
Linux: Support File Operations

Has someone maybe a good source where all available file operations like fopen, fread, mkdir, etc are described? When I am googleing for Linux file operations most pages explain me how the filesystem hierarchy looks like. ...

What is the best way to store downloaded files?

Sorry for the bad title. I'm saving web pages. I currently use 1 XML file as an index. One element contains file created date (UTC), full URL (w. query string and what not). And the headers in a separate file with similar name but appended special extension. However, going at 40k (incl. header) files, the XML is now 3.5 MB. Recently I ...

Purpose of ibs/obs/bs in dd

I have a script that creates file system in a file on a linux machine. I see that to create the file system, it uses 'dd' with bs=x option, reads from /dev/zero and writes to a file. I think usually specifying ibs/obs/bs is useful to read from real hardware devices as one has specific block size constraints. In this case however, as it i...

file system performance testing

I am writing a python script that will perform performance test in linux file system. so besides deadlocks, race conditions and time takes to perform an action (delete, read, write and create) what other variables/parameters should the test contain? ...

linking files as a HTML-file and it's folder

In a windows-environment if you have a .html-file, you can make a copy of it and move it in the file-system. But the folder containing the additional files (images, scripts, .css-files) is moved with it. I want to know how you can implement this with files of other extensions (self defined file-extensions). I suppose it has to do with th...

php file download: strange http header

i'm builing this php script which displays a given folder 's children folders and files. Files ought to be downloaded. In order to disclose as little information as possible, each item in the directory is a form with a submit button that contains the html markup. The send method is POST. IF i click on a directory, it opens that directo...

How to read from database and write into text file with C#?

How to read from database and write into text file? I want to write/copy (not sure what to call) the record inside my database into a text file. One row record in database is equal to one line in the text file. I'm having no problem in database. For creating text file, it mentions FileStream and StreamWriter. Which one should I use? ...

Simple Virtual Filesystem in C/C++

Hi I would like to implement a very simple Virtual Filesystem (VFS) which supports some basic file system operation like fwrite, fopen, fput, etc. The VFS is an abstraction layer on top of some concrete OS, e.g. Windows, Linux etc. Assume now, that the fopen interface looks something like this FILE VFS_File_Open( const unsigned char* s...

Coherent access to mainframe files from Win32 application and IBM RDZ/Eclipse?

I have a suite of tools for processing IBM COBOL source code; these tools are built as Win32 applications and talk to Windows (including network) files using traditional Windows file system calls (open, close, read, write) and work just fine, thank you. I'd like to integrate these with Eclipse; we understand how to get Eclipse to do UI ...

File Pointer Position

Is this okay ? Will my filepointer get messed up in XYZ()? function XYZ() { fopen(myFile) // some processing // I am in the middle of the file Call ABC() } ABC () { fopen(myFile) //do some processing fclose (myFile) } ...

Creating own FILE* pointer in C?

Hi, I had just a look at the stdio.h where I could find the FILE structure definition: typedef struct { int level; /* fill/empty level of buffer */ unsigned flags; /* File status flags */ char fd; /* File descriptor */ unsigned char hold; /* Unget...

changing file attribute in adobe air

Is there a way to change the file attribute of a file in abobe air,for example : like changing read only file or read write file or copying a "read only" file to a new location a a "read write" file. ...

How does one map physical sectors of a disk to the files that contain them on an HFS+ volume on Mac OS X

I've been recovering a hard disk using dd_rescue, which provides me a list of all of the device sectors it could not copy due to hardware errors. I'd like to take that list, and write a tool to give me all of the files that contain these bad sectors so I can delete them. I'm not sure what APIs I can use to do this--essentially i want to...

What's a reasonable maximum size that a cross-platform application should allow a text file to get?

What's a reasonable maximum size that a cross-platform application could allow a text file to get? I understand that this is an oversimplified question so allow me to explain. My team is implementing a bulk load interface for clients to load data into our database. It will write out a CSV file and then load that file into the appropri...

Java concurrency file system

Good day, I need to create a File System Manager (more or less) which can read or write data to files. My problem is how do I handle concurrency? I can do something like public class FileSystemManager { private ReadWriteLock readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); public byte[] read(String path) { readWriteLo...

Can I programmatically do a "net use" on a file share?

Within a VB.NET program, I want to read files from a filesystem, then write a compressed version of those files to a remote, secure fileshare, using different credentials. The analogous operation at the cmd prompt is: net use s: \\server\share /user:foo P@ssw0rd copy a+b | compress > s:\foo.bin net use s: /delete Is this possible? ...

How do I iterate through a directory in Common Lisp?

I'm using OpenMCL on Darwin, and I'd like to do something like: (loop for f in (directory "somedir") collect (some-per-file-processing f)) But I can't get directory to return anything other than NIL, and I can't seem to find any good explanation online (other than "its different for each system"). Any pointers? ...

How to test whether application handles slow/flaky filesystems properly?

I want to ensure that my application doesn't have any UI freezes when working on files on slow filesystem (e.g. networked, CD/DVD or spun-down HDD). I'm using Cocoa filesystem operations directly. I'm afraid it would be too much effort to mock or abstract all of it just for testing, and besides there could be non-obvious ways in which m...

Do I have to write my own method to unset readony on a folder and it's contents in C#?

Hi all. I have a folder with some folders in it and some files in those folders. It so happens, that those file may be readonly which is not acceptable for me. The questions is do I have to write the code to recursively unset readonly on all files? It's not difficult to write but is there any standard .NET way to do it? My current so...

C# - Autozip files in a folder based on Year-Month

IT has been tasked with reducing the file-server usage rate so I'd like to do my part my compressing old files(ie Excel/Access/Txt). We have some folders that contain thousands of files so I don't want to just zip the whole directory into one large file - it would be preferrable to have a number of smaller files so that it would be easi...