
Cross-platform encryption container library

Hi, I have a need for a cross-platform (hopefully C) library that can create and mount encrypted filesystem containers. The same functionality of TrueCrypt but as a library so I would not have to externally include and invoke the Truecrypt executables. Any alternate suggestions or solutions are also very welcome. Thanks! ...

Can I create a file system accessible from CE 6.0 and my bootloader?

I have a CE 6.0 project on a PXA310 where I need to be able to download OS updates (nk.bin) via Wi-Fi and safely flash the new OS to my device. I'm open to other suggestions about how to do this, but I'm considering saving the nk.bin to my file system in NAND flash, then restarting and have the bootloader locate the file in the file sys...

How do I tell a Python script (cygwin) to work in current (or relative) directories?

I have lots of directories with text files written using (g)vim, and I have written a handful of utilities that I find useful in Python. I start off the utilities with a pound-bang-/usr/bin/env python line in order to use the Python that is installed under cygwin. I would like to type commands like this: %cd ~/SomeBook %which pythonU...

Is there any method to know whether a directory contain a sub directory?

I am woking in c++. Is there any method to know whether a directory contain a sub directory? CFileFind seems have to search through total files. It is time consuming if the only subdirectory is at the end of the list and the there are lots of files. for example: directory A contains 99995 files and one subdirectory at the end of FindNe...

Have you ever written code that uses the procfs?

Hi, Have you ever written (or encountered) code that uses the procfs (the Linux /proc file system) in non-trivial ways? I have a very nice idea for a kernel patch, and I want to conduct some research and see code examples before I shape my idea. Udi EDIT I'm looking for interesting code examples that would demonstrate advanced usage ...

What's the most efficient method of continually deleting files older than X hours on Windows?

I have a directory that continually fills up with "artefact" files. Many different programs dump their temporary files in this directory and it's unlikely that these programs will become self-cleaning any time soon. Meanwhile, I would like to write a program that continually deletes files in this directory as they become stale, which I'...

Where should I save database files?

So far in development, my application has been storing its databases in the app base directory. When it is deployed this will be in program files so I cant keep them there! The obvoius places are: Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData One problem is that data downloads can be run fro...

simple Filesystem

Hi I wanna implement a very, very simple Filesystem. I just came across the following ressource and I am wondering if maybe someone tried to do the same and could point me out where it is best to start for me. Many thanks ...

VMWare Windows XP session says 'insufficient disk space' for a 6 gb file but there's 14 gb free

My VMWare Windows XP session says 'insufficient disk space' to copy in a 6 gb database dump but there's more than 14 gb free :( . It's a growable disk. It;s currently 5.5 GB in size. Any suggestions? ...

Linux file system automatically backed by disk but hosted entirely in memory?

I have to do lots of small random accesses to a whole bunch of files. I have more than enough main memory to hold all of the data. When I copy the data over to a temporary ramfs filesystem and process it there, this takes only a small fraction of the time that waiting for disk access would take. Is there a Linux file system which hol...

Understanding NFS

HI I would like to understand the NFS filesystem in some detail. I came across the book NFS illustrated, unfortunately it is only available as google books so some pages are missing. Has someone maybe another good ressource which would be a good start to understand NFS at a low level? I am thinking of implementing a Client/Server Framew...

Computing estimated times of file copies / movements?

Inspired by this xckd cartoon I wondered exactly what is the best mechanism to provide an estimate to the user of a file copy / movement? The alt tag on xkcd reads as follows: They could say "the connection is probably lost," but it's more fun to do naive time-averaging to give you hope that if you wait around for 1,163 hours, it ...

require_once problem with templating

Im new to MVC and I'm re-doing a lot of my code. I have master.php (index) which has: <?php require_once("header.php"); ?> Both master.php and header.php are in the same folder yet I get the following error: Warning: require_once(1) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/MyName/Sites/M...

Is there a cross-platform Java method to remove filename special chars?

I'm making a cross-platform application that renames files based on data retrieved online. I'd like to sanitize the Strings I took from a web API for the current platform. I know that different platforms have different file-name requirements, so I was wondering if there's a cross-platform way to do this? Edit: On Windows platforms you ...

What good web file management systems do you use?

I am looking for a web based file management system and have the following requirements: Deal with the huge size of storage Permissions on the files according to association groups Tagging on files Search engine Is there a service that you can recommend? ...

hierarchical .Net file format?

Our company has been for a while looking at a file format to hold a large amount of lab sensor data. Each time they run the instrumentation, it generates a file, which we consume and store in a database for trending, etc. A hierarchical format is preferred as it allows us to "group" data. This is a intermediate file format before we p...

How can I receive Windows filesystem events in Java?

I need to know when a new file appears in a directory. Obviously, I could poll the file system periodically, but that has all the normal downsides of polling mechanisms. I know that windows supports file system events, and this project is already constrained to the Windows platform by other requirements. Does anyone have experience re...

In eclipse, reveal current file in filesystem

In eclipse, is there a way, to reveal the currently selected file in the filesystem. I currently need it to open in explorer, but it could also be in finder or nautilus. Basically, I do not need the "Open with System Editor" option. I would like a right-click menu with the option: "Show file in explorer/finder/nautilus". Thanks ...

Problem with NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains

I am trying to work directories. Unfortunately i get a non-writeable directory when I run NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains. What I get is: /Users/me/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Documents When I run other people's examples I get: /Users/me/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/6958D21C-...

NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains trouble (losing hair fast)

Hello. I am getting bald quite quick and need help! I am writing an app which needs to access directories. I was hoping to get a path of the form /Users/me/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/6958D21C-C94B-4843-9EF1-70406D0CA3A3/Documents. However my app is giving me /Users/me/Library/Application Support/iPho...