
Make a <div> fade away nicely after a given amount of time

What is the best way to make a fade away after a given amount of time (without using some of the javascript libraries available). I'm looking for a very lightweight solution here not requiring a huge javascript library to be send to the browser. ...

How would I make a control that flashes/fades on a mouse click? (Windows)

When a user clicks in certain places in my control, I want to change the color of some rows and columns in my grid, then fade it back to the normal color, within say 500ms or so. I haven't decided whether to use Winforms or WPF yet, so advice in either of those technologies would work. Thank you. Edit: I understand I could do this by ...

Keeps fading in after, mouseover

Hey, I am trying to fade in a on mouseover and fade out on mouseout: $("p.follow").mouseover(function(){ $(this).fadeTo("slow", 1.00); }) $("p.follow").mouseout(function(){ $(this).fadeTo("fast", 0.50); }) If you go to ryancoughlin.com and on the right side, if you go over it you will see what I mean, it is almost as if ...

Calculate a color fade.

Given two colors and n steps, how can one calculate n colors including the two given colors that create a fade effect? If possible pseudo-code is preferred but this will probably be implemented in Java. Thanks! ...

Using fadein and append

I am loading JSON data to my page and using appendTo() but I am trying to fade in my results, any ideas? $("#posts").fadeIn(); $(content).appendTo("#posts"); I saw that there is a difference between append and appendTo, on the documents. I tried this as well: $("#posts").append(content).fadeIn(); I got it, the above did the trick!...

How to rotate 4 images, fading between each one?

I have 4 images, which I want to fade between each other in a loop. I have something like the following: <img src="/images/image-1.jpg" id="featureImg1" /> <img src="/images/image-2.jpg" id="featureImg2" style="display:none;" /> <img src="/images/image-3.jpg" id="featureImg3" style="display:none;" /> <img src="/images/image-4.jpg" id="f...

How do I cross fade text to an NSTextView and an image to an NSImageView in a cocoa app?

I have a Cocoa app I'm writing that has an ImageView with a TextView as a subview sitting on top of the ImageView. I have two functions, one that updates the image in the ImageView and one that updates the text in the TextView. Both of those functions work properly, but I would like the new text to fade in or cross fade from the old te...

java sound fade out

Hi. Using javax.sound.sampled, I want to fade out a sound I started looping infinitely. This is how I started the sound: Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip(); AudioInputStream inputStream = AudioSystem .getAudioInputStream(new File("x.wav")); clip.open(inputStream); clip.loop(clip.LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY); Could anyone point me to how I can do...

Simply Div Opacity Fade on Focus using mootools

I've got a couple of divs in a page which hold simple HTML & images. The divs each have unique ids. I'd like it so that when the page loads the contents of the div are say, 60% but on mouseover the fade in at 100%. On mouseout they would go back to 60%. The site is built in Joomla 1.5.x so already loads the mootools 1.11 library. I was...

jQuery: Creating a DOM Element on the fly, but fading it in?

I'm having a problem creating a DOM element, appending it to another element, and having it fade into place. Obviously, this doesnt seem to work: $('<div/>').html('hello').appendTo('#parentDiv').fadeIn(); So, what is the proper way? ...

Why can't I use multiple ids here?

I'm trying to get a bit of code working. I'm using xfade, latest version. Homebrew Javascript image fader that fades between all img tags in a div, assigned by the Javascript. There's an image fade script I found that uses Javascript to fade between images in a div. However, it can only fade 1 div...I have 3 spots I want to have fading i...

Determine coordinates of a UITableViewCell while scrolling

Hello, My goal is to have the UITableViewCells fade in/out when they are approaching the bounds of the UITableView and about to be covered/revealed. The approach I have been trying is to get the coordinates of the UITableViewCell during a scroll event. The problem is that every cell seems to be at 0,0. I have tried converting the coo...

Onload set divs opacity to 50%

Okay, so I have a site running Joomla and it is using the mootools 1.11 framework. I've fudged together a working version of this using examples from the mootools 1.2 framework but cannot get the two to co-exist even with the compatibility layer, without breaking other modules in the Joomla site. Question I have a couple of divs with a ...

Fade the background-color of a span tag with JQuery

I'm trying to fade the background-color of a span tag using JQuery to emphasize when a change has occured. I was thinking the code would be someting like the following inside the click handler, but I can't seem to get it working. Can you show me where I went wrong? Thanks Russ. $("span").fadeOut("slow").css("background-color").val("FF...

jquery fade effect not working in FF

This piece of code fades the div fine in IE. In Firefox 3.0.8, the fade time goes by and the div disappears instantly. I can't find anyone mentioning this problem. $(function() { $("#show").click(function() { $("#show").fadeOut('slow'); }); }); <div id="show">this is where to show i...

jQuery fading/dimming other list elements when one is hovered over, I'm 90% there..??

I have an unordered list, which has maybe 30 items. When one of these items are hovered over, the rest of the list items fade to 30% and the hovered item stays at 100%; when you move away from the list, they all fade back up to 100% and I have managed this. My problems arises when you move from item to item, the other list items fade ba...

jQuery and ajax gallery fade in and fade out effect on thumb clicks!

Need some help, please. I have a line of horizontal thumbnails loaded as ONE image with the different thumbnails images referenced via an imagemap as such: <div id="zoom"> <img src="" /> </div> <div id="collectionindex"> <img src="thumbnail-strip.jpg" alt="" usemap="#Map" /> <map name="Map" id="Map"> <area s...

jQuery : crossfading image on hover

Hello guys, I'm trying to implement a 'fade into' script which would affect two images : <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('img').mouseover( function() { $(this).fadeOut(200, function() { $(this).attr({'src':'http://example/images/image.png'}); ...

WPF: How to fade-in and scale a user control in a popup

Hi, I have a user control that I'd like to show when the user clicks a button. That's not a problem, using af Popup control. However, I'd like to have the user control fade-in and scale from 0.5 to 1.2 and back to 1.0 (both X and Y) at the same time. How do I do that? ...

jquery synchron fadeout and fadeto with differnt elements

Hello everyone, i try to get a solution for following problem. synchron fadeout and fadeTo with different elements. the page behavior should be like this - page load - content hidden - menu shown - content fadeIn and menu fadeTo opacity 0.0 my snippset of code $(document).ready(function(){ $(".content_main").hide(); $("....