified p...

excel-2007 zoom in zoom out

hi is it possible to write something like zoom-in and zoom-out button... for example i will have a userform on which i will have two buttons one for each zoom in and out... whenever the user clicks on one of the buttons plus user clicks the cells (or selects the range) that cell or range will be increased or decreased using the ActiveWi...

ColdFusion XLS "Export" and Character Encoding

I am "exporting" data from a page to Excel using an HTML table. The table looks fine in the browser but in Excel special characters such as apostrophes, trademark symbols, etc. are improperly encoded. If I open the exported file in notepad and save it as ANSII encoded then open it in Excel everything looks fine again. I tried setting t...

Choosing an excel java api.

All I need to do is open an MS excel sheet - not sure which kind yet (2003, 2007, etc.) - and parse the information in each row into an object. I'm performing only readonly operations. out of Apache POI, JExcelAPI, or OpenXLS which is best for this task? I'd rather not find out about anymore api's but if you're certain that none of the...

Issue Working w/ Relative Path in Excel 2007 VBA

I am working with Excel 2007 and the following suggestion from this site has not worked: Workbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Chapter 7 - 10 MECHANICAL.xls" I have also tried the following code w/ no luck as well: Workbooks.Open Filename:=app.Path & "Chapter 7 - 90 ECS 1 LLC.xls" The files are in the same path as the work...

how to loop through rows columns in excel VBA Macro

Hi, I am trying to create a macro that has a loop which copies a function down column 1 (VOL) and another function down column 2 (CAPACITY) for each Station. This is what I have so far: Sub TieOut() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer For i = 1 To 3 For j = 1 To 3 Worksheets("TieOut").Cells(i, j).Value = ...

Data analysis tool like MS excel ...

Hi all I have a large number of data that needs to be compared, We are using Microsoft EXCEL, it costs, and it is slow, besides the graph that it generates is also not up to the mark. Now, is their any other tool, that is free, and has good graph's facility. Thank you. ...

Annoying PhpMyAdmin export feature

I wonder if any other users of PhpMyAdmin for Mysql have come across this niggle? Normally when exporting the results of a sql query, you're given options (eg what format to export in , name of filename etc). However above a certain number of rows, these options are not available and you can only see the sql on the normal window. Obviou...

Uninstalling Excel add-in using VBScript

I'm trying to create a MSI installer that installs an Add-In (.xla) into Microsoft Excel (2007 in my case). Installing it goes well. I use a 'Custom Action' that runs this VBScript file: Dim SourceDir Dim objExcel Dim objAddin SourceDir = Session.Property("CustomActionData") Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Wor...

Whether to enable a security-protected feature

An Excel spreadsheet needs programmatic access to its Project structure. However, this access is disabled by default. It can be enabled programmatically, by writing to the registry with this snippet: Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'key to modify' str1 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & Application.Version & "...

How to make absolute cell ref in loop work and skipping over a column in loop?

I ALMOST got my code working but there are still two things wrong with it (two major things anyway). 1) The absolute cell ref. is not working as it does in Excel. I want for example $A5 but instead of changing to A6 A7 etc., it stays A5 throughout the loop. 2) There is a third column that I need to skip over. I only need my loop to wri...