
complicated installation spagetti of latest Rails 2.3.5

Hi, the basic and, I guess, more rhetorical question is why RoR installation/maintenance became so F%#$ing complicated? Some background of the problem: Platform: Windows XP Ruby version: 1.8.6 A few dozens gems installed with gem version 1.2.0 Current Rails version: 2.1 I just wanted to update to rails 2.3.5 thinking that I have a mode...

Using nginx/fcgi/django, I have form posts that give a 504 gateway time-out

I have an app that uses Django with FCGI on nginx. I'm using the third-party apps like James Bennett's django-registration and django-messages from the Pinax Project. Both of these apps have forms that are submitted and save data into the database, then redirect on to a new URL. My issue seems to be that the .save() method on any of the...

Rewriting rails url from port 3000?

i have an applicaiton that runs at actionengineers.com:3000. How do i reqwite the application to a subdomain or directory (actionengineers.com/myapp) without disturbing the main site of course. i tried to use .htaccess file but i allways get eror 404. here is the code in the .htaccess file. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www...

Django + lighttpd + fcgi performance

I am using Django to handle fairly long http post requests and I am wondering if my setup has some limitations when I received many requests at the same time. lighttpd.conf fcgi: fastcgi.server = ( "a.fcgi" => ( "main" => ( # Use host / port instead of socket for TCP fastcgi "host" => "", "port" => 303...

question about django+nginx+fstcgi

in our project, we are using chain, like in question title. i want to ask: is it any chance to disable "autocheck" server code by django-server on its change? ...

How do I get killed using Perl FCGI?

I'm having a little problem with nginx and the Perl FCGI module. I have a long operation in my FCGI program that may outlive the server (or the user on the server) on the other end of the Unix socket I'm using to communicate FCGI. I need the FCGI accept() loop in my program to break if the FCGI request is closed. I tried installing INT, ...

Django: Gracefully restart nginx + fastcgi sites to reflect code changes?

Hi, Common situation: I have a client on my server who may update some of the code in his python project. He can ssh into his shell and pull from his repository and all is fine -- but the code is stored in memory (as far as I know) so I need to actually kill the fastcgi process and restart it to have the code change. I know I can grace...

FCGI htaccess handler

I'm trying to setup django on a shared hosting provider. I followed the instructions on http://helpdesk.bluehost.com/index.php/kb/article/000531 and almost have it working. The problem I'm facing now is that the traffic is properly routed throught the fcgi file, but the file itself shows up as plain text in the browser. If I run ./mysi...

Trac FastCGI + Python on dreamhost leaves zombie python running

Hello there, Recently I installed trac in one of my dreamhost domains. I followed the instructions of http://trac.mlalonde.net/wiki/CreamyTrac and everything worked perfectly. At least i thought that was the case. After a few days, i started to notice that i was getting random 500 pages. I quickly checked the error log, and found a bun...

How do I handle and send POST requests in Perl and FastCGI?

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with Perl, so asking here. Actually I'm using FCGI with Perl. I need to 1. accept a POST request -> 2. send it via POST to another url -> 3. get results -> 4. return results to the first POST request (4 steps). To accept a POST request (step 1) I use the following code (found it somewhere in the Internet...

Spawning multiple C-executable processes with Apache/FastCGI

I've not been successful in finding help with this issue. What I want to do is following: I have some C-based executables that implement the server side logic. There should be one process running this executable per client. The process should be invoked upon the first HTTP request form the client and killed once a specific HTTP request c...

How are data shared between fastCGI processes?

I've written a simple perl script that I'm running via fastCGI on Apache. The application loads a set of XML data files which are used to lookup values based upon the the query parameters of an incoming request. As I understand it, if I want to increase the amount of concurrent requests my application can handle I need to allow fastCGI t...

rails with fcgi error

LoadError (Expected /web/zhao_backend2/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb to define AdminController): /usr/local/ruby-1.8.7-p248/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:249:in load_missing_constant' /usr/local/ruby-1.8.7-p248/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.2/lib/active_support/depe...

HTTP protocol response codes in FastCGI server based on flup

I want to write a simple FastCGI server and I decided to use flup python module. The problem is that I need to send a HTTP client real 4xx and 5xx error status codes if something goes wrong but flup's WSGIServer sends 200 status code and some fancy formatted stack trace. Finally I've figured out how not to send to the client that stack t...

Lighttpd server is stopped

I have a Lighttpd server plus mod_fastcgi. And today I had Internal Server Error 500. I've checked my error log and it goes like this: 2010-04-22 22:59:14: (server.c.1464) server stopped by UID = 0 PID = 3332 2010-04-22 22:59:15: (mod_fastcgi.c.1768) connect failed: No such file or directory on unix:/tmp/php.socket-5 2010-04-22 22:59:1...

Testing FastCGI script in Perl using standalone Perl FastCGI / FCGI web server

I have a FastCGI Perl web app (written using CGI::Fast, but that should not matter), that I'd like to test in FastCGI mode. What Perl module can I use to run FastCGI application (the module should install from CPAN, best if it didn't use extra libraries), so that can I point web browser e.g. to http://localhost:5000 to check if it work ...

upload analogue with XSendFile?

Is there some way to use something similar to x-sendfile for uploading files, e.g. saving particular stream/parameter from request to file, without putting it wholly into memory? (In particular, with apache2 and ruby fcgi) ...

how to serve PHP together with Django?

i have a Bluehost hosting account, and i manually configure django with this tutorial, but now i need to run php scripts into a subdomain or in subfolder, how can i do that? my root .htaccess look like this AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi # For security reasons, Option followsymlinks cannot be overridden. #Options +FollowSymLinks Options...

Auto initialization for a django app on apache/fcgi

Hello, We are implementing a web service that is hosted in Dreamhost VS, uses Apache with FCGID running a Django application. Our key issue is that the initialization of our application is extreamly long (10 sec) to enable very fast responces. We would like to be able to have a process running waiting for users at all times in a post...

Rails 3 and FCGI?

I want to make an app for a friend but he has shared hosting and the only option is fcgi and I can't find any documentation on how to do it. Is there anyways to run rails 3 on FCGI? ...