
Are inode limits by directory or by drive?

Are the inode limits on Linux by subdirectory or by the entire file system? I use ububtu 64 bit server 9.10. Can the inode limit be resolved by splitting files up into multiple sub directories if it's a directory limit? ...

How do I convert a relative path to a fully qualified path in C# / .NET?

Let's say I have a file name defined as "..............\bin\prices.xls", is there a simple way to convert that to a fully qualified path (one that includes the Drive letter, colon and all folders to the file)? ...

searching for files from a single folder (knowing prefix) versus searching for files from multiple folders (knowing folder name)

Hi! I've got a system in which users select a couple of options and receive an image based on those options. I'm trying to combine multiple generated images(corresponding to those options) into the requested picture. I'm trying to optimize this so that if, an image exists for a certain option (i.e. the file exists), then there's no need...

Implementing basic file system

As a college project I need to implement a basic file system from within a file. So how do I go about this? What are the things that I would need to know? The requirements include having a daemon process in the background. Also the applications that use this system need to connect to the server using a Unix domain socket The file system...

What is memPtr in this code?

i seen this code but i found some confusion so plzz suggest what is memPtr in this code? when i run that code an error is occured memPtr doesnot exist in the current context. public class WinAPI { [DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern IntPtr NtQueryInformationFile(IntPtr fileHandle, ref IO_STATUS_...

Change file owner in Windows

Is there an API in Windows similar to Linux's chown? ...

How to delete ALL FILES in a specified directory on the app?

Given a directory [[self documentsDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Photos/"] how do I delete ALL FILES in this folder? (assume a correct documents directory path) ...

How to access and browse a network share via browser using javascript?

I'm helping a colleague to code an html page that has to display contents (documents) of a local network share. Html page will not be served by any web server, it will be just a plain html page served by file system. Does anyone know some javascript libraries that let users browse the share, listing files and folders? thanks Michel...

How to get a mount point from NT device name?

For example, I want to go from \Device\HarddiskVolume1 to C: without having to enumerate all the devices or mountpoints in the system. It seems like IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_QUERY_POINTS can do it but I wondering if there is another way. I've tried all functions on and they don't se...

Cross-platform solution for mounting a custom filesystem

I have a need to make my data part of the machine's file system. In windows it seems I have 3 options: Eldos' "Callback File System" ( Dokan ( Pismo File Mount ( Of these 3 option 1 (Eldos) is by far the best looking option. But ideally I would like to get a...

what languages are used in AI research today?

hi. I am currently dabbling in expert systems, emacs lisp, and reading up about artificial intelligence. Traditionally, artificial intelligence is associated with LISP and expert systems with CLIPS. However, I have noticed in computational sciences how much Python is being used. What about the area of artificial intelligence and mach...

File system support for FindFirstFileEx, limit to directories.

I am using the Windows API function FindFirstFileEx because it provides the capability to return just the sub-directories of a given directory (ignoring files). However when I call this function with the required flag, I still receive both files and directories. The MSDN documentation for the FindExSearchLimitToDirectories flag used b...

How to initialize a file system?

I have some partitions on /dev/sda. I want to remove them all of them programatically. One way is to list all partitions and then delete them one by one. Another way is to just execute dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda The first option failed when I got some problem with my partition table due to which the listing of the current partitions ...

Globally Unique IDs for files in Windows

I'm wondering how to get globally unique IDs for files and folders in Windows (XP, Vista and 7), and also be able to get the full path of the file or folder just by having the ID, something like getFileByGUID. I'm trying to do this in C++, C# and PHP. The globally unique IDs should stay the same even if the file is moved, so using the f...

storing images for embedded map application

I have rasterized map in different resolutions, which consists of 15K/60K/240K pictures each sized 256x256, and i have .NET Compact Framework application which can display the map. But it takes a lot of time to copy 300k files to SD card, approximately 35-60 hours (i copyied just 15K and it took ~ 2 to 2.5 hours), and i'm afraid it will ...

how to manage very large amount of data in folders

i have more than 25000 people data how can i manage this data so that there is no performance issue ...

How can I determine the type of SVN repository I have?

How can I determine the type of file system that is used by a given SVN repository? I want to create a new repository with svnadmin but want to make sure I am creating my new repository with consistent settings to other repositories already on the server. I dont want to setup a berkley db repository if all the others are FSFS on the sy...

Send custom information through Windows FileSystem Attributes

Before getting into the point, I'll give you an overview of what I want to do. Because I don't know if using Windows Filesystem attributes is the right option to do that. I have two components in the system. One of them is a ShellExtension that put an OverlayIcon when some condition is satisfied, and the other component is a Filesystem ...

Recommendations for file server to be used with Rails application.

I'm working on a Rails app that accepts file uploads and where users can modify these files later. For example, they can change the text file contents or perform basic manipulations on images such as resizing, cropping, rotating etc. At the moment the files are stored on the same server where Apache is running with Passenger to serve al...

How to prevent a file being copied or cut in windows file system?

I want that an exe file can't be copied or cut from the Windows file system to paste somewhere. The exe is made in C#. which must have to be in only one PC. I have worked with FileSystemWatcher, NSIS, Clipboard. but for all I need to detect whether that file is being copied. I also have seen 'Prevent'(http www d...