
Problem with sending cookies with file_get_contents

Hi, i'm trying to get the contents from another file with file_get_contents (don't ask why). I have two files: test1.php and test2.php. Test1.php returns a string, bases on the user that is logged in. Test2.php tries to get the contents of test1.php and is being executed by the browser, thus getting the cookies. To send the cookies wi...

PHP : file_get_contents($loc) fails.

I just moved a project from localhost over to my remote server, and noticed that some of my scripts stopped working. Most importantly was one that relied upon file_get_contents() to fetch JSON values from another script. PHP Version is 5.2.4 allow_url_fopen is ON Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network...

file_get_contents VS CURL, what has better performance?

I am using PHP to build a web crawler to crawl millions of URLs, what is better for me in terms of performance? file_get_contents or CURL? Thanks. ...

Making file_get_contents() session aware in PHP

Preamble: My app is mod_rewrite enabled and I have index.php page that downloads vaious pages based on Request_URI and prints them as page content. Problem: File() or File_get_contents() function is excellent at downloading my other app pages. But as soon as I try to use it to download a page that is session enabled, I start having prob...

Loading a remote xml page with file_get_contents()

I have seen some questions similar to this on the internet, none with an answer. I want to return the source of a remote XML page into a string. The remote XML page, for the purposes of this question, is: In a regular webbrowser, I can view the page and the source is an XML document. When I use file_get_co...

file-get-contents() returning "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!"

Help, I am having problems calling a url from PHP code. I need to call a service using a querystring from my PHP code. If I type the url into a browser, it works ok, but if I use file-get-contents() to make the call, I get: Warning: file-get-contents(http://.... ) failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted in ...

php: file_get_contents encoding problem (SOLVED)

SOLVED by changing the encoding in header() function to KOI8-R header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=KOI8-R'); My task is simple: make a post request to and get the translation. In the following example I'm using the word "hello" to translate into russian. header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); ...

file_get_contents (or curl, or fopen) problem with session data.

hello, i have a page that shows a value from session, lets call it and if i type it directly from the browser, it shows me the session value. but when i try to download it with file_get_contents (or other method) from another domain, like, it is not retrieving the content protected...

Is it possible to split the file contents using a custom pattern?

Hello, Is it possible to split the contents of file into parts that have specific pattern? This is what I want to achieve: Read the file using file_get_contents Read only contents between similar commented areas. I am not sure how complicated is that but basically If I am parsing a large html file and want only to display to the br...

How to execute and get content of a .php file in a variable?

I want to get contents of a .php file in a variable on other page. I have two files, myfile1.php and myfile2.php. myfile2.php <?PHP $myvar="prashant"; // echo $myvar; ?> Now I want to get the value echoed by the myfile2.php in an variable in myfile1.php, I have tried the follwing way, but its taking all the contents includ...

Importing a JSON feed from an external source in Javascript

I'd like to load a JSON feed from an external source using Javascript; what's the best method? I've been working a lot in PHP where it would be easy to do so with file_get_contents or cURL. Is there a related function or process in Javascript? ...

Using file_get_contents or curl to url on same server

I have a PHP script that needs to process the same site's RSS feed. Specifically, I'm displaying the most recent blogs from the WordPress RSS feed on the home page. On our staging server it worked fine but on our live (which is a completely different, but LAMP) hosting environment it's not working. I can run file_get_contents or cur...

file_get_contents from url that is only accessible after log-in to website

I would like to make a php script that can capture a page from a website. Think *file_get_contents($url)*. However, this website requires that you fill in a username/password log-in form before you can access any page. I imagine that once logged-in, the website sends your browser an authentication cookie and with every consequent browse...

PHP get url with special characters without urlencode:ing them!

Hi. I have a problem. I would like file_get_contents to get a url that looks like this:öt The problem is that it requests (can't post entire link, sorry): which you can see has been urlencoded, that page does not give me any results. How can I do this? ...

[PHP] file_get_contents - also get the pictures

Hello there everybody! I've run into a problem lately when coding in PHP and file_get_contents. My problem is that when i load a website like this: <? echo file_get_contents($_GET['url']); ?> The pictures of the website i load doesn't show. For example when I go to Google, no pictures are shown. This is for every website i visit. How ...

PHP - some pictures doesn't load (css problem?)

Hello, i am dynamically loading a website via file_get_contents with the following script. <?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'); $url = (substr($_GET['url'], 0, 7) == 'http://') ? $_GET['url'] : "http://{$_GET['url']}"; $base_url = explode('/', $url); $base_url = (substr($url, 0, 7) == 'http://') ? $base_url[2] ...

file_get_contents with HTTP: No such file or directory

I'm trying to execute a straightforward PHP call to load the contents of a web page: $result = file_get_contents(""); The result coming back is a strange file not found error: Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/test.php on line 5 I ha...

PHP - Get variables from another PHP file without executing the code?

Hi All, I'm trying to create a script to extract the variables from a file on the same server. The problem is, I don't know what else is going to be in the file all of the time (the script is for other people to use), so I don't really want to load all of the contents or execute any of the code. I've thought of using file_get_contents...

PHP file_get_contents

Hello all, I'm looking to create a PHP script where, a user will provide a link to a webpage, and it will get the contents of that webpage and based on it's contents, parse the contents. For example, if a user provides a YouTube link: Then, it will grab the basic information about that vid...

How to download a file over HTTP and store its content in a String in Java.

I'm trying to download a file over HTTP and store its contents in a String, as the title says. My approach is thus: URL u = new URL("http://url/file.txt"); ByteArrayBuffer baf = new ByteArrayBuffer(32); InputStream in = (InputStream) u.getContent(); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(in); int buffer; while((buffer = bi...