
Getting physical sector of a filesystem directory entry

Is there a way to know the sector/cluster number a directory entry in Window? If there's a separate or absent solution for NTFS/FAT32, it's ok, I can live with it. Thanks, Max ...

chmod() and chown() of a symlink file in PHP

Are there PHP commands to change file access permissions/owner of a symlink file as opposed to those of the object the symlink points to? From the shell I can $ mkdir adir $ ln -s adir alink $ chmod 0700 alink -- changes permissions of directory adir $ chmod -h 0700 alink -- changes permissions of file alink but I don't ...

Mac OS X File / Folder Management: When to Copy instead of Move

The Finder uses some kind of rules to determine if an Item can be moved or will be copied. After dragging an Item, in certain cases Finder shows a drag-copy-cursor. Are these rules in an API available? Checked with Spotlight-Metadata, NSURL and NSFileManager: no result. Here's what i came up with: if a Folder contains a ".localized"...

Detect when a directory or file changes

Other than reading all the files and comparing them with a previous snapshot, is there a way to detect when a directory changes in C# with Windows? I don't mind PInvoke if that's what it takes. ...

Rewrite path before processing directory?

I'm having a small problem with my htaccess files. Currently, it redirects everything back to index.php for processing, except when someone tries to access an actual directory. When the directory exists, it displays the 403 error page instead of rewriting the path to index.php like it's supposed too. What can I modify to make it always g...

What information is contained in the NTFS metadata?

I want to know what information is contained in the NTFS metadata. But I couldn't find the paper anywhere. I guess the metadata has a filename, a size and an attributes etc. Has NTFS metadata also got a Shortpath name? What information is contained in the NTFS metadata? Do you know a good site or a page about this? If you do, please le...

User-dependent file content

Hi. For some unfortunate reasons, I have to convert a proprietary and binary library from a one-user per workstation to a multi-user per workstation setup. Current setup. A user uses a program linked against a library. This library reads a system wide configuration file (using an hard-coded path, ie /usr/local/thelib/main.conf ) which ...

[Sync Service for File System] How to get the list of changed files/folders which are going to be synchronised?

Currently in my application, I want to temporary lock all the changed items (files/folders) which are to-be-synchronized ones. I notice the method DetectChanges() (of class Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.FileSyncProvider) but everything detected seem to be internal. Is there a way to get that list? Please help. ...

open limitation based on file size

Is there any limitation on "open" based on file size. ? My file size is 2 GB will it open successfully and is there any timing issue can come ? filesystem is rootfs. ...

How can I make OS X recognize drive letters?

Possible Duplicate: How can I make OS X recognize drive letters? I know. Heresy. But I'm in a bind. I have a lot of config files that use absolute path names, which creates an incompatibility between OS X and Windows. If I can get OS X (which I'm betting is the more flexible of the two) to recognize "Q:/foo/bar/bim.propert...

Run a C# application from python script

I've just about finished coding a decently sized disease transmission model in C#. However, I'm fairly new to .NET and am unsure how to proceed. Currently I just double-click on the .exe file and the model imports config setting from text files, does its thing, and outputs the results into a text file. What I would like to do next i...

FileSystem that uses tags rather than folders?

Hello stackoverflow community, I have a problem. My files are a mess, I try to structure them into folders with names that describe what they are in a recursive class-brake-down sense but later on I have trouble finding the file again when I go looking for it (the one file can possible exist in many folders). Does anyone know of a file...

NT FileManagement functions

I have been analysing Ntdll file system functions from the total ntdll function list. First, I obtain the total function list from ntdlls export directory. Next, I seperated the file management set from the total function list and tried hooking the entire file management set. However, I miss to hook a function, which i dint know. Hence...

Where is the journal on the Extended file system?

Where exactly is the journal on the EXT3/EXT4 file system, ive searched around and cant find a good answer. ...

How to check if file was changed since it was last read from? (C#)

I have a text file that several instances of the same app use to synchronize and exchange data between themselves. In a nutshell it's a plain text file that contains list of data files. These data files come and go on a regular basis. Is there a reliable way to know that some app wrote to the file since it was last read from? Normally y...

creating a tag-based website and not using programing?

Hi. I want to create a tag-based website, and I need a tool that I could use (preferably without programing). It's a site where a user could pick tags on a certain item (tags are to be listed under a few categories). On the other end - a visitor could choose a tag, and then be redirected to a few items on which that tag was selected the...

Information sought on filesystems and high-performance memory-mapped data stores on Windows

I've recently acquired responsibility for a critical system which is a data store featuring memory-mapped IO, multi-threaded (local) clients, and an interesting mixture of constraints. It has to store a mix of serial and indexed data including sparse 3D data of varying levels of detail. Performance is critical, including being able to w...

File Read/Write vs Database Read/Write

Which is more expensive to do in terms of resources and efficiency, File read/write operation or Database Read/Write operation ...

Is there a counterpart of Mac OS-X filesystem bundles on Windows?

What I need is a directory which the user can handle as a single file in the Windows explorer. Does something like this exist? If not, what comes closest? ...

Filesystem walking iterator from the terminal

Is there a simple bash executable program (SIMPLE!!! in the repositories!) to iterate the file tree in a specified order (infix, prefix, postfix whatever) while executing a function on the files? Specifically i want to make a large list of the names of files on the root of one or more dirs. I could do this on java easy (in fact i alread...