
How can I use jQuery to make a validation icon appear somewhats slowly, fading in.

Here's what I have so far but thing aren't really working. (I dragged the jQuery.js file from the Solution Explorer to the area of my html. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="SignUpFormTest._Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.o...

html form with dhtml fade effects

i am trying to implement an html form with this dhtml fade effects: http://dhtmlpopups.webarticles.org/fade-effects.php but i got no luck. -i included a jquery validation in the fade effect, and when the user is entering values for the form, the pop-up times out, and when i redirect to "success page", i am pretty much unable to click ...

jQuery Looping Animation pauses each time. How to keep from pausing?

I am trying to cause a block to "pulsate" between 100% opacity and some partially transparent opacity. I want to do this with the functionality that is built into the jQuery core, if possible. I would rather not add a plugin to get this effect. Here is the code that i am trying to use: $(document).ready(function() { function pulsat...

How do I fade an image in swing?

I've got class which inherits from JPanel with an image on it and i want to set up a little animation to display the panel/image and then fade it out when an event fires. I presumably set up a thread and fire off the animation but how do I do actually do the fade? ...

Fading a div's background on page load using jQuery 1.4, jQuery color and delay()

Hi, Basically, what I have is 4 or so .php pages, each with the #container div set to a different colour. As I click on each link in the navigation and the new page loads, I want the background to fade in from whatever the previous colour was before. Eg. the background is blue, a new page is clicked, and it fades from blue to red. Not t...

jquery slideToggle acting more like blind. help?

I'm trying to get my sliding div working properly with slideToggle. First off, here is the working url: http://cu3ed.com/fadeslider/ The problem I am having with it is I am getting more of a blind effect rather than a slide down effect. I've tried changing the CSS and using negative top margin etc. to no avail. What I am trying to acco...

jQuery fade effects and Ajax login

Hi, I'm using the following piece of code to login a user via Ajax. //Capture the login_ajax form $("#login_ajax").submit(function () { //First we fade out the header-login div $("#header-login").fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).html("Loading").fadeIn('fast'); //Fade in loaading }); $.post("db/login.php", ...

Fade in list of images, once all are loaded.

I have a group of images in this format: <ul id="photo-list"> <li><img src="" /></li> <li><img src="" /></li> <li><img src="" /></li> </ul> My goal is that once all the images have finished loading, then #photo-list will fade in. Also I would like to display a loading animation before the images are loaded. Any help is appreciat...

Audio playback, creating nested loop for fade in/out.

Hi Folks, First time poster here. A quick question about setting up a loop here. I want to set up a for loop for the first 1/3 of the main loop that will increase a value from .00001 or similar to 1. So I can use it to multiply a sample variable so as to create a fade-in in this simple audio file playback routine. So far it's turning...

jQuery not taking effect immediately.

Is there any reason for my jQuery effects not to be taking effect immediately? I have jQuery hover fade effects, but then I also have CSS rollovers as backups for anyone who has javascript disabled. What happens is when you load a page and roll over a link, you get the CSS effect, but any time after that, you get the nice, smooth jQuery ...

fade in all divs of a page. once the content of the divs is loaded

Sorry, Ill try simplify my question. Basically, when a user goes to a page...all the divs on the page and the content of the div fade in. Once loaded. I was thinking maybe something like: $(window).load(function(){ $('#div').load(function () { $(this).fadeIn(4000); }); }); cheers ...

Jquery - Accordion Fading

I have to make something like an accordion, but I want it to fade while I click on a "li" of the menu. http://scripts.den-style.net/ Click on "Prodotti" and then on "Chi Siamo" ;D Can you help me? How can I fade each "pannel"? ...

How do I replace a modal view controller?

I'm using a modal view controller to allow a user to select an address book entry and email address. The ABPeoplePickerNavigationController object is displayed via presentModalViewController:animated: [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; What I want to do is keep the modal dialog up, but when the user selects the ema...

UILabel fade-in fade-out question

Hi there, I got the following code inside an NSTimer selector: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [infoLbl setAlpha:0]; [UIView commitAnimations]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [infoLbl setAlpha:1]; [UIView commitAnimations]; So I want to imple...

iPhone SDK "White Flash" transition

I want to make a button; when you press it the screen fades to a "flash of white" and back like in those powerpoint transitions. I'm thinking maybe dynamically changing the opacity of a white square or something? What do you think? Is there something like this that already exists like part of Catransitions or something? Thanks guys. ...

Seeking a simultaneous fade and blur effect using JQuery or Javascript

Can anyone think of a way to simulate the fade/blur flash effect used in the following website: http://www.frenchlaundry.com/ (image fades and blurs on hover, while text fades in simultaneously) using JQuery? I am looking to have this whole chain of effects happen on load or when the DOM is ready (instead of on hover). And by blur, I ...

jquery 2 fades complete at the same time

Hello again, just another quick one: I am noticing differences with fadeOut dependant on whether this is a target. Here's my structure. I have rows of data on my page, and each row has two icons. One is an update icon for that row, one is a delete icon for that row. When a user clicks the update icon for a particular row, I want both t...

Fade HTML element with raw javascript

It's my second question of the day related to the same problem, so I apologize for that. I was able to put together a function to "fade out" an element, and it works just fine, my problem is that when I try to reverse it, so the element "fades in" it does not work. I've tried to change the obvious, but I can't understand what I'm doing ...

fading text using div tag

fading text using div tag any help....??? ...

How to do the image fade-in effect upon scroll (like mashable.com)

Hi, I'm wondering about the fade-in effect for images on mashable.com (see http://mashable.com/2009/08/14/google-android-logo-remixes/ for example) As you scroll to the image, it fades in. It's not fading in on page load, only upon the actual appearance of the item on-screen. Thanks. ...