
Why does this loopback device creation malfunction?

At the bottom of the code you can see it failing. In fact, I'll put it here at the start too because it is the problem I need to solve: [350591.924819] EXT4-fs (loop0): bad geometry: block count 9750806 exceeds size of device (9750168 blocks) I don't understand why the device is supposedly too small. I made this partition two days ago...

How can I use nftw(...) and define the block size for the stat function

Hi, I want to use nftw() to traverse my file system directory structure and sum up how many space each directory is using. I don't want to use du because it make fork call. I used nftw (with the flag - FTW_PHYS), nftw calls stat but i noticed that the default block size is 512bytes , while my file system use a different block size. any ...

Read and write file in iPhone

Hello, How to make file read/write operation on iPhone?which is the path i need to specify to save the file? how can i get the current working directory in iPhone? Thank You ...

FTP / File Manager system required

Hello I am looking for a third-party FTP/File Management system to integrate into a website that will allow: -User accounts -Ability to create folders and upload / download various types of files Simple as that really, I am not sure on the terminology that helps searching for a system like this. If anyone has used a decent service / ...

How can I tie togeather extra space on Macintosh desktops with a distributed filesystem?

I have access to a bunch of Mac desktops, the hard drives of which are under-utilized. I want to set up a distributed filesystem to gang them together into one large virtual volume. The server has to be able to run as a normal user. I've tried PVFS2, but it's designed for Linux and isn't running well on OSX (hangs the clients on write)....

Python - Make Script to Manipulate Windows File Paths but running on Linux

I have this script which processes lines containing windows file paths. However the script is running on Linux. Is there a way to change the os library to do Windows file path handling while running on linux? I was thinking something like: import os os.pathsep = '\\' (which doesn't work since os.pathsep is ; for some reason) My sc...

basename_r/dirname_r in Linux

Some POSIX functions are not threadsafe. Examples are dirname and pathname. The dirname() function need not be reentrant. A function that is not required to be reentrant is not required to be thread-safe. On some platforms there are reentrant versions of dirname and pathname: dirname_r and pathname_r. As far as I found out there ar...

list recursively all files and folders under the giving path?

I want to list the "sub-path" of files and folders for the giving folder (path) let's say I have the folder C:\files\folder1\subfolder1\file.txt if I give the function c:\files\folder1\ I will get subfolder1 subfolder1\file.txt ...

Most efficient way to update a flat file list

I have a database where each entry has a file path and a last modified field: 1284581625555 C:\docs\text1.txt 1284581646992 C:\docs\text2.txt 1284581654886 C:\docs\text3.txt 1284581662927 C:\docs\subfolder\text4.txt 1284581671986 C:\docs\subfolder\text5.txt ... Each entry also has a summary of the file contents, and the entries w...

grant account access to folder

I have the following code to grant account access to some folder: DirectoryInfo info = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo("C:\MyFreeFolder"); DirectorySecurity access = info.GetAccessControl(); FileSystemAccessRule rule = new FileSystemAccessRule("NETWORK SERVICE", FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow); access.AddAccessRule(...

Linux change group permission to match owner permissions

Suppose I have a directory on Linux with a bunch of files and subdirectories. This is that root directory: drwxr-xr-x 13 user1 group1 4096 May 7 15:58 apps Now, I only want to alter the group portion of those permissions. I want to alter it such that it matches exactly the owner portion. The result for that directory would be: d...

C# - Getting the folder name from a path

Hi Here is some code string path = "C:/folder1/folder2/file.txt"; What objects or methods could I use that would give me a result of folder2? Thank you in advance. ...

what api can be used to create a hard link to an existing inode on ext2/3

I did a big oops, but the file is still open and in use. Following (, copying from the /proc/###/fd/### to a new file is not useful because: the file is changing The filesize is 40G and the disk is full (150MB free) I am attempting to relink it to the filesystem (u...

How to set default CHMOD in LINUX terminal?

Previous Question just to understand what I'm doing: How to set chmod for a folder and all of its subfolders and files in Linux Ubuntu Terminal? So if I change the chmod to 755 for chmod 75 /opt/lampp/htdocs and I restart the system I want the files to be in chmod 755. ...

Mimic Context.getExternalFilesDir() prior to Android API Level 8?

Android API level 8 introduced the Context.getExternalFilesDir() method, providing a File object reference to an SD card path specific to your app. I am wondering how to mimic this as low as API level 5. I see there is a Context.getDir() method, but I can't tell from reading about it how this differs. ...

How does file sysem information get stored in memory?

Computers recognize different file systems. My question is, where exactly does this information get stored in a memory device (the specific location if any). Or does it not get stored anywhere & rather an operating system tests the system (memory device) against a known set of file systems (like ext3, ntfs, etc) ? With reference to the ...

How does the length of a filename affect remaining storage space on a disk?

How does the length of a filename affect remaining storage space on a disk? I realize this is filesystem dependent. In particular I am thinking about the EXT series of file systems. I don't fully understand how inodes affect disk space and how the filename itself is stored. It's difficult to get relevant search results for this question...

How to get the virtual "Desktop" root as shown in the Windows Explorer?

I need to create a directory tree similar to the one shown in the Windows Explorer. Using SpecialFolders doesn't help since these folders are physical folders. So, is there any representation of these virtual folders like "Desktop", "Computer" or "Network" in .NET? By the way, there's a solution to this problem in Java using ShellFolder...

C# FileSystemWatcher Serious Problem?

I have implemented a FileSystemWatcher for a folder which resides on a NetworkStorage Device (having no O.S.). The scenario is, we have two machine says machine A and machine B. my application is having two buttons on my form Button1 and Button2. I have written code for renaming the Test.txt file. Button1: renaming the file Test.txt...

How/where is the working directory of a program stored?

When a program accesses files, uses system(), etc., how and where is the current working directory of that program physically known/stored? Since logically the working directory of a program is similar to a global variable, it should ideally be thread-local, especially in languages like D where "global" variables are thread-local by def...