
Open Source Full Disk Encryption for BSD Operating System?

Anyone aware of an open source equivalent to full disk encryption products such as Pointsec (a Cisco product) where the machine won't boot unless a password is supplied? ...

http based filesystem with seek and lock support

Hi - I'm building an application that needs to use a web server like a file system. Specifically, the ideal solution would be: A server side component that would allow, via HTTP, opening (locking), reading, writing, seeking and truncating one file. I need to be able to lock multiple files simultaneously. I need this to run on any o...

Delete files recursively in Java

Is there a way to delete entire directories recursively in Java? In the normal case it is possible to delete an empty directory. However when it comes to deleting entire directories with contents, it is not that simple anymore. How do you delete entire directories with contents in Java? ...

Unable to access SAN storage device

I am attempting to programmatically FTP a backup file that is stored on a SAN device. The device has been mapped on the server. I tested the application by running it from an icon on the desktop and it works perfectly. When I run the program through a windows service I get an error message saying that the drive cannot be found. The a...

How to programmatically really clean Delete files?

So you are about to pass your work-computer to some of your colleague. How do you make sure you really delete all your personal data? Re-formatting, Re-installing OS will not really solve the problem. I searched around and found some programs does "Wipe out" disks. This caught me thinking how does those programs work? I mean, What al...

Is there any way to know which which part of the file are still in the Physical RAM after it was read by some process.

Lets say I used a program that read a file and that the program was finished. Now , most likely that parts of the file still reside in the physical ram (lets assume I have huge amount of RAM). Is there any way to know which parts of the file reside in the physical ram? Is there any tool that can do it or maybe a winapi function call? ...

How to Generate File of a determinate Size in Windows?

How is the Best and fastest way to do it? ...

PowerShell Script to Get a Directory Total Size

I need to get the size of a directory, recursively. I have to do this every month so I want to make a PowerShell script to do it. How can I do it? ...

Help getting me started on making a file -> right-click context menu in Vista

I am a novice .Net 2.0 and 3.5 developer. I want to create an application that creates a context menu when a file is right clicked on in Vista. After the right click--I think I can figure out the rest, but I don't know the technique to get access to the Vista API. FOLLOW-UP: As I have been reading some of the info that folks have r...

Question about hard drive , 'seek' and 'read' in windows OS

Does anyone know when calling 'seek' and 'read' , how is the hard-drive physicly affected? If i'll be more specific, I know that the harddrive has some kind of a magnetic needle that is used to read the data from the magnetic plates. So my question is , when is the needle actualy moved to the reading location? Is it moved when we are c...

Create AppleDouble formatted file in Linux

Hello, I'm working on an application that syncs data. For Mac OS, files are uploaded and if they contain resource fork information, the fork is read and stored as a string using: file/..namedfork/rsrc Users can access their files using a Web application(Java) that's running on a Linux server, is there a way that I can generate a valid...

Best Practice for Web server file structure

Are there any best-practices for how to layout your webroot on a server? For instance, I currently have a site with this structure: /var/www/current/html (public dir for most recent revision) /var/www/dev/html (public dir for dev version) /home/user/www/html (for users public sandbox) How does everyone else layout their www file stru...

Accessing the 'Media' directory of a Blackberry within the JDK

Trying to use JSR 175 to access media saved under the '/home/video/' directory on the device. Using Blackbery JDK 4.6.1. Single line of code throws a 'filesystem io error' exception. Which is, as usual, unhelpful in the extreme. fconn = (FileConnection)"file:///home/user/videos/"+name, Connector.READ); Has anyone trie...

How can I store lots of images in a single file for a WinForms app?

I have a .net WinForms 2.0 application that has an image library of about 3000 images currently. Currently I'm using SQLite and storing all of the images as BLOBs with a unique Ids that makes things easy to retrieve. The benefit to this is that the end users don't have to worry about the installer unzipping a massive blob of images on ...

Access Pen Drive (MP3 Player) Via FileInfo ?

Hi I've got a Samsung Q1 attached to my computer, and I was hoping to use the FileInfo / DirectoryInfo objects to access the file on the device, however what I right click on a file in windows explorer I get a location of COMPUTER/Q1/DATACASTS/mine.mp3, and when I feed this into the DirectoryInfo object I get "Invalid network drive" So...

Encrypted filesystems and the Linux buffer cache

I currently use Berkeley DBs fronted by a Java server for a high-performance disk-backed cache. Provided you warm it up before allowing it to face live traffic, your update rate is low, and your working set fits in memory, the Linux buffer cache does an excellent job. It's measurably faster than memcache, in part because you don't need t...

Can Javascript access files on the server?

Some one asked about How to connect to SQL server database from javascript? and i found thats its possible, So some one can surprise me and say yes on my question? Can Javascript access files on the server? I know its not possible, but i said NO on the sql database question, but i found someone answering yes !! ...

File system testing tools

Hello, We are developing file system filters and we need to automate the testing on all platforms we are targeting (Windows, OS X, Linux). What tools would you recommend that will check if a particular mounted file system behaves properly. Here the word "properly" probably needs some clarification: Since we are developing filters (not ...

Why does ReadDirectoryChangesW omit events?

Hi! I use ReadDirectoryChangesW to watch a specified directory and update indexing structures whenever a change is detected. I use the following code (roughly) var InfoPointer : PFileNotifyInformation; NextOffset : DWORD; ... while (not Terminated) do begin if ReadDirectoryChangesW (FDirHandle, FBuffer, FBufferLength, True, ...

Estimation or measurement of amount of iops to create a file

I'd like to know how many I/O operations (iops) does it take to create an empty file. I am interested in linux and GFS file system, however other file systems information is also very welcome. Suggestions how to accurately measure this would be also very welcome. Real scenario (requested by answers): Linux GFS file system (if you can...