
Changing vista file permissions programmatically

Hi, I want to add some files to C:\windows\XXX (windows protected folder, in Vista), under the "TrustedInstaller" for my application. I do not want to replace any file so no issues on Windows Resource(formerly file) protection. I have the code to change "ownership" to the current logged in admin, however, I'm don't have any clue how to ...

Should I use ACLs if I want to limit access to files on a per-group basis? If so - what's a good Java library?

Not too sure if I'm barking up the right tree, so I'm wondering if ACLs are the way to go. ...

Why won't PHP create this zip file (permissions issue)

I am on windows I am using PHING to zip up some files I have lots of things being zipped Zipping works, except for ones that include a particular phing fileset in the files being zipped When I debug, I can see in phing's ZIP Task that ZipArchive::close is returning false. The error string reads "permission denied". In the manual it stat...

PHP unable to open folder for writing. permission denied. Using wampserver2

Anybody know how to get around this with wampserver2? I'm trying to use this thumbnail generator ...

Accessing Every File on the File System (no matter what) On Windows 7

In c#, on a windows 7 machine, how can I programmatically access every file on the file system as though I was a "Master Administrator". The main priority here, is that after my c# program is installed, that it won't run into any file/folder access permission problems. My program runs as a windows service, and it must allow a user to ba...

Folder permission on server while uploading?

I want to upload files in my application on server but I have to grant it R/W access so that I or anyone can upload files in it. Is there any way that I write some code or configuration lines in Web.config which solve this permission problem? ...

File operation in presense of trust level in 3.5

Good Day! i have a dot net website made in VS 2008. The website works fine on my local computer, it deletes files from a folder but when i updated it on the webserver it wont delete. the webserver guy says that i have to built the application in medium level, but i dont understand the concept about trust levels. i have tried to Google i...

question regarding file permission

Hi there, i developed the application using WAMP, i think windows assigns 0644 file permission to all directory by default. i am hosting the application on Unix Server which uses cPanel 11, my application has some directories where user(admin) will be uploading files to it. what file permission should i be giving to that directory? is i...

file won't upload unless i change the file permission to 0777 on my server

hi there, i am unaware on the cons and pros of giving the directory permission to 0777, and i have left with no choice but to use the 0777 file permission to upload files on my server through my application. the following file permission works for me to upload file 0757 and 0557. this means i can upload the file with the world or othe...

Update The database using applets

I have written a code in JAVA to search files from the system.User specifies the filename and extension on text input on applet window and on button click code establishes a connection to oracle database and searches the directory name from the database table.The code for searching works fine without applet and on using applet it detects...