
ExtJs Grid acting very strange

So I have two pictures of the weirdness that is occuring As you can see in the picture above, the scroll bar on the right hand side is being cut off a little bit by the screen, and even when you scroll to the right, you don't get the bar back, it remains cut off. Here is the other scenario: Here, you can see that when I scroll down ...

Empty message in gridPanel

I'm using Extjs gridPanel to display data. I want to show "No data..." message in gridPanel when no data available. How to do this ?. I tried emptyText property but its not worked. I think emptyText is for gridView not for gridPanel. Please help me how to show empty data message in gridPanel.(I'm using gridPanel not grid View) ...

How to mention action in httpProxy url when using extJS with Grails

Hi, I am trying to integratae my Grails application with extJS. Below is the code in my edit.gsp file. <%@ page import="tune.Music"%> <script type="text/javascript"> var ds = new Ext.data.Store({ autoLoad: true, proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({...

ExtJs - Cannot get predefined id value on click event

When i click to the button, it fire to ajax call and send button's id with request. Everthing works except my predefined button id does not come with request. It comes with value 'ext6-gen'. Do anyone know what i suppose to do for getting my predefined id. //i defined a container with a textfield and button var c2 = Ext.extend(Ext.Cont...

dom traversal using div separator - Using Ext-Core and/or Jquery

Hello all, I tried many things but i'm asking for your help because i'm doing stupid things now ! here is what i want to do. I want to transform a html file (i'm not composing) to another. I want to move some parts of the body to div. Here is the original one : <body> text+images part 1 <div class="sep">some text</div> tex+images part2...

JsonStore - Load single record with a restful url?

All, I have a JsonStore backing a form panel in my extjs app. I want to have the jsonStore load a single record based on an id value, but haven't found a good way to do that yet, and still keep the url restful. My first attempt was to add a param to the jsonstore load() method with the id in it. That only adds the id as a request para...

Why mixing ExtJS with jQuery/YUI/Prototype/...

ExtJS have "adapter" for working with other javascript libraries. But why? Why not just use Ext Core? UPDATE: I know it was designed for YUI. But why it need an adapter? ExtJs use ExtJs namespace, almost all other framework use $, they should never conflict. jQuery can work with others without any adapter. Why Extjs need it? Is th...

How is ExtJs or DOJO different from JQuery

Can someone explain the differences in simple terms? ...

Grab And Format XML Data From PHP File As JSON

Hi, I'm writing an app currently that uses the ExtJS framework. I'm pulling an XML feed from an external site using cURL, loading as simplexml, json_encode-ing it, and writing it to a file a .JSON file which I will later access with ExtJS data store. However, the formatting is becoming funky because the XML generated from the PHP fi...

Date Render Issue in ExtJS

I am using Grails with extJS in my project. I have a date column in my display page. It gets displayed as 2010-09-29T04:00:00Z. After i used the below to render the date, I got the date displayed as NaN/NaN/NaN {header: "Date", width: 90, renderer : ('m/d/Y'), sortable:true, dataIndex: 'date'} Am I missing something here? Thank...

add a new row consisting of 2 combobox ,1 textfield and a button to panel in EXTJS

On cliking on the button the whole row should get duplicated. Here is what I have done using normal JavaScript : You can check the working of below code here ---> Duplicate the Row function addRow() { var dataval= document.getElementById("dup").innerHTML; var x=document.getElementById('table').insertRow(0); x.innerHTM...

ExtJS Grid PagingToolbar refresh on store remove

I've setup a ExtJS Grid, while using the PagingToolbar (with PagingMemoryProxy on an ArrayStore). I have removed items from the store of the grid, but the PagingToolbar will not show that the items have been removed. Any suggestions on how to do this? ...

ExtJS, Hide a collapsed field when click the submit button

Hello, I am using ExtJS, and i have the following component: var AlgoField = [{ bodyStyle: 'padding-right:5px;', id:'algo_id ', items: [{ xtype: 'fieldset', title: 'Algorithms\' Field', autoHeight: true, collapsed: true, collapsible: true,...

ExtJS grid - how to focus on added row?

Hello guys. I have a grid(gridpanel) and data in it which I read from json query. After I added new bussines object(row) - I send him in json format to server, write to DB, and reload all grid. How I can focus on currently added row(b/o) after that? I will be very cool if I return added id at the json answer and grid take it and focus o...

ExtJS - Post date values as Unix timestamp

I use an editorgrid to edit elements from a JsonStore. The JsonStore uses a HttpProxy to update the backend database. My problem is that the backend API expects fromTs and toTs to be Unix timestamps, but when a record is updated, the resulting http post contains a date formatted like this: Wed Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC+0200 2010 I've search...

Tree Panel in Ext js

Hi All, I have make a control using coolite extjs toolkit for asp.net v 0.8 the control contains 2 Tree panel and I enabled the drag and drop in both , I want to drag one node from tree to the other tree , I did the first part and define Move Listener to the nodes from first tree , and in the handler I saved the Id of the dragged node...

Access to Leafs of a TreeNode in a Ext JS Tree

Hello StackOverFlow, I am using the Ext JS library for creating my application. I have a tree panel that has tree nodes and children tree nodes. These tree nodes have leafs that I would like to be able to access. I've been searching for a while, but cannot find a function of property to access the leafs :( Some code is here: var i;...

WCF and ExtJS FileUpload

I been trying to upload File throught WCF using ExtJS here a snippted of my code browseFile = new Ext.ux.form.FileUploadField({ id: 'form-file', name: 'BrowseFile', fieldLabel: 'Browse', allowBlank: false, maxLength: 8000, emptyText: '' }); added to the form and use the fileupload:true property too but havent been...

Cascading ComboBoxes in ExtJS EditorGridPanel

I have a working EditorGrid panel, where two columns have ComboBox editors. Both ComboBoxes are loaded remotely from database (countryStore and cityStore). I would like to limit the cityComboBox to show only cities in the selected country. I need to reload the cityStore with a filter from database (there are too many cities to filter lo...

the extjs component refresh problem

Hi: I have serveral extjs components in my page, the chart, gird ,formPanel and ect, and now I meet some problems about the refresh of them, take the gridPanle for exmaple: This is the grid codes: var myStore=new Ext.data.JsonStore({ autoLoad:true, fields:['name','age'.....] }); var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ stroe:myStore...