
Future proof file storage

I accept file uploads from users. Each file has a pointer in the db which has info on the file location in the filesystem. Currently, I'm storing the files in the filesystem non categorically, and each file is currently just named a unique value. All categorisation and naming etc is done in the app using the db. A factor that I'm concer...

Finding the Recycle Bin on a local NTFS drive

I'm trying to write some simple code that will return the directory for the recycle bin on a local drive. Seems like it would be simple -- should be a thousand answers on Google. Haven't found one yet :( I HAVE found that FAT and NTFS drives have different base names (RECYCLED and RECYCLER). I've found that 'the' recycle bin is a vir...

how to make nutch crawl file system?

not based on http, like http://localhost:81 and so on, but directly crawl a certain directory on local file system, is there any way out? ...

Python: Getting file modification times with greater resolution than a second.

os.path.getmtime() and os.stat() seem to return values in whole seconds only. Is this the greatest resolution possible on either a Windows or OSX file system, or is there a way of getting greater resolution on file times? ...

iPhone/iPod filesystem speed

Does anyone out there have hard data from profiling the iPhone/iPod filesystem? I'm more interested in reading than writing. I was thinking of running a few tests, but thought I'd check to see if someone smarter and/or more time-rich had already done so. Specifically I'm interested in speed difference between many small files versus fe...

Why do 64bit dlls go to System32 and 32bit dlls to SysWoW64 on 64bit Windows?

Hi Everyone, I would like to know when do we need to place the file under C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64. when I used 32 bit dll I placed it under syswow64 and when I used 64 bit dll I placed it in system32 the viseversa not working. Please let me know the reason for that. Thanks in Advance. Ga ...

Is it possible to reasonably workaround an antivirus scanning the working directory?

My Win32 application performs numerous disk operations in a designated temporary folder while functioning, and seriously redesigning it is out of the question. Some clients have antivirus software that scans the same temporary directory (it simply scans everything). We tried to talk them into disabling it - it doesn't work, so it's out ...

When will .net support long paths natively?

As many would have discovered .net does not handle long paths names well. So when will .net support long paths natively? By natively I mean with out any of the suggested workarounds like subst and pinvoke Some reading:

Is a file on the same filesystem as another file in python?

Is there a simple way of finding out if a file is on the same filesystem as another file? The following command: import shutil shutil.move('filepatha', 'filepathb') will try and rename the file (if it's on the same filesystem), otherwise it will copy it, then unlink. I want to find out before calling this command whether it will pre...

How do I convert an NSString into something I can use with FSCreateDirectoryUnicode?

I'm new to Mac and Objective-C, so I may be barking up the wrong tree here and quite possibly there are better ways of doing this. I have tried the code below and it doesn't seem right. It seems I don't get the correct length in the call to FSCreateDirectoryUnicode. What is the simplest way to accomplish this? NSString *theString = @"M...

How do I access a file's icon server-side via PHP?

I have a PHP script running that lists files in a certain directory on the server. Is there any way to access the file's icon metadata? Lots of issues with this I suppose (eg: depends on the OS hosting the script. depends on whether the file is using a custom icon. still have to convert the icn file to something that can be displayed in ...

VBA How to get path to The Current Users Application data folder?

In general, Using VBA, how do I determine where the Current users Application Data folder is? The FileSystemObjects special folders only knows about 3 folders WindowsFolder SystemFolder TemporaryFolder Specifically, I need a Word Macro to copy a file to the a folder under the Application Data folder. e.g. In VB.Net I can use My....

How do I create an FSRef from a NSString containing a path?

I have a file system path in a NSString, but I need an FSRef for the system call I will be making. What is the best way to create the FSRef? ...

Linux: direct access to the hard-disk in C

How can I obtain a raw access to the HD and know if that location is used or is a free space? Just a piece of example, I can obtain a direct access simply with an open and a read on a disk device, the goal is knowing whether the, for example, the 10.000 byte is used or not. ...

WAFL: Write Anywhere File Layout

Hi, I wonder if anyone knows about WAFL (Write Anywhere File Layout), or a link to the topic of interest (not wikipedia), or a good bibliography online because I am investigating about operating systems, thanks to all. ...


In VMS one may tell the file system to write junk over the existing contents of a file when it is deleted. Here is the DCL command to identify the file for this kind of treatment: $ SET FILE/ERASE_ON_DELETE SAMPLE.TXT This allows the policy to be set at one point in time then later users of the file do not have to handle that detail ...

java inner classes filenames too long

I'm translating programs of some language to nested java classes. At some point, the level of nesting becomes so deep that I get: compiling error while writing : Test$2...$1.class (File name too long) where ... is a long string. I'm using an ext3 filesystem, so i'm limited to 256 character long filenames. Also...

System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory with permissions for only this current user?

Hi, I want the asp application to create a folder that has access only to the account the application was running with (i.e. asp account?) I actually wanna use this one, but I don't know how to use the "Computer\CurrentAccount" dynamically. I want to get the current working account. Thanks. ...

When running ls -l, why does the filesize on a directory not match the output of du?

What does 4096 mean in output of ls -l? [root@file nutch-0.9]# du -csh 2.3G [root@file nutch-0.9]# ls -l total 55132 drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Jun 18 03:19 ...

SSD as inline cache

This may be slightly off-topic for a strictly programming site, but I'm interested in starting a software project or contributing to an existing project that can do what I'm proposing. Now that SSD storage is becoming more popular, I am more interested in using one in my destop computer. Since they are very expensive per Gigabyte compa...