
fade text inside DIV

OK rememebr how I wanted an IMAGE to go in and out according to a word? I don't know what I was thinking but I was wrong. I wanted TEXT to go in and out. Now what's the problem? Everything is the way I want it except for ONE thing... is it possible to be able to update the DIV HTML in a way that it FADES during the transition? Maybe us...

Javascript fade or crossfade background images

Hello! Is it possible to fade in / crossfade background images please? If so, how... Thank you. ...

Text with slider & fade transition

Hi. I'm trying to get the text to slideUp on the first slide like it does on the rest of the slides. I've acheived this on the bottom slider, but not the top slider which uses the fade transition. Can anyone help me out? Here are the codes: if( this.settings.direction == 'opacity') { var text = '.lof-main-item-desc'; this....

Cross-fade between two images on page load then stop

Once the page has finished loading, I would like one image to cross-fade to another. Not in a loop, just once. The effect I would like to create can be seen here: Blur Fade I am sure it must be quite simple using jQuery? Thanks in advance ...

Endless fade looping with jQuery image rollover effect

my intension was to replace images with nice fade effect: i have one image A as background. on mouse hover, image B fadeIn. on mouse out, image B fadeOut and we can see image A again. i'm using this code: <script type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $("img.fade") .mouseover(function() { ...

How to do simple hover button using 2 images in Silverlight

Preferably without using backend code? I'm looking for the cleanest solution for doing a fade in fade out hover button using 2 images. Here is what I have so far Edit: I got this to partially work.. problem is now that the mouseout seems abrupt whereas the mouseover seems fine, what am I doing wrong? <VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonSt...

Fade from background-image to hover

Hi, I'd like to fade my first background-image into one that is supposed to be used on hover and then off again once the user removes their mouse. Can use jQuery. Here is what I have so far: <ul style="top: -70px; display: block; padding-left: 205px;" id="cats-menu" class="nav superfish sf-js-enabled"> <a href="http://www.ballp...

How can I add a shadow/fade for my views?

The ListView has a nice fade on the top/bottom. I have a ListView in the top half of my app, and then a ViewFlipper on the bottom. Is it possible to add a fade/shadow to the top of the ViewFlipper? This would look nice. ...

Table border fade in and out

I have a table and I'd like to fade in and out the top and bottom borders of the table. Initially I just used css' hover feature, but I'd prefer jquery's more fancy fading. I know how to fade objects in general in and out, but haven't found any solutions for borders only. ...

Fade in AJAX loaded content?

var request = new Request({ method: 'get', url: 'onlinestatusoutput.html.php', onComplete:function(response) { $('ajax-content').get('tween', {property: 'opacity', duration: 'long'}).start(0).set('html', response).set('html', response).tween('height', [0, 650]); } }).send(); Before I load the desired content into...

jQuery: Color fade

Is it possible to have 2 colors (red, green) and give the percentage of fading. Example: black (#000000) => white (#ffffff) --- Percent: 50% => grey (#808080) Is this maybe possible with jQuery xcolor, if yes, how? (the xcolor.analogous example return circa the colors I want to have, but how could I set the percentage of fading?) ...

jQuery class fade on input blur/active

Hi guys I have made an input with an image as background. When the input is active the input changes image. I want it to animate/fade between theese states. The way it works now: Class idleInput is added to the input onload. When input is active activeInput class is added instead. How can I animate this? <script type="text/javascript...

Jquery sequential fadeIn and FadeOut - same place

I have three images and I would like them to First Image: fadeIn, wait a while, then fadeOut; Second Image: (on the same place) fadeIn, wait a while, then fadeOut; Third Image: (on the same place) fadeIn, wait a while, then fadeOut; //do something... I have this stupidity so far. $(document).ready(function() { $('#i...

JQuery fadeto animation with callback problem

Hello guys! Here's my code: function hideColumnAndShowOther(columnToHide, columnToShow) { $(columnToHide).fadeTo("slow", 0.0, function() { $(columnToShow).fadeIn("slow"); }); } In this case the callback function isn't called. I have used the firebug tool to get the root of the problem. In...