
Write file in sub-directory in Android

I'm trying to save a file in a subdirectory in Android 1.5. I can successfully create a directory using _context.GetFileStreamPath("foo").mkdir(); (_context is the Activity where I start the execution of saving the file) but then if I try to create a file in foo/ by _context.GetFileStreamPath("foo/bar.txt"); I get a exception sayin...

Why does the rename() syscall prohibit moving a directory that I can't write to a different directory?

I am trying to understand why this design decision was made with the rename() syscall in 4.2BSD. There's nothing I'm trying to solve here, just understand the rationale for the behavior itself. 4.2BSD saw the introduction of the rename() syscall for the purpose of allowing atomic renames/moves of files. From 4.3BSD-Reno/src/sys/ufs/uf...

Intercept a request to read a particular file and instead generate the apparent output of that file read programatically

Sorry for the long and yet still somehow vague title! A friend of mine has a Flash Action script running on a LAMP server that currently reads an xml config file. He's asked me if it's possible to remove the xml file, and replace it somehow with a system (lets call it an 'auto xml generator') that intercepts the request to read that fil...

.NET: How to copy files using Windows "Copy Files" dialog

Hello there, .NET: How can I copy the files using Windows "Copy Files" dialog. I need to bulk copy multiple files. Does there exists any .NET 2.0 library/method that allows me to do it in crossplatform manner without invoking Windows platform specific libraries. Thanks in advance. ...

replace file with hardlink to another file atomically

I have two directory entries, a and b. Before, a and b point to different inodes. Afterwards, I want b to point to the same inode as a does. I want this to be safe - by which I mean if I fail somewhere, b either points to its original inode or the a inode. most especially I don't want to end up with b disappearing. mv is atomic when ove...

How to store millions of pictures about 2k each in size

We're creating an ASP.Net MVC site that will need to store 1 million+ pictures, all around 2k-5k in size. From previous ressearch, it looks like a file server is probably better than a db (feel free to comment otherwise). Is there anything special to consider when storing this many files? Are there any issues with Windows being able...

iPhone Mobile Safari File System Access

Is it possible to write to a file in a native iPhone application and have a Safari browser read from that file after having the browser opened from the native app? Alternatively (and this would be great!), would it be possible to launch a mobile Safari webapp from a native iPhone app, and have that application access the OS 3.0 External...

Avoiding problem of overwriting files which are in use

For example on a high traffic web server. To reduce problems when switching a file I usually rename the old file out and then rename in the new file. I was told some time ago that renaming a file does not change the 'inode data' so that processes reading the file can keep doing so without glitches. And, of course, rather than copying i...

Adding custom/new properties to any file regardless of type and extension e.g. setting 'Author' on a .txt file

I want the ability add properties and tags to a file (specifically ebook files and ebook related properties in Windows 7 but interested to go so for as many OSes as possible) For e.g. Example.txt or Example.doc or Example.epub should all store and carry properties like 'Author', 'Publication date', 'Tags' etc.. the properties should b...

PHP: Mapped Network Drives

Hello all, I have mapped a network drive to a computer in my home network. Now I am trying to access it via PHP - I did this quick test: echo opendir('Z:\\'); This gives me: Warning: opendir(Z:\) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No error in C:\wamp\www\webs\tester-function.php on line 3 What have I done wrong here? I don'...

Unlink deleting more than just the files passed to it.

I'm creating an SQL file, placing this file into a zip file with some images and then deleting the SQL file with unlink.Strange thing is it deletes the zip file as well. if (file_put_contents($sqlFileName, $sql) !== false) { $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($workingDir . $now . '.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE) === true) ...

Dojo reading a json file from a local filesystem using dojo.xhrGet

Hello, I'm trying to read a file from a local filesystem. I do not have a server at my disposal and thus i'm trying to do it this way. Here is what I got so far; function init(){'UniversalBrowserWrite'); dojo.xhrGet( { url: "/json/coursedata.json", handle...

Implementing Qt File Dialog with a Different File System Library (boost)

Hi, I am writing an application which requires me to use another file system and file engine handlers and not the qt's default ones. Basically what I want to be able to do is to use qt's file dialog but have an underlying file system handler (for example built using boost file system library) of mine handling all the operations with reg...

Resetting NTFS dirty bit

Hi folks! I'd like to know whether it's possible to clear the NTFS dirty bit in bash script. Thanks, User114788 ...

Out of Core Implementation of a Quadtree

Hi, I am trying to build a Quadtree data structure(or let's just say a tree) on the secondary memory(Hard Disk). I have a C++ program to do so and I use fopen to create the files. Also, I am using tesseral coding to store each cell in a file named with its corresponding code to store it on the disk in one directory. The problem is tha...

Determine FileSystem of USB Drive

Is there a way to determine if a USB drive has been formatted as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS? ...

File size monitoring in C#

Hello, I work in the Systems & admin team and have been given the task of creating a quota management application to try and encourage users to better manage there resources as we currently have issues with disc space and don't enforce hard quotas. At the moment I'm using the code below to go through all the files in a users homespace ...

Elegant way to take basename of directory in Python?

I have several scripts that take as input a directory name, and my program creates files in those directories. Sometimes I want to take the basename of a directory given to the program and use it to make various files in the directory. For example, # directory name given by user via command-line output_dir = "..." # obtained by OptPars...

how can I copy files to the file system of android?

How can I copy files to the file system (place) in android? How can I access it? ...

What's the fastest way to get directory and subdirs size on unix using Perl?

I am using Perl stat() function to get the size of directory and its subdirectories. I have a list of about 20 parent directories which have few thousand recursive subdirs and every subdir has few hundred records. Main computing part of script looks like this: sub getDirSize { my $dirSize = 0; my @dirContent = <*>; my $sizeOfFilesInDi...