
How does Facebook Sharer select Images?

When using Facebook Sharer, Facebook will offer the user the option of using 1 of a few images pulled from the source as a preview for their link. How are these images selected, and how can I ensure that any particular image on my page is always included in this list? ...

Want custom title / image / description in facebook share link

Hi! I am making a flash app that demonstrates potensial traffic injuries when driving at different speeds. I want the user to be able to share this information on facebook. However this demands that i can customize the text that will appear on facebook in some manner. I am making an url that is opened in a blank window (from the flash ...

Facebook Share doesn't pick up title / description meta tags that are changed after page load.

Apparently Facebook Share doesn't pick up the title / description meta tags that are changed (via JavaScript) after the page load. It basically use the meta tags that are available upon load. This is a simple example. The link will change the title / description meta tags upon click. You can confirm that using Firebug. Click the f|Sha...

How to get Facebook share behavior with Facebook Connect on iPhone

With the standard share at http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php one only needs to specify a URL. Title and thumbnail are automatically pulled from the web page (perhaps with the help of meta tags). With Facebook Connect (I am using the iPhone SDK), I need to supply everything explicitly (URL, title, caption, description, images, etc.). ...

Facebook's sharer.php - default view

I'm using sharer.php to share an item to the user's wall. The facebook sharer has 2 views: Post to profile (default view) : And when you click on "send as a Message instead you get : What I'm trying to do is to have the 2nd view (send a message) as the default one. So when the user clicks 'Share this', it would show him directly ...

Facebook Share doesn't show my description or my thumbnail

I have followed every single piece of advice I have found to try to get this to work but all of it has been to no avail. Can someone tell me why my description/thumbnail doesn't show up? Thanks. Below is my code and the link to the site: Meta Tags: <meta name="title" content="La Vita è Bella, because life is beautiful" /> <meta name="d...

How to use FB Sharer.php to post on a business page not your wall

When you use FB Sharer.php the user can share the link on their own wall. Is there a way to be able for a user to share the link but on their business/fan page wall instead of their own personal wall? ...

Facebook Share can I add Alt text for flash videos?

You know with Facebook, how you can share video on your sites and Facebook embeds the videos via flash. Well on computers and laptop the embeded video will play on Facebook since they have Flash installed. But for iPhone and Android users will just be redirected to the site, I want to stop this and add an alt text stated something like ...

Multiple videos meta tags for Facebook

We have multiple videos on a single page. How can we add unique meta tags for image_src, video_src etc for each video on the page so that Facebook picks the right video and its image for preview which user intended to share? Is this possible? ...

How to affect how Facebook app links get munged on a wall?

I got asked this question today, and couldn't find any commentary on this behavior anywhere. let's say I have a Facebook app, with a URL of http://apps.facebook.com/my-app. let's say that app points to a canvas page of http://my-app.mydomain.com/ When I share the link to http://apps.facebook.com/my-app on my wall, FB automatically c...

Limiting the number of thumbnails on facebook share

So I want users to be able to share this link on facebook but I want only a specific picture to be the thumbnail for this sharing picture and no other images that appear on my web site I read the documentation about facebook share and I got this http://developers.facebook.com/docs/share Basically what I understand is that <link rel=...

Facebook sharer.php, how to have multiple og:image tags?

We are using Facebook's sharer.php service to share pages on our site. Right now this works great, but we are now having difficult trying to find out how to offer users more than one thumbnail to pick from (the sharer.php page offers a UI for multiple images, so it must be possible somehow). We have this meta tag currently: <meta prop...

Facebook Sharer and page Authentication

The website I am developing requires authentication before you can access anything, but I want to allow users to share information with facebook once they have logged in. When I use the standard facebook sharer.php link it pulls up the data from the login page, not the page with the data the user would want to share. http://www.facebook...