
Regular Expression validating hyperlink for export to Excel

I have a web application that takes input from a user, usually in the form of a filepath, hyperlink, or fileshare, but not always. A user may enter "\my.fileshare.com", "http://www.msdn.com", or "In my file cabinent". These inputs are exported to a Excel file. However, if the input is in the form of "\look on my desk" or "http://here ...

Smaller SpreadsheetML files through Excel 2007

I have a SpreadsheetML file that I am generating server-side. Such files are rather large, in contrast to Excel 2007 files, which make use of zip. So, I am wondering if there is a simple way, without use of automation, to create an a zip file with that file inside...which Excel 2007 must know how to open. I do know that Excel 2007 kno...

Importing comma separated data into Excel.

1,1,"Pound","The foe is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.",0,40,0,100,35,0,0,0,115,0 2,2,"Karate Chop","The foe is attacked with a sharp chop. It has a high critical-hit ratio.",43,50,1,100,25,0,0,0,115,0 3,3,"DoubleSlap","The foe is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.",29,15,0,85,10,0,0...

How to export 'date lookalike' text columns to csv

Hello all, I have the .net code written to export data to a csv file. The problem is that one of the columns has data like 5-8-13 When I double click the .csv file in excel this column shows data as 5/8/2013 i.e. it is misinterpreted as a date column which is not what I want. Is there some escape character which I can use while exporti...

Get Handle on last worksheet copied by Worksheet.Copy

I'm trying to get a handle to the worksheet that was created by a copy operation. following code used to work: Dim wsTempl As Worksheet, pageCount as Long Set wsTempl = Sheets("Template") For pageCount = 1 To 5 wsTempl.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Set ws = Sheets(Sheets.Count) ws.Name = "p" & pageCount Next But stopped w...

Use Excel for calculations in web app

Hi I've inherited a large Excel spreadsheet that does some financial calculation magic using any number of simulation tables, and have been asked to write a web application as a front end. Now I could spend endless hours trying to figure out the sheet, or I could call the excel sheet from my web app. I seem to need the Office Primary In...

Excel VBA - Password prompt after Form Show and Import Data

I have this macro that is password protected and shows a form. Recently I added code to import data from excel and every time I close it asks me for a password - I can cancel through it but I'd like to make it go away, I see no plausible reason why it would come. I've separated out the few lines that causes this problem Sub a() U...

Export Image to Excel - How to Center the image?

Hi There, I am trying to export an image to Excel file from Asp.Net C# page. My code is working fine, and I can merge let say 6 columns in excel file and put the image on these cells. What I would like to know is how to Center this image in the middle of these merged cells? I've already tried every possible solution came to my mind, L...

How to automate a spreadsheet.

Hello. I am using microsoft excel 2002. What I am wanting to do is say I have some data in column A in sheet 1 and data in column A in sheet 2. What I want to do is when I add data to sheet 1 Column A (lets say some text), I want excel to automatically add a row in sheet 2 column A. So if I have 30 rows in both sheets and I add a strin...

Opening offline cube from another machine

Here is the steps to my problem: I have a MOLAP cube with MOLAP dimensions on the AS2008 server I connect to it with Excel 2007 and save it in a local cube file (.cub) I disconnect from network, then I try to open the offline cub file through excel. It is successful. I copy the .cub file to another machine, start Excel, try to connect ...

Export image to Excel-Center the image on cell

How to center an Exported image from ASP.net C# to excel? protected void btnExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Clear(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=file.xls"); Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-...

How to copy data from one worksheet to another

Hello. I want to copy some data from one cell in worksheet 1 to another cell in worksheet 2 if it meets some condition. So I am using: =IF(Sheet3!C49=0,"",Sheet3!C49) where If cell C49 in sheet 3 has something in it then copy whatever is in cell C49 in sheet 3 into the cell that contains this formula. This works perfectly for text ...

Excel copy and paste

I've built a web app which has a paste button for populating a table. The data is originally copied from an Excel spreadsheet and pasted onto my form. The problem is that I'm only seeing the displayed data, not the underlying values. For example, if the cell's value is 12.223 and the cell's format is only showing 12.2, 12.2 goes on to...

MS Access 2003 - How can I delete records from a table that have certain criteria

Rookie question I know. I have a table with about 10 fields, one of the fields is a category field. I need this field to exist because of the multiple types of categories. However, one category in this field is wrong and is duplicating results. So can I delete all records in the table that have "Type320" in the CatDescription field, an...

What is the difference between a shared formula and an array formula?

Excel defines shared formulas and array formulas. What is the difference? My understanding is that array formulas are now obsolete. Is this true? Is it possible to transform array formulas into shared formulas? ...

Array Constants in Excel

I have an array constant defined in cell A1 as {1,2,3}. This displays as "1" (the first value in the array). I would like to have the formula SUM(A1) return 6. However, SUM is using A1 as a single-celled array, rather than the array constant contained inside A1 - and therefore SUM(A1) returns 1. Likewise, I would expect AVERAGE(A1)...

Excel 2003 Charting: Chart Data Too Complex

I have written a macro in excel 2007 to log water-level readings. Once logged, it automatically charts the data for each of the 30 wells. However, when the workbook is opened in Excel 2003, the chart does not work complaining that the chart data is too complex to be displayed (works fine in 2007). There is one series per well (each well...

copy cell interior color from clicked cell to active cell

Hi, I have a spreadsheet that has a colour key at the top. Users are expected to manually set the colour of various cells in the spreadsheet in line with the colour key. Ideally what I'd like is for users to be able to highlight/select one or more cells in the spreadsheet they wish to give a colour to, then with one click on the colou...

Manipulating excel 2007 chart grid lines in VBA

Using Excel 2007, is it possible to change the transparency of chart grid lines using VBA or VB.NET? I have the following code, which throws an exception on the last line: Dim axis As Excel.Axis = chart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory) axis.HasMajorGridlines = True axis.MajorGridlines.Border.Color = Color.Gray.ToArgb axis.MajorGridlin...

Excel password removal

We receive Excel workbook files every day which are password protected with the same password. We know this password. Is there a utility or method to remove password protection on these workbook files without invoking Excel.exe or the Excel object. Our goal is to take Excel out of the process and utilize SpreadsheetGear in VB.net. Ho...