
jQuery Toggle Div Switcher

I'm trying to build an FAQ page. The page will have 2 columns: first column will have list of questions, second column will have the answers. Essentially I'd like to hide the answer column and when a question is clicked, it will fade in. When another question is clicked, the old answer will fade out and the new answer fades in. So I gue...

Manual background div slideshow

Hello, I need to make a css background image fade slideshow. For several reasons, i cannot have a physical div in my html. It's the body with a class called -home- that has a current background. There will be 4 pictures for the slideshow, no more, no less, so that doesn't have to dynamic. I already have the following jquery: <script t...

How do I create the Jquery goldfrapp changing background images

Hi Jquery experts I'm trying to create a rotating background like the clouds on Goldfrapps site. I've searched on google for changing background animation jquery but these don't have the same effect I want. Thanks for all your help Thanks Judith ...

jQuery: fading in modal dialog

hi all, is it possible to smoothly fadein a jquery modal dialog? (can't find anything in the docs). i've tried fadeTo but didnt help. thanks in advance ...

JavaScript Switch Statement Fades Opacity to None But Doesn't Fade it Back

Hey all, I have a really weird situation. The idea is there is a scroller that moves from left to right to display different groups. But when it stops to show specific group, there are links to leaf through different "pages" of the group. Now in order to do this, you click link one page fades and another fades in. Everything worked smoo...

Can you fade in just the background css of a class in jQuery?

.myDiv { background: url(/images/myimage.jpg); margin: 0 auto; } <div class="myDiv"> Click Me! </div> I just want the Background image to fade, and not the the text Click me. Is that possible in jQuery? Here's my attempt : $(".myDiv").hover(function() { $(this).css("background", fadeTo("slow", 0.5)) },function(){ $(th...

jQuery fadein fadeout repeatedly...

I have a image and in it wants to be fadein fadeout automatically when the document is loaded and it should be done till the document is closed .. help me plzz ...

jQuery fadein fadeout text

Hello, I have this at the moment: (the list is longer, but this is just one element) <a href="Products.aspx" onmouseover="onMouseOverCatDisplay(&quot;H5032.jpg&quot;, &quot;Go to: cars&quot;);" onmouseout="onMouseOverCatDisplay(&quot;DSC_0414_SS.jpg&quot;, &quot;You see: bike&quot;);">Car</a> and above the html, I have ...

jQuery Link Fading. Help!

I am trying to animate my navigation menu with jQuery Link Fading effect. I got the script from David Walsh Blog. I've put 3 test links right above my main navigation menu. It works fine, just as I expected it to. But when I add the class="fade" to the <ul id="topmenu" class="fade"> like so: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.d...

Fade edges of div with jQuery

How can I fade edges of a div with jQuery? Think of a carousel with images inside that slides horizontally. How can I fade out the left and right sides so that images near the edges disappears gradually. Hope it's clear. :) ...

resize DIV matching the new content with jquery

Hello, I have a DIV which shows one image at once coming from an ajax script, the images are all different in height and are showed with fadeIn/fadeOut (just for the tag) How can I allow to resize the DIV (that contains the img tag of course) "sliding" based on the new content before the images that fadein changes the DIV height very r...

How to have multiple instances of a jQuery effect.

First, the disclaimer- I'm JUST starting out with jQuery. I apologize for my ineptness. :) My issue is that I'm attempting to use a jQuery rollover effect on a bunch of separate elements on a page. Right now, when I mouse over one, they all do the effect at once because they have the same class name, and jQuery is selecting all of them...

jquery animate opacity for images with links

Hi, I am trying to get the fade effect of my image slider plugin to work correctly with links. At the moment the slider fades correctly however the links are failing to change. The first image is supposed to link to Google.com & the second link is supposed to link to Hotmail.com however both of them are linking to Hotmail.com only (the ...

Can I change the Android startActivity() transition animation?

I am starting an activity and would rather have a alpha fade-in for startActivity(), and a fade-out for the finish(). How can I go about this in the Android SDK? ...

JQuery Content Fader with Thumbnails and auto-fade

Hey there, I'm searching for a special content fader with thumbnails and automatic-fade. By searching the web I found many things, but not that what I am looking for. Most times you can slide the content but not fade, if you can fade, you can only fade pictures. I try it with the easing-Plugin, but this can't fade, only slide. Then I tr...

How do I fade out 1 div and fade in 2 divs, then after 10 seconds of inactivity, fade in the 1st div again, and fade the 2 divs out?

This is my code currently: $(function() { $('#header_left').click(function(){ $('#header_left_info').fadeOut('fast'); $('#header_left').fadeOut('fast'); $('#header_left_back').delay(250).fadeIn('fast'); }); }); (the 250 millisecond delay is so that the fades don't conflict)...

How to make controls fade away on iPad/iPhone as per interface guidelines

THe HIG makes a statement that on the iPad, to consider fading away controls similar to how the built in photo app does it. How is this accomplished? In my case I have an image occupying the majority of the screen with a tab bar and potentially tool bar and potentially other controls. How do I fade everything away except the image. And b...

javascript animation issue: wrong p tag fades in during animation and links don't hide as supposed to

Hey all, I have two problems with the below javascript that I'm not sure why they're not behaving expected as they should. I'm almost positive it should work but it doesn't. First, the left button doesn't hide when the left most p tag (the first one) for group1 is active even though it should, and the right button doesn't hide when the ...

jQuery: interrupting fadeIn()/fadeOut()

Let's say I've called $element.fadeIn(200). 100 ms later, something happens on that page and I want to interrupt that fade and immediately fadeOut(). How can I do this? If you call calling $element.fadeIn(200).fadeOut(0), the fadeOut() only happens after the fadeIn() has finished. Also, is there a way I can examine $element to determin...

jquery image fader, flash of unstyled content

www.mymediaventure.com i can't stop the images flashing up before they are put on top of each other and then the fader starts. at the moment, im setting display to none in an inline style attribute on all but the first image. then in the jquery im displaying all the images. but it loads the pictures then cycles through each without fa...