Loading Remote values for Editor - Extjs
In a Extjs application, I want to load different values for a combobox editor of a column in editor grid panel. The values would typically come from a server call. How to do this? ...
In a Extjs application, I want to load different values for a combobox editor of a column in editor grid panel. The values would typically come from a server call. How to do this? ...
Here is what I would like to achieve: have an Ext.grid.GridPanel show data from multiple stores. Put in "DB terms", basically showing what would be a "view" of the content of more than one store. The benefit of this approach, as opposed to using cell-renderers, is that all columns would be sortable and searchable. For this to work an o...
How to disable row selection in extjs grid. ...
I have an Accordion in ExtJS and I want to add new Panels to it dynamically. The Panels need to be collapsed when they appear. The code that I have now will create the Panels, but the HTML in each panel won't show. var loadoutput = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Log', renderTo: 'logout', layout: 'accordion', defaults: { bodyStyle: 'padd...
I have a grid panel having a datastore to load data. The Datastore has a asp.net webpagewith base params as the URL. Based on the querystring and baseparam values I am generating a XML string and returning the data as XMLStrilng by response.write. But my XMLReader is not loading the data. If I save the same string as XML file and load t...
hello. how to get the url inserted into a Ext.form.TextField in a variable value??. if I create a variable x in Javascript, but I need to add a url as the value that a user in a Ext.form.TextField, but the variable and Ext.form.TextField are in different script on the same page. thanks for your help and attention ...
Hi, I am using roweditor and inside the row i have a combo. in the grid, the combo column is the symbol_id (number). how do i make the combo/grid understand that symbol_id 22 is actually 'EURUSD'. and force the grid display EURUSD and not 22. Thanks. this is my store: 'displayField' : 'symbol' ,'valueField' : 'symbol_id' ,SimpleStore(...
Hello StackOverflow, I've been at this all day long and honestly I'm out of ideas. I have some WMS layers that I would like to display/not display depending on the current zoom level. Yes, I have went through the API docs and they seem to be clear as day, but I follow everything that is suggested and I'm not getting the results desire...
Hi, I'm using extjs in codeigniter(php framework) I want to store Value field of combobox in data base i gave displayField:'name', valueFiled:'id' for the combobox but when i used $this->input->post(combofield name); but its returning displayFiled; How to get vlueField in post ...
I'm trying to use extjs-touch drag & drop, and I can't have the event.stopPropagation() method working properly. The live example is here : http://www.objectivegui.com/urbis10/index3.html. You should use it with Chrome or Ipad and try to drag one of the people icons in the white "workgroup" div. The "workgroup" div correctly alerts the...
I everyone i have a JSON Array that is construct like this for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var record = myDataStore.getAt(i); if (record.dirty){ submitRecords[currentIndex] = record.data; //alert(submitRecords[curre...
Hi: From the api I found extjs provide some basic animation,for exmaple the fadeIn fadeOut and etc. However when I use them, I meet some problems. I am confusing about the component of its show and hidden. The animation is called to the Element,for exapmle, form.getEl.fadeIn(...); But for a component,it has a attribute of hidden, ...
Hi, I'm trying to get some simple data into a JsonStore, but it doesn't seem to work. The code is pretty much the same as examples: var itemListStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: '/items/list', root: 'items', fields: [ {name: 'id', type: 'string'}, {name: 'name', type: 'string'}, ] }); itemListStore.load(); ....
Hi All , I have a tree panel and I want to show context menu to each tree node when right click to be able to delete it please help me as soon as you can Thanks in Advance ...
Hi all I understand that it's not possible request JSON data from a remote domain due to XSS vulnerabilities: Ext.Ajax.request({ method: 'GET', url: 'remoteurl.php' }); So the alternative is to use a ScriptTagProxy and a JSONStore: store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ autoLoad: true, proxy: new...
i wrote a code that really worked perfect on local host but on my production server , i was showing error that Response.Result parameter on the success event attached to the submit button was not define but everything was ok on my local server, i re-posted the main extjs package on the server , thinking some files are corrupt , the p...
Hi, I am having a bit of trouble adding/removing fields to/from an ExtJS form. My use case is as follows: Provide a set of radio buttons on the form. Depending on which radio button is selected, show a different set of form fields. I am not all that familiar with ExtJS, but what I am doing is caching the fields that are to be added/rem...
I have a Ext.grid.GroupingView an i group my data with a "field1" but it also can be nul i would like to know if there is a way to change the 'text' on the GroupTextTpl in order to display Data without Group When my field1 is null, i tried this ( {gvalue==null?"Null":text} ) ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "Items" : "...
Hello StackOverflow, I have a GeoExt map panel with a zoom control. I'd really like to disable some of the nodes in a tree panel when the layers on my map are "out of range" aka their setVisibility is set to false. I have my zoomend event working and I also have a checkchange event working, but the checkchange event gets evaluated mor...
hi everyone I want to validate a node before dropping it on tree. I used beforenodedrop event for this purpose but validation is occured on server side so as response does not come in time and function always return true so node is dropped. i want to know which method/event should be used for this purpose Here is my code for beforenode...