
Is there any book avaiable for Expression Blend 4?

I want to learn expression blend in detail. is there any good book available in the market for Blend4? ...

Cannot find MS.Internal.Media namespace in assembly

I've been working on a WPF application. Since I design the UI in Expression Blend 4 and work on the code-behind part in Visual Studio 2010, I constantly switch from one tool to another. I added some Image controls to an existing Grid and assigned some images to them. In Blend, I built the project and ran it. Worked just fine. When I swi...

Data Binding tutorials using Microsoft Expression Blend4 for WPF application

Hello All, I am new to to Microsoft Expression Blend 4 and WPF. I am not finding tutorials about Data Binding for XML and also for DBs. If you have any resources, please post the it. Thanks and regards Harsha ...

WPF fluid layout and a listbox

Hi All, Im looking into how to make an effect on my WPF 4.0 application where I have a listbox that can switch from list view (i.e. a vertical stack of my own items) to a grid view (tiled list from left to right) via an animation (not a jump to and from). I have been looking into Fluid Layout in Blend 4, and messing around with it, but...

How do I add .CS functionality to XAML classes built in Expression Design for a Silverlight APP?

How do I add .CS functionality to XAML classes built in Expression Design? I have a Silverlight project handed to me by designers that does not seem to have much functionalty to it yet. One of the first things I have noticed is that there does not seem to be any corresponding .cs files that match up with what appears to be children of ...

How do you generate classes from XAML in Visual Studio 2008?

How do you generate classes from XAML in Visual Studio 2008? I have a Silverlight project. The XAML has been written in Expression Blend. I am told that I can use Visual Studio to use the grid classes in the Page.xaml file (the whole solution is loaded into Visual Studio) to generate the .CS (C#) files in Visual Studio 2008 that corre...

Expression Blend 4 Right to Left Issue

Hi, guys. I have recently installed Expression Blend 4 and created a test Silverlight 4 project. When I set the main page FlowDirection to RightToLeft the designer won't change the direction but if I run the application it will be displayed correctly. Is this a bug or do I have to do something? Thanks. ...

Problem using motion paths to move multiple objects in Expression Blend

Hi, I have a requirement where in I have to move four objects on an elliptical path. Am using Expression Blend and was able to create a motion path quite very easily and place objects over it. It was also cool creating storyboards and keyframes. The problem came when i wanted all the objects to move at once, their starting points being...

Where is Expression Blend?

I went to the Microsoft web site download page for development (maybe there is a seperate page for design) and I could not find a place to download Expression Blend. Does this mean it is being phased out? Is Visual Studio 2010 somehow replacing Expression Blend? What if I needed to use an earlier version of Experssion Blend because a ...

Silverlight: Need AFTER Application.Current.Host.Content.FullScreenChanged EVENT

Problem: I'm using the Silverlight Application.Current.Host.Content.FullScreenChanged event to detect when a user switches back and forth between fullscreen mode. Unfortunately it seems that this event fires BEFORE anything on the screen is actually resized. I need to know the ActualWidth/ActualHeight of various FrameworkElements AFTE...

How do I draw animated lines in Silverlight?

Okay, so I'm using Expression Blend 4 and learning SL, and am pretty overwhelmed with it all. I'm working on a simple project to animate an aircraft holding pattern. I want to show things on the screen in a specific order: Draw a holding point (the station) Draw the aircraft's position Animate an arrow starting at the aircraft's posi...

How to have more than one silverlight application in an ASP MVC project?

I have an ASP MVC application which uses some silverlight applications in the View. By now, I hava a map, that, when a State is clicked, redirects to the related page. Now, I need a silverlight application in which state, with the state map and the location of the harbors on this state (you chose a state in the first map, than you get re...

New to Data binding in Expression Blend

Hi. I have a WPF application in Expression Blend. In the application I want to have a listbox on the right side that lists words. When the user clicks on a word, I want to appear on the left a bigger text of the word, description, and some other text. I understand that to list all the words in the listbox I need to databind data that...

Why isn't Expression Blend 4's designer working whenever we use build configurations?

I'm having an odd issue with Expression Blend 4. I've been using Blend 4 in conjunction with Visual Studio 2010 for quite a while without incident (beyond the ultra-frequent crashes). Now our graphics designer wants to start using Blend to do some touch-up work. We were able to get Blend to compile the solution on his computer. Unf...

Blend crashes every time I try to use sample data

I open my project, go to data tab, new sample data. It adds a SampleDataSource. I try to change the name of the first property and blend immediately crashes: This happens no matter what page or control I am on. I tried this in a brand new project and I DID NOT get the error. Can't really start this project ov...

Expression Blend changing Alignment

Expression Blend 4 is changing the HorizontalAlignment and or VerticalAlignment when moving TextBlock objects with the keyboard or mouse. How can this be blocked? ...

Silverlight scale transition during MouseOver event

Hello, I want a very basic transition when my custom User Control transitions between the Normal and MouseOver state. Very basic. If you visit the following website it shows this behaviour when you move your mouse over one the listed games. What is the best way to achieve this? I ga...

Bind CLR object to WPF control using Microsoft Expression Blend

I have the following class Person: public class Person { public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } public string Nickname { get { return nickname; } set { nickname = value; } } private string nickname; private string name; p...

The best WPF4 Project on

I'm learning this days about WPF and the amazing tool from Microsoft wich named "Expression Blend 4". It makes our work easier than ever to design our WPF and Silverlight apps,Particularly impressive to me is the SketchFlow feature, which enables rapid prototyping for our WPF and Silverlight applications.Meanwhile the ability to creat r...

Reversing an animation in Silverlight on button press or any other event

Hi, How would I reverse a double animation in Silverlight on an event? For example, lets say I have an ellipse as a path and I am moving a shape along this path in an infinite loop. If I press a button, I want to reverse the direction of the spin (clockwise <-> counterclockwise). To be more specific, I am using the PathListBox object t...