
Exchange Server - Global Access

Hey everyone, I'm trying to create a web-based app that can interact with Exchange server globally. Meaning, I need it to have the ability to view, change, delete, and create all e-mails, calendars, appointments, tasks, notes, etc... across the domain. I am using .Net, and have been looking into sinks, but wasn't sure if this was the ...

How to read contact's custom properties in a Outlook 2007

I have a form region in the main contact form where I have to show some custom properties (not user defined fields) of that contact. I am using ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.ItemProperties["customPropertyName"] to read the value for the custom property. But it does not give me the value. I can see the property and its value in Outlook spy....

WebDAV query for Exchange

Hi, I am trying to read a public calendar (in public folders) in my Exchange server. I am sending the following query to my Exchange server, and the server replies with 400 - Bad Request. <?xml version=""1.0""?> <g:searchrequest xmlns:g=""DAV:""> <g:sql> SELECT ""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"", ""urn:schemas...

SharePoint/Exchange Distribution List Mirroring?

A client of mine is at a conference, and someone there spoke to him about something he called "Distribution list mirroring" - something to the effect of automatically copying emails up to a SharePoint discussion thread. That way, people can subscribe to a discussion list or visit it on their own without having to be in a mail group and ...

Use Microsoft Exchange Email from

Hello, Every body. I want to use/have an application that works like a mail box or better to say mail server, I mean I want to have a simple page that is linked to an exchange server in background, receives the needed information like sender, destination, subject, text message and finally the attachment, and then a send button that sends...

Extract message attachment from Exchange journaling envelope

I'm trying to restore some deleted mail items using Exchange 2007 message journal items as a data source. The journaling is configured such that any incoming/outgoing messages are stored in a journal envelope message as an attachment. Does anyone know of a utility that will take a list of Journal Mail Items (whether in a mailbox or a PS...

How to compare data between a database and a guide which are differently structured?

A rather complicated problem in data exchange between a database and a bookform: The organisation in which I work has a database in mysql for all social profit organisations in Brussels, Belgium. At the same time there is a booklet created in Indesign which was developed in a different time and with different people than the database an...

Excahnge Server: Modify attachment (change codec of audio file) before delivery

We have a situation where our phone system will deliver voice-mail as email attachments to the phone. The problem is the format (while wav) uses a proprietary codec that most mobile device users cannot playback. I need for our Exchange server (Exchange 2003) to parse the incoming file, convert it to a usable format and then deliver the a...

Sending e-mail from generic accounts Exchange 2007

I have generic email accounts, which I want several AD users to monitor, such as [email protected] and [email protected]. They need to be able to use the from field or global address list within their Outlook 2003/2007 to select these generic accounts when sending e-mail and also be able to add the relevant mailbox to view incoming e-mails...

Credentials for Send Emails to MS Exchange 2007

I am writing a very simple application to send emails via MS Exchange 2007. No authentication is required to start the application. However, my application will be installed on the Hub Transport Server, instead of the Mailbox Server. Hence, I am not sure if I need to provide any credentials in my codes to send the emails. Or can I simply...

Talking to a demo Exchange Server 2007

I would like to test a trivial SOAP app against Microsoft Exchange 2007 (or 2010) webservices. Is there any demo server on the internet available? My problem is, that I have no 64-Bit machine around here to install a server for myself. The 2003 server, which is hanging around at the office isn't suitable for my needs (Exchange Web Servi...

Tool or method to parse an incoming e mail, strip the data and push into a database

has anybody done anything with scripts to parse an incoming e mail to a specific address, strip out the data and insert it into a SQL database? The e mail would be coming in through exchange 2003 server and would be in a known fixed format, ie Name: Firstname Surname ID Number: nnnnnnn etc. etc. Ideally the solution would need to oper...

Problem with JavaMail and Exchange Server 2007 - BAD Command Argument

Hi, In the application I'm working on, there is a function that connects with a mail server via IMAP using JavaMail. One of our clients had the following stack trace: javax.mail.MessagingException: A13 BAD Command Argument Error. 11; nested exception is: com.sun.mail.iap.BadCommandException: A13 BAD Command Argument Error. 11 at com...

What are the effective ways to exchange files on different servers with Shell Script?

I want to update some file in a server, with an automated script and the target files on a different server. Haven't started yet, but I think there will be authorization and connection issues during the process. Any suggestion on how I could approach? Thank you ...

How to monitor a POP, SMTP and Exchange Server for mail activity

We need to write a .Net (C#) application that monitors all mail activity through a POP, SMTP and Exchange Server (2007 and later) and essentially grab the mail for archiving into a document management system. I realise that the way to monitor each type of server would probably be different so I'd like to know what the best (most elegant ...

Programmatically Checking for Outlook E-mails

Hi, I'm setting up an automated response with a third party. The third party can only respond via e-mail, so I need a way to determine when I get a new e-mail. My plan is to create a windows task that will run a C# program that checks to see if a new e-mail is from this third party. My company uses outlook, which runs off of the Micr...

VBS string wizzardry

Ok, so it's not, but... so this is a quick script I found on the internet which runs on my Exchange server and dumps a list of email addresses that I can use for recipient validation on a spam filter: ' Export all valid recipients (= proxyAddresses) into a ' file virtual.txt ' ' Ferdinand Hoffmann & Patrick Koetter ' 20021100901 ' Sham...

Batch update on Exchange WebDav

Hi Guys, I am trying to update a bunch of items in a shared Exchange calendar, using WebDav. What I want to do is rename events, similar to what I would do in SQL: UPDATE appointments SET subject = 'New Name' WHERE subject = 'Old Name' Is there a way to do this in a WebDav query? Thanks. ...

Display Exchange Calendar Using ASP.NET or SharePoint

I would like to display an exchange calendar on our intranet using SharePoint or ASP.NET. It seems that it can be done using exchange web services, but to write it from scratch must involve reinventing wheels. Does anyone know of a simple way to display an exchange calendar without writing an application from scratch? ...

How can I run some script code when an item is forwarded to an Exchange public folder?

I am working on a proof of concept for some workflow automation using Exchange 2007 public folders. I am trying to write some code that can be run any time an item is forwarded into a particular public folder - these items arrive automatically via email and are automatically routed by Exchange into this public folder. Primarily what I ...