
Why is the save button needed?

Software like OneNote has shown that auto-save can be implemented, and it works just as well (or better) as the manual save button / CTRL+S. Anyways everything that you work on you want saved. Its just if you're trying out something destructive that you would close without saving. So from a programmers/usability perspective, why is the...

Case-insensitive File.equals on case-sensitive file system

I have a file path in String form. In Java, I need to determine if that file exists on the file system (and our code needs to be cross-platform as it runs on Windows, Linux and OS X). The problem is that the case of the file path and the file itself may not match, even though they do represent the same file (presumably this is because t...

In java: Take snapshot of a directory and restore it

Is there a library to take a folder, take a snapshot of its content, do some modifications and then restore it to its previous state from directly from a java program (i.e. not from the command line) ? Edit: Basically, i am working on a very large folder: 80mb, ~7000 files. And I want to restore only files that were modified as fast as ...

How to specify a path to store file in Blackberry JDE?

Dear Friends, Can anyone tell me how to store a file in a blackberry simulator.Actually i m using blackberry jde4.6.I created one simple application in that application i created one edit field and one button if we click the button then the content in the file should store as file i don't how to set a path.If u have any idea how to set p...

Deploying a file to the filesystem using MOSS Solutions and Features

Hi I have a .browser file that I need to deploy to the following location: c:\browsers\ as part of a moss .wsp file. Can I do this in the manifest.xml or as part of a feature? Kind Regards ...

Java: Problem With Greek File Names (non-latin file names)

Hello, Using Java: I am reading a directory containing files with Greek Names. But when i output a String containing a file name i get this '???????.something'. Is it because i am running the java app. through the console? Is there a way to get non-latin file names read correctly? Thanks, ...

Coding PHP on IIS only index.php or default.php can be accessed directly

I am running IIS7 and for the longest time I have been dealing with only being able load index.php. All other requested files return a "File not found" type message in the browser. I have built my own OOP Framework making it mostly a non issue. Now I am doing some ajax stuff. Ajax REQUIRES that I make use of more then one file because if...

ASP.NET SaaS Application File Storage: Drive Letter Paths or UNC paths

The file system part of our application framework requires updating to fall inline with our SaaS / Multi-Tenancy approach and in particular with regards scaling up. Our current file system stores files on disk in separate folders for each tenant. ie: X:\FilesFolder\ApplicationInstance\TenantA etc where the Tenant names and file...

Are there any invalid linux filenames?

If I wanted to create a string which is guaranteed not to represent a filename, I could put one of the following characters in it on Windows: \ / : * ? | < > e.g. this-is-a-filename.png ?this-is-not.png Is there any way to identify a string as 'not possibly a file' on Linux? ...

Devloping an OS designed for a USB stick : Some questions.

Hi, My only experience in O/S development before this has been to create a 'Hello World' OS running from a Floppy drive. What I need now is to develop a simple O/S to boot from a USB stick. And I have a few roadblocks: How do I write to the boot "sector" of a USB stick? Are there any tools available? Do you know of any good tutorial...

The document NSBundle.h could no be saved

I'm having some troubles with the bundle and somehow I can't save images from bundle to docs directory any more. Now I've got this error before building: The document NSBundle.h could no be saved It apparently compiles well. This is the kind of code I'm using: //Get every name from plist array and append it to the full path for(...

Best place to save program config file on Windows and OS X using Java?

I have a SWT Java app that runs on Windows XP / Vista / 7 and Mac OS X. I'm currently saving a config file to: System.getProperty("user.home") + filename With the changes in security in Windows Vista and Windows 7 this doesn't seem to be the best place to save it anymore. This file saves information such as registration key info and i...

How can I sync a filesystem structure to SQL?

I currently have a filesystem path I would like to index into a SQL database. I need to access the data so that I can do queries against files based on modified times, or partial names, or many other items. Is there a way to somehow sync a filesystem to a database automatically, or even access a filesystem in a sql-like interface, wi...

How does IBM's RDZ running on a PC access the mainframe's file system?

I hear repeatedly that while NFS-style files systems are available on IBM mainframes, they are often not enabled, presumably to minimize the security risks of the mainframe vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Given that I'd like to produce PC-based tools that reach out and process files on the mainframe, this makes a simple problem ("open ...

Comparing files to each other

Hi I have written some piece of code that copies chunks of big files to a remote machine. Now I would like to figure out if I really copied all the bits into the right place by comparing those two files on a byte-per-byte basis. Is there some tool for windows that allows me to do that? I guess Linux has such a tool already built in, doe...

Best way to atomically create files

Hi SO, The 'best practice' (as I see it) to atomically create a new file, is to open a temporary file (using tmpfile()), and then moving the file to it's final location. However, this won't work well if the temporary file is on a different mountpoint, as this will result in the file gradually building up and additionally result in unne...

easiest way to program a virtual file system in windows with Python

I want to program a virtual file system in Windows with Python. That is, a program in Python whose interface is actually an "explorer windows". You can create & manipulate file-like objects but instead of being created in the hard disk as regular files they are managed by my program and, say, stored remotely, or encrypted or compressed...

[Objective c] create a directory in the iPhone

What's wrong with that? #define AUDIO_NOTES_FOLDER [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents/myApp/Pictures"] NSFileManager *NSFm= [NSFileManager defaultManager]; BOOL isDir=YES; if(![NSFm fileExistsAtPath:FILEPATH isDirectory:&isDir]) if(![NSFm createDirectoryAtPath:FILEPATH attributes:nil]) NSLog(@"E...

can I use a if clause within a where clause?

where if prog.levelnumber = 2 then i.level = 2 ---> select only the persons with level = 2 if prog.numnivel=1 then i.level = 1 ---> select only the persons with level = 1 ...

How does stat command calculate the blocks of a file?

Hello all, I am wondering how does stat command calculate the blocks of a file. I read the article, it says: The value st_blocks gives the size of the file in 512-byte blocks. (This may be smaller than st_size/512 e.g. when the file has holes.) The value st_blksize gives the "preferred" blocksize for efficient file system I/O. (Wri...